• Member Since 25th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 25th, 2023


Virginibus puerisque canto. - Horace | O tempora, o mores! - Cicero | Ex Africa semper aliquid novi. - Pliny The Elder

More Blog Posts54

  • 333 weeks
    Uganda Knuckles is just new-school blackface comedy minstrel bullshit, don't @ me.

    Big googly eyes and huge lips were a staple of racist caricatures of black people. I imagine most people will pretend it isn't, but as a thought exercise, just google "racist caricatures" and you'll see the ancestors of the uganda knuckles shit that the internet is patting itself on the back over.

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    5 comments · 628 views
  • 334 weeks

    We are currently experiencing the worst economic crisis since the great depression, but it's okay because the invisible hand of the free market is going to gently caress us while our New Empire accelerates its decline.

    Apparently we have reached the part where Trump goes bankrupt and then runs away.


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    8 comments · 474 views
  • 334 weeks
    "Communist countries are bad because death squads!"

    My child, you can get summarily executed by paramilitary death squads right here in the US of A and people not only enjoy this, but they routinely vote for MORE death squads with MORE heavy weapons and military equipment.

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    25 comments · 508 views
  • 334 weeks
    Fash the Pony Fiction: Or, How Things Work

    Good evening.

    I take a brief repose from my task of writing to report that things are not entirely good on the Home Front of the Front Lines of the Revolutionary Vanguard Party of the People here in the Military Empire of the United States (Occupied Turtle Island Territory).

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    14 comments · 561 views
  • 353 weeks
    Irma Makes Landfall; Richard Branson devastated over loss of luxury home

    Irma has made landfall on Floridian soil. The damage is exactly as bad as we imagined. It seems like an exact repeat of Harvey if not worse, with heavy flooding and high winds. Once again, it looks like you can sail your way down the streets. Looks like the oceans swallowed up Miami.

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    9 comments · 422 views

[Alsvid And The Serious Business] Stark Reality Update · 11:51pm Mar 16th, 2015

This ain't no vacation. Really, it isn't. I usually take holiday vacations from this site, on occasion, but I'll have you all know this time something quite serious did occur. My Internet Service Provider suspended my account, forcing me to post this off a library computer.

It's funny, really, because a few other people on this website, prior to my service being interrupted, also experienced being taken offline. This gives me reason to believe that there is a Conspiracy afoot.

You may wonder why I don't just use my cellphone to browse the Internet, like other sane individuals. Well, that got cut off as well.

That's my iOs platform. As you can see, I have no service. Very briefly, the power company shut off the electricity to my house, as well. It was terrifying, especially since I experienced a snowstorm during the interval without power. You can imagine the scene - Yours Truly, sitting in a freezing house, staring at a dead computer, wrapped with a quilt, of course, so that I could keep warm.

I also managed to forfeit two writing contests while all of this was going on, and for that, I apologize profusely. To make it up to you all, I have decided to see all four projects to completion.

Even if I have to write them on paper with my bare hands, I shall do so. These setbacks have only strengthened my resolve. I managed to pay off the power company, so my house has electricity again, allowing me to work on my computer, but, sadly, I am unable to connect to the Internet.

Fic Status:

Requiem of Goddess: IN PROGRESS
[Hidden Title]: IN PROGRESS
The Steakhouse At The End Of Ponyville: IN PROGRESS

Whew. It's been a pretty wild few weeks, guys. Being Exiled From The Internet, roughing it in my own house...oh, and I've started going back to school. The Time Has Come.

I have also been drawing fervently every day, so one day I can draw your OC's for you.

I think that's all. I'd like to apologize profusely to everyone, especially those who may have thought that I was busy having a great time on a beach somewhere, being hugged by people with large breasts while knocking back margaritas. I was very worried and upset about my FiMFic pals, and I hope that you weren't all sleepless with concern over my situation. I'll get through this. I swear!

Report Alsvid · 168 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Fairly sure I know what [Hidden Title] is. Cannot wait for that to update, lemme tell ya!

Oh, wouldya look at that? Wasn't expecting to see you here.



Partly why I want to get these Contest Submissions off my chest is so I can give my old fics some much-needed care and feeding, yes. :rainbowkiss: It's nice to see you too. And you might be surprised.

I could potentially work on all of them at the same time, but it strikes me as an unsafe idea.

It should be clear that, while I am not operating at maximum capacity, I have not stopped work and will continue to update. However, I'll be online sporadically, since I have to visit the Library to access the net.

This should change soon and I should have connectivity at my house in the near future! :heart: Thank you for believing in me.

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