• Member Since 24th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 9th, 2015


A Pasty Plebeian Pencil Pusher

More Blog Posts497

  • 476 weeks
    I'm Basically Done

    I hate to say it, but I've moved on from fan fiction, and really the whole brony community as a whole. As with all things, you just get bored of it eventually, and I think that times has come for me. Who knows, maybe I'll have time for this stuff later in life, but I think it's time to say goodbye. I've been spending a lot of time working on music and stuff; my band is playing at the Burlington

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    7 comments · 444 views
  • 479 weeks
    Private Groups

    Because we don't already have skype for that.
    (in all seriousness, cool feature, and will be good for those who don't have skype)

    0 comments · 315 views
  • 481 weeks
    A Temporary Loss In Interest, And In Time

    So I haven't been on here very much in the last two weeks. I've been keeping busy with things, schools things, and adjusting to taking more hours at my job. I'm also not feeling particularly inspired in terms of ponyfic, but I do have some ideas I want to write before I call writing quits (which will probably happen within the next year, honestly. Though I'll probably still pop in here as long as

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    0 comments · 287 views
  • 482 weeks
    Bernie Sanders is running for President

    Now I don't have to vote for somebody I hate in my first ever year of eligibility.

    4 comments · 345 views
  • 482 weeks
    Testing Testing 1, 2, 3

    So today, after spending all day studying for my upcoming AP exam, working 8 hours at my new* job, and then doing more of the same, I decided to unwind and try and catch up on season 4, which I admittedly never finished. And what do I get when unwinding? An episode about fracking tests for Baltar's sake. It's like mlp is trying to tell me to study instead of wasting time watching cartoons. Joke's

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    3 comments · 339 views

I Have A Tumblr Now · 4:40pm Apr 21st, 2015

I have several reasons for this, but the only good ones I can think of are that my girlfriend and all of her friends have them and it's fun to be able to talk about being a socialist with other people who are socialists. Those are the main things. Anyhow, I'm going to link to it even though I know you people aren't as stupid as me and therefore won't wade into the cesspool that is Tumblr. But on the off chance that you're willing to brave the torturous journey, check out my blog.

The Reinforcements Have Arrived

*for those keeping score at home, my url is actually titled after my bio on here, not the other way around*

Report Garbo · 338 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

I have one of those, but I haven't used it in months :C

Ick. Hope you're not overly fond of your brain cells. I hear if you lose enough of them to Tumblr, you can become an SJW.

I already am a SJW, but only about LGBT rights, mostly because I'm bi. I'm a bit selfish that way, but you certainly won't see me shouting the praises of food babe or reblogging the top 11 reasons the patriarchy needs to be stopped.

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