• Member Since 8th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 22nd, 2017

Midnight Sprint

More Blog Posts18

  • 406 weeks
    It has been AGES, but I'm back

    Regrettably, my computer died not just once, but twice. Now that things are recovered and working, I'll HOPEfully be back on track with at least one or two of these stories.

    I DO plan on finishing DisQord, as disjointed and hectic a read as it is.

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  • 441 weeks
    Writing Update and The Future of My Stories

    Well, I do apologize for not continuing my writing as I planned.

    For all two of you at best who are following these stories.

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  • 478 weeks
    Stories Update!

    Alright, for anyone out there who's actually paying attention to my fictions here:

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  • 501 weeks
    The Oldest World, revived

    Alright! So, despite plenty of stress and pain being thrown my way, I've decided to move forward with my fanfiction called "The Oldest World".

    A few reasons being that I am uncertain on how to move ahead with DisQord at the moment. I'm just stuck. So until I can figure out how I want to wrap it up in a way that I feel comfortable with, I'm going to have to keep that on hold.

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    0 comments · 218 views
  • 517 weeks
    Contemplating putting DisQord on indeterminate hiatus

    For multiple reasons, I'm considering putting DisQord on an indeterminate hiatus.
    I appreciate those of you who have been supporting me and the chapters.
    I enjoy the ideas I've had, sharing them, and hearing support from a modest group of you readers.

    But I know that (as has been made abundantly clear) stopping would make some of you quite happy, so I suppose there's that.

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The Oldest World, revived · 9:14am Mar 26th, 2015

Alright! So, despite plenty of stress and pain being thrown my way, I've decided to move forward with my fanfiction called "The Oldest World".

A few reasons being that I am uncertain on how to move ahead with DisQord at the moment. I'm just stuck. So until I can figure out how I want to wrap it up in a way that I feel comfortable with, I'm going to have to keep that on hold.

The most important reason, however, is simply that I have the inspiration for The Oldest World. Between school and life, my drive for this story is just in the right place. Hopefully I can put at least one or two more out pretty soon in addition to this new chapter.

Anyway, I hope everyone finds it suitable. If you like it, please enjoy it, and if not, then I understand and hope you'll respectfully leave it be. There's too much drama and stress in the world, and nobody needs more trouble or mean words just because you don't like something for some reason.

Hope you're all well!

Report Midnight Sprint · 218 views · Story: The Oldest World ·
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