• Member Since 25th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 25th, 2023


Virginibus puerisque canto. - Horace | O tempora, o mores! - Cicero | Ex Africa semper aliquid novi. - Pliny The Elder

More Blog Posts54

  • 327 weeks
    Uganda Knuckles is just new-school blackface comedy minstrel bullshit, don't @ me.

    Big googly eyes and huge lips were a staple of racist caricatures of black people. I imagine most people will pretend it isn't, but as a thought exercise, just google "racist caricatures" and you'll see the ancestors of the uganda knuckles shit that the internet is patting itself on the back over.

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  • 327 weeks

    We are currently experiencing the worst economic crisis since the great depression, but it's okay because the invisible hand of the free market is going to gently caress us while our New Empire accelerates its decline.

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  • 327 weeks
    "Communist countries are bad because death squads!"

    My child, you can get summarily executed by paramilitary death squads right here in the US of A and people not only enjoy this, but they routinely vote for MORE death squads with MORE heavy weapons and military equipment.

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    Fash the Pony Fiction: Or, How Things Work

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  • 346 weeks
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A Glorious Reversal! · 12:24am Jul 15th, 2015

Greetings, friends. Your Humble Servant has fought free from a horrible chest cold, and is no longer expectorating phlegm or feeling like throwing up, every so often.

Things are (seemingly) improving all around, not just with Yours Truly, but in the state of the world in general, in my opinion, what with the Confederate Flag finally being ripped down from its staff some 200+ years too late (but better late than never, I always say!), Same-Sex marriage finally being accepted unconditionally within the USA by the order of the Supreme Court, Iran finally being at liberty to develop safe, clean Nuclear Energy, and the Greek people rebelling against the heavy-handed corporate plutocracy attempting to wage financial warfare - yes, #thisisacoup, all right. A hostile takeover, if you will - an example of what happens when company boardroom tactics are applied to the real world.

In EUROPE, much to the non-surprise of anyone who has studied history and is familiar with Greek History - you know, the people who gave us theater, democracy, Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras, Anaxagoras, Homer (not the yellow guy who eats donuts, you guys, but the one who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey) - the people of Greece voted overwhelmingly to throw off the onerous shackles of what financial analyst Max Keiser rightfully calls Criminal Debt. The choice was NAI(yes) or OXI(no), and the resounding cry of the Greek citizens was OXI, OXI, OXI!

It gladdened my heart to see that the Greeks refuse to bow under the terrorist-like demands of the Troika - yes, I went there, because the measures demanded by Greece's creditors are nothing short of financial terrorism; they might as well just go down to the Greek Parliament and hold a gun to Tsipras's head, while shouting, in the style of Highwaymen of old, "STAND AND DELIVER!"

In fact, one of the primary methods of terrorists is to issue (often unreasonable) demands, such as the ridiculously punitive austerity measurs Greece's creditors are asking for.

I expected nothing less - if I were in the boardroom of Deutsche Bank, I would have jumped up on the table and laughed my butt off at the morons who genuinely expected the people that destroyed the Persian Empire to fold under the loanshark-like tactics of the Troika. It's like, do you even Herodotus, bruh? You don't fuck around the Greeks. It's just not a thing that you do, and the EU - Germany foremost among them - seems to be learning that the hard way.

A blow has been struck for actual democracy - not the dog-and-pony show fueled with ill-gotten money that people like to call democracy, but real, actual democracy, wherein the people decide the course that their government should take, as opposed to tiny cabals of rich people who make their decisions and then pay their henchmen and henchwomen to take action.

The Persian Empire waged actual warfare against the Greek people, as did the Axis nations during WWII, and now, the EU and their cronies are waging Financial Warfare against Greece, in the form of crooked loans purposefully engineered to destroy a nation from the inside out, through haemorrhaging money. This is the new form of warfare. By assaulting a nation's economy, not with tanks, guns, and bombs, but with crookedly designed loans engineered to cripple the nation's GDP and increase its dependence on foreign investors, other countries can effectively take control of that nation, replace its government with something more like what they prefer, and impose incredibly harsh restrictions - usually in the form of austerity - upon its population.

This is not much different from military occupation.

