• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
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Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.


Three different versions of POV Finale Chapter Six · 11:04pm Feb 19th, 2015

It turns out, Louis was so heart broken over the origin of Nightmare Manacle, that he didn't really put all his heart into his edits of the latter half of the chapter 'We're All Still Here' of the Pony POV Finale Arc.


Here are his edits in a raw form, with no changes by me, he felt he NEEDED to write these, for his emotional and mental peace of mind. He felt Rainbow Dash/Nightmare Manacle REALLY didn't act in a way that gave her pain proper due. http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/art/Louis-unfiltered-edits-of-We-re-All-Here-508973819

But I also felt some of Louis' changes made things too hardboiled and hardline, and made my own changes, to show these ponies STILL HAD HEARTS, and show who these ponies still were on the inside. http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/art/Pony-POV-We-re-All-Still-Here-Alt-Ver-LaterHalf-510998589

As it is for now, you're all free to chose which of these three versions of events are canon for the pony pov series.

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