• Member Since 8th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Apr 14th, 2024


A dumb-as-rocks changeling who should have been caught by now. (Avatar done by Zemer .)

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Bad News · 5:04pm Nov 7th, 2014

I have some regretfully bad news. I've reached a dead end with Cold.

Let me explain. You know when you get an idea that you think is really awesome and you wanna do it right now. You start doing it and everything is going great. You almost get this kind of high when you do it and you get caught up in the flow. Then you look back at what you've done and get this exhausted feeling all of a sudden and now you find yourself treating this idea more like work then something fun and at this point you dug yourself into a hole without the forethought of having an exit plan so now you feel like you're stuck with no way out and trying to make one would be difficult and I am just rambling because I want to create some valid excuse or scapegoat when in reality I can't make one up because the sad truth is there is no right way to disappoint everyone and...

I've lost the inhibition to write Cold. I want to continue it but I write up something then stop and go like, "I don't want to do this anymore." I want to say I lost the "spark to write" but the truth is I just lost interest in it. The motivation to get back to it is just gone.

Does that mean it's cancelled? I suppose it is, given that any updates for it will most likely be unlikely. In all honesty, I'm probably not come back to it.

What does this mean for the characters though? Well, that's where I might have some good news (for once.) As much as I don't want to write the story anymore, I don't wanna abandon these characters that I've come to love so much, especially Marsh Olive and Frill Spike. They're the whole reason I wanted to write Cold in the first place.

I wanted to write a series of stories; oneshots; whatever you may call it about a changeling adopting a colt as a son. I know, crazy and not very possible. Which is why I wanted to write an origin story about the two so he idea would make more sense and I wouldn't just throw you a lazy answer for the duo's bond. Then again, in Cold's prologue I did just gave a basic summary of the major event that I just made up about changelings integrating into Equestrian society, which had I no intention of giving the details to in the story. Heck, I gave it a two sentence summary in the freaking description! And let's be honest, comparatively that sounds more interesting to read then what I was writing.

Either way, I don't want to leave these characters behind. Does that mean I'll be writing something else that stars them? That may very well be, but I'd have to think about what to write about them. Like I said: Pre-planning skills are awful.

All in all, that's the sad news that had to share with you all. I'm very sorry to tell you this. I don't what I'll expect from this blog post but I'll have to live with it.

So with that out of the way, I have to ask: Do you want me to spoil the entire plot to Cold?

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