This Frill and Marsh Tumblr was NOT my fault! · 5:22pm Dec 28th, 2014
Hey guys, more news that'll weird you out. If you read my horrible blog about how I'm a lazy loser and stopped writing Cold, I got even more... news of some sort! Hooray!
As I said in that other disappointing blog, I wasn't giving up on the Frill Spike and Marsh Olive characters and I didn't. Introducing the Frill and Marsh's Bombastic Father-Son Bash Tumblr blog. The next greatest failure of the internet since my writing, spelling, and grammar!
Now you can do the following of all these fantastical stuff that'll cause displeasure, such as:
-Torture me with unending questions about characters that I have no idea what to do with!
-Look at posts that probably don't even matter to you!
-Stare at my bad pony drawings!
-Make fun of my inability to understand how Tumblr works!
-Read my awful and poorly structured writing where I most likely retconned a lot of the story in Cold*!
And much much less!!!! You couldn't ask for a better waste of time!
So get your barf bags ready and hesitantly click on that link to partake in a roller coaster of disappointment now!
(Ugh, I didn't even make the Tumblr, my friend made it for me because I said I might do one, but I didn't because I was afraid of looking like an idiot, like I am now. Seriously, I don't even know how Tumblr works. Heck, I don't even have facebook or Twitter. I am the most unsocial person ever and now I'm doing this! Please excuse my utter lack of enthusiasm, I just feel like I'm pestering people to pay attention me by saying "Look at me, I'm awesome!" and I feel like a butt hole for doing so. So go for it if you really want to. I'll either be writing, drawing stuff, or just doing nothing as usual. Until next time.)
*Cold was cancelled so to say there was a story to retcon seems a little too hubris.
You're not looking like an idiot, just a bit overly-self-concious. I'll totes check out that page.
It was cool.
2683595 That means a lot actually. Thanks!
2683726 You're welcome. Just don't ever sell yourself short. You're a talented writer ad from the looks of it a good and smart person, and you don't always have to be perfect every time.