• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
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Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.


Now a word from her Kindesty, Nightmare Whisper · 1:20am Feb 21st, 2015

Now a word from her Kindesty, Nightmare Whisper.

"My little ponies, equines, draconic, and others listening to the sound of your mommy Nightmare Whisper's voice. Why you reject me? Because I am the kindest of lies? Don't you realize we lie to ourselves, and lie to each other: Every. Single. Day? Why resist happy lies that make you happy? Don't you know you're only making yourselves miserable? Polite exchanges, are nothing more than lies themselves, how many times do they think ponies actually like that hat? Good business practices are nothing but well placed lies to the customers. This one big store decided to be honest with their customers, and nearly went out of business. I say again my little ponies, we lies to ourselves, and lie to each other at least three or five times a day. So what does it matter if it's the truth or not? As long as you're happy? Mommy Nightmare Whisper loves you, and I'll take care of you, look after you, and make sure nothing bad happens. Rejecting my happy world because it's just a lie? We don't even speak to figure out the truth, we speak to convince each other of what we want to be the truth. Accept the love of the kindest of lies."

Little Cute Flutternice would like some words too.

"Who'd turn down eating hay-stake in the Matrix, for slurping sludge in Zion?"

These have been the words of Her Kindesty, Nightmare Whisper, the Kindest of Lies.

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