• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Aug 13th, 2017


More Blog Posts9

  • 417 weeks

    Hi. How's it goin? I got chapter 5 outlined, just filling in the details. I am also going to go back through chapters 1-5 and fix all the little annoying editing mistakes that I made like not properly closing quotation marks and indenting things and blah. Chapter 6 is also in the works so that will be out soon after chapter 5.

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  • 477 weeks
    Mental fogs

    So, I dunno if you guys know about this phenomenon, but you probably do. If your body remains inactive for a long time, not only does your body atrophy, but your mind slows down as well. I've been exercising recently and going outside and doing stuff because I felt like it, and I began to get more alert and be able to think more clearly. When I started the story, i was just sitting around all day

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  • 480 weeks
    chapta 10

    So here's the dealio. I'm writing this next chapter, and it's taking fuckin forever because its like a million words long. I want to chop it up into two, but there's not a good carry over point. Maybe i'll make one and put out two chapters because the first part is pretty much done. Oh and by the way, there's a really cute girl standing infront of me as i type this, but she's looking at

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  • 483 weeks
    Yea, what then!

    So, another update. yep. another. with poor capitalization, punctuation and more explosions.

    I'm homeless, that's the big thing that happened and why I have to write by hand now, but that's not the important part, the important part is that the library i go to (am at now) will be closed until the 6th. so today is the only day i can go and update the story.

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  • 486 weeks
    Dat library

    I'm writing again, although I have to go to the public library in order to type up and upload the story. I'm writing by hand and then going to the library to upload. Therefore, chapters may be shorter, but i'll also be writing again because i am bored at night with nothing to do. I'm already about halfway done with the next chapter, tomorrow it should be fully up. So stand by for some more action

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Life stuffs · 8:30am Apr 20th, 2015

So, first off, huzzah, the blogs have been tripled. Also, I have to perhaps kind of maybe drop that "a chapter every friday" promise because I'm an asshole. I do however, have the next few chapters planned out, so maybe I'll be able to stick to the timeline because blah.

Now for the important part. I'm going to be re-writing the first few chapters. Mainly just updating them to be within rules like "don't put copyrighted lyrics" in the story. So yea. Also I found some conflicting information in one of the chapters which i'm going to be taking care of, and finally, for story's sake, i'll be adjusting some of the events that take place. I'll put a footnote on the title page to point anyone who cares to look at the "new" chapters.

Oh, and I adjusted the description of the story because it was shit, hopefully I get more people to read now. :pinkiecrazy:

Report Ajemuha · 214 views · Story: The End of an Era ·
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