You can't compel people with a whip and a carrot any more, either, which is something the Corporate Oligarchy in control of global funds doesn't seem to understand. They, too, appear to have ignored the lessons of history. In Rome, the plebs threw down rich people who got ideas above their means, and in France, the commoners fed rich people and nobles to Madame Guillotine.

"Madame Guillotine?" you're probably saying. "Is she a new pony in S5?"

Well, you can ride her, but you probably won't live to enjoy it.

This is Madame Guillotine. Her favorite food? Rich people who believe that Money makes them Small Gods, and Authority Figures who genuinely believe that they have the Final Word over us plebs.

Her job is to protect the small and weak from the mighty and the affluent. She is quite a sharp-tongued, clever French jade, whose charms will truly leave you breathless.

There is an important lesson to be learned in the Greek Debt Crisis That Isn't - lessons, even.

1.) You are always at liberty to say no. This is important, because, in this modern world, a lot of people display a stunning inability to say no, or to give way under every demand everyone imposes upon them, ever. Submissiveness is upheld as a virtue, and those who run rough-shod all over other people's ideas and decisions are celebrated as 'good leaders', when, in fact, they are merely imposing their own demands upon unwilling subjects.

You don't actually have to do what other people command you to. You are at liberty to throw off the people who wish to impose their will upon you.

2.) Europa is on the verge of failure. There can never be a United Europe under the current conditions, and a Grexit scenario is hardly the apocalyptic collapse of civilization that EU advocates insist is at our door. Again, we may refer to history - when the Roman Empire collapsed, there was some disarray, indeed, but things returned to normal, soon-ish.

I think the demise of the Roman Empire concludes that Europe will not be united in the near future, at least until Humanity exits this infantile stage, where we want more shiny toys and more money, and more...stuff, at the cost of the general public.

Mind you, I was desperately hoping Europa would stick. It was a beautiful idea, even if it was shortly subverted by the international banking cartels currently strangling the life out of Greece, and the ideal of a United Europe is something to admire, even if you don't really care about that sort of thing. I especially liked their choice of anthem, as Beethoven's 9th is one of my favorite pieces of classical music, and I listen to it frequently.

I am monitoring the Greek scenario via multiple news sources, such as The Guardian, FT, RT, and other aggregates, and I suggest you do so as well. Seriously. Turn off the MLP for a second (just for a second!) and take a look at the actual drama unfolding in real life. It'll be worth it - trust me.

IN THE USA, same-sex marriage has been authorized by the government, much to the fear and terror of many Christian Fundamentalists, all of whom are eaten up with rage, and are hurrying to compare the USA to Sodom and Gomorrah, which is an exercise in false equivalence if ever I've seen one.

Meanwhile, US white supremacists are organizing massive protests against the removal of a symbol of hate and treachery, because, you know, as if they haven't already destroyed whatever chances they might have had with proving themselves to be actual human beings and not, you know, sacks of faecal matter, they have chosen to double down on their hatred.

Some of them are even bouncing around, declaring the suspect of the Charleston massacre to be a hero and a saint of all things White, and openly calling for more actions along those lines, while at the same time shedding big tears about how they're 'under attack', and how 'white genocide' is the Order of the Day in the US, because of course they just can't let it go (LET IT GO! YOU'LL NEVER SEE ME CRY!).

Let that sink in for a moment. While small cells of white people are going mentally insane, via church massacres or church burnings (a vast swathe of Afro-American churches have been torched in what are obviously racially-based acts of arson - it would seem as though the KKK has gone from merely burning crosses to burning entire churches, which is a step up), apparently, according to the white supremacist agitprop sources, white people are under attack from 'the other'.

You don't have to take my word for it - all you gotta do is go to Youtube and read the comments for a video with 100K views; there's gonna be some nutjob, usually with a UserID like "WHITE-WARRIOR" or "WHITE POWER", babbling the usual nonsense about how Africa is for Africans (nevermind the large populations of white people and Asian people there - they are merely the fever-dreams of a deluded mind) and Asia is for the Asians (again, ignoring the communities of white people living there), but white people don't have a nation to themselves (because Iceland, Norway, and other majority white countries do not exist).

For the record, I hate using the term 'white people', just as I hate using the term 'black people', and eschew it in favor of "African" or "Afro-American", but these white supremacists command that we inferior types call them 'white'. Personally, I prefer to use terms like "German-American", et al., instead of using the stupid catch-all term 'white people', but they demand that we use that term, so there we go.

