Yea, what then! · 3:45pm Jul 2nd, 2015
So, another update. yep. another. with poor capitalization, punctuation and more explosions.
I'm homeless, that's the big thing that happened and why I have to write by hand now, but that's not the important part, the important part is that the library i go to (am at now) will be closed until the 6th. so today is the only day i can go and update the story.
HOWEVER! I have a laptop i fixed so I can type up the story and when shit opens again on monday, you'll have your update and the first 3 chapters will be re written (prologue,1, and 2..... maybe 3 if i feel like being cool.) SO there's that to look forward to. also don't worry, i'm alright (even if you care ;))