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My is DarkMagicEn-Forcer1 I am not a brony but I did like the show. I like Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, Team Fortress 2, Fairy Tail, Sonic and Power Rangers. When I heard about theses displace fics I count me i

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My Throughs on the Raven vs Twilight Sparkle Death Battle · 7:28pm Feb 28th, 2018

This latest Death Battle just came out on youtube today. So if you don't want to be spoiled on who won I suggest you go watch the video now.

During the last two weeks since I heard about Raven vs Twilight was the next death battle I had a feeling that Raven would win that fight. And today that feeling was proven right as Raven has defeated Twilight Sparkle.

So let see now. So Rainbow Dash is the first one out of the Mane 6 to both being in a death battle and won against G1 Starscream. Pinkie Pie being the second but she has not won or lost against Deadpool but it end with a partly. And then there Twilight Sparkle she is being the third one in the Death battle but she is the first one out the Mane 6 to have lost one.

The reason why I felt that Raven would win because it was a 1 on 1 fight and Twilight always had her friends with her to defeated the big bad guy.

But this is just my through on the latest Death Battle on youtube.

Report DarkMagicEn-Forcer1 · 593 views ·
Comments ( 16 )

I agree with your reasoning, I mean Twilight had only one solo battle but she kept losing to Suelight Glitter.

4807292 Yeah and that is when she wasn't boosted with the other three princess's magic like when she was duking it out with Triek.

problem. they used show twilight but mostly comci raven. its not a viald one

4807319 Even so It's still a 1 on 1 fight.

true but they also only counted for their magic sheilds. raven's body not counting the soul whatchma call it is normal. plus how can raven strip twlight of her magic and why the hell would twi yell loudly "it worked."

4807335 watch the video again. You might have miss something on Raven's part

I find your reasoning... logical. But maybe thats just my Raven fanboy side kicking in.

or maybe its a case of the errors of the show. plus they never used twilights abilltiy to quickly learn magic. she could have dissected how ravens magic worked and counter. just trust me. death battle is for fun.

I know that this isn't between me and you, but allow me to throw my $0.02 in and say that in the Batman vs Spider-Man death battle, the reason why Batman lost was due to the fact he didn't have the time to prepare, due to it being on fly. Perhaps it's a similar situation here.

you do know if they gave him prep time they would have had to give peter prep time as well right?

Yes, I know, but referring back to Raven vs Twilight sparkle. I believe that in the heat of the moment, things can be unintentionally omitted, and I honestly think Twilight was more concerned with neutralizing the threat, (in this case, Raven), rather than fully disecting how Raven's magic functioned

Could i get a link i cant find it

I know this discussion took place a while back, but I just had to throw my thought in.
When Death Battle analyses combatants they take into account EVERYTHING about them that is cannon. Which includes comics, shows etc. and pick out everything that is the most OP.
The reason why they focused on comic Raven is because she mostly appeares in comics. The only times she shows anywhere else is in Teen Ttans, Teen Titans GO!, Teen Titans the two movies. While MLP Twilight is the exact opposite, she primarily shows in the show and less in comic book.
And as for when you asked how could Raven suck out Twilights magic, the answer is simple.
She didn't.
Instead she sucked out her emotions. It is told in Death Battle that Raven is an empath and is capable of suppresing other peoples emotions. And since ponies rely a lot on their emotions to cast their magic it is reasonable to believe that Twilight would lose her magic if she had emotions sucked out.
And finally for your arguement that Twilight can quickly learn and analyze magic. There is a difference between theory and parctice. Yes Twilight has shown many times that she is talented with magic and can come up with some fun spells.
But that is only when she had time to prepare. And also while someone is in a life or death situation their thought process isn't as sharp as it is normally, since you only have seconds to react as opposed to hours or days of preparation.

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