Apparently the white race is far too superior for such things like Logic and Reason. Aryan Master Race, indeed.

I am currently wondering why the US Government isn't responding to them the way they respond to most terrorist organizations - by bombing them. You know, with UGBs, and then some Tomahawk Missiles, and then some covering fire from an AC-130U 'Spooky' gunship, just to ensure they're all taken care of.

In fact, we should all relocate ourselves to an island in the Pacific, and then nuke them from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. Someone make me a Five-Star Pentagon general right now - I have to propose this idea before the Secretary of Defense.

It disturbs me that there is even any dialogue about this issue. You wouldn't want Al-Qaeda or ISIS putting up a flag on American soil, so why, in the name of all things good, are we even having a debate about the Confederate Flag? The Confederate flag represents death, treason, hate, and enmity towards the United States of America, and should not even be considered in any positive light.

It's your choice if you want to fly it, of course, just like you have the choice to strap bombs to yourself and detonate them in a public place. It does not, however, make you a good person, and it doesn't make us intolerant for expressing concerns about your behaviour.

I do not want to reason with White Supremacists, and neither should anyone else. People like them and Dylan Roof are like rabid, frothy-mouthed dogs. You can sit down and speak to them, and they will respond to your reasonable, well-thought-out dialogue by tearing your throat and jugular out. There is only one solution, and that is to shut them all down.

Furthermore, as a person of Color, if White Supremacists want to build their own nation, they are at liberty to do so, in my opinion, and we will stay the fuck away from them.

We will display our respect towards their wishes by staying the fuck away from them.

They can practice their weird familial incest practices to 'ensure the purity of their race', and we will help by staying the fuck away from them.

Notice a recurring thread, here? It's totally okay with me if they want to be alone. I have no overriding wish to hang out with them.

Their fears of People of Color invading their private spaces are totally unfounded, because I, for one, definitely don't want to be around a bunch of insane people who believe totally weird shit, like, for example, that Nazis are cool, and that White People Are Superior.

I feel sorry for people who want to hang out with white supremacists. Leave them alone. Don't try to convert them; if they want to march around in little circles, waving their little flags, then they are probably going to do it, no matter how much you point out to them that they are, in fact, totally bugshit insane.

Comments ( 4 )

Well said. And welcome back. :twilightsmile:

Welcome back.
And - wow :rainbowhuh: that's a lot of text. I read the first part about Greece already (and I agree with you there. Worst part: My own government is in the front line of this plot against Greece. It is atrocious to watch how things go down here.
But I've decided once that FiMFic is a politics-free zone for me, so I won't go in further details. (I have no problem with other people around here get into politics, but this is my happy little place to get some relief from exactly this things...)


Thank you.

It's really not your government's fault. We, the United States of America, give the commands to other NATO alliance nations.

Also, if you want to know how I feel, it's Deutsche Bank at issue, here, not so much your whole government. This isn't the first time a bank, or a cartel of banks, caused a disaster within a nation's populace - we had that happen over here with Goldman Sachs and Lehman Bros.

I'm not holding you or your people responsible for the actions of a select few people (backed by Americans) who demand stuff, because reasons. I am actually sympathetic with all parties involved here, unlike the people bitterly decrying Germany, because I know who the real culprits are, and so do people like Max Keiser, who is an actual financial analyst.

The only people I am not sorry for are the bankers who are trying to shed big tears, and cry, and wail about how everyone is going to collapse if they don't get their marks back. They'll be fine. They are always fine. They float down on golden parachutes, while the common people starve and are evicted from their houses.

Regarding the Deutsche Bank / Gouvernment-thing:
There is a proverb here: Josef Ackermann (the former head of the DB) doesn't mind who is chancellor beneath him.
But I'd say, without corruption, or without the lack of confidence of our politicans it wouldn't be this easy.

I mean our government doesn't have anything better to do, than defend the banks actions, frame the Greece people for this whole desaster, and lie most of the time. And with lying I mean saying obvious wrong things to us. They don't even care if we believe the shit they tell us. They don't even have this little rest of respect to put effort in their stories.

There is another proverb:
"Why do you resist? You can't stop them anyway."
"Because without me, they would have had it easier."

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