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Stop mocking me! · 11:56pm Jan 3rd, 2015

So, I think the site is trying to tell me something..

You know the ads that appear on every page? Yea, that one. Most of the time it is absolutely random. Sometimes I'll get a Verizon ad (I use Verizon..) Or some car company. But for the last week, every other page has had the same ad. First I laughed, but it is starting to worry me. Kinda like when I was truely active here and found most of the ads were.... Naughty... Stupid dating sites and the like, bad dragon (why?....) And there were others, but its been 2 years, so yeah...

But this latest one...

What are you trying to say? I'm crazy? I'm not crazy! You're the one that's crazy! You're driving me crazy! All I wanted is a Pepsi, just one Pepsi!

Or, maybe, its saying I drink too much? Certainly, I did drink entirely too much on New Years. I lost track after I cleared the half gallon bottle of Jager.... There was also a pint of ever clear missing, and the half gallon of Captain Morgan was nearly dead. Good god, I'm an alcoholic.

But other than that night, I have hardly been drinking. A glass or two (sometimes three) of Captain&Coke every week, and that's all. Maybe I just need help? I know I have some problems, especially after i broke during my extended visit in county.... But I don't think I'm in that bad of shape?

Aaaand, in other news (this may just enforce the crazy, schizo thing) I no longer have a job at McBad. RantOn top of not getting hours, I usually get sent home early because there is no need for me there. That leads to me being absolutely livid, and it showed in how I cared nothing about the job. And then after I got sent home early (only there for two hours) I got called back in a few hours later. When I get there, my least favorite people to work with there was working, so I knew it would be bad. Not even half an hour in, the manager is criticizing every little thing I do/don't do. I tell her to shut up, I know how to do my job. I have a lot of experience there, unfortunately. Well, it gets worse, and the annoying manager-in-training, who hasn't been there but 3 months, and doesn't know half of anything there, starts ragging on me as well. I don't even say a word, just finish the couple orders I was making, grabbed my coat and left. It was a great feeling, though now its starting to creep up on me. But, I can still collect unemployment, though it has dropped from 390 a week to 289 a week. That's still more than my biweekly checks at McCraptastic!!!!! Oh good god, what is wrong with this world. /Rant I will be looking for jobs here, and be able to concentrate on that and packing, as well as getting over this evil cold that has me crawling along with the rest of the undead subhumans.. Well, Monday starts factory job hiring around here, so that should help. Wish me luck!!!

Report Racko · 211 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

Actually the bad dragon thing is a bug, I think Knighty asked people to report it to him if found.

Also, good luck!

2699030 well, I haven't seen a bad dragon in some time. Though I still question this schizo ad...

Shh, don't doubt the crazy, our xenomorph gods are trying to tell you something... Could it be you are the chosen one? By the Angelic voice of Steven Fry! We must sacrifice you to Catbug in order to stop Scott Manly piloting his entire Kerbal space fleet into the Discworld and destroying all our Potatos. He he he... You will be nibbled to death by adorable baby pandas...

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