• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2014
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eL VeeJay

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  • 502 weeks
    I wonder...

    Last week I posted a story intended for "Everyonepony". In a bit less than a week, it got a bit over 80 views.
    Then I posted a clop fic (rated "Mareture"), and that one got more than 400 views in less than 24 hours.

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I wonder... · 4:52pm Dec 8th, 2014

Last week I posted a story intended for "Everyonepony". In a bit less than a week, it got a bit over 80 views.
Then I posted a clop fic (rated "Mareture"), and that one got more than 400 views in less than 24 hours.

I wonder why that is? Are we (yes, I say "we" because I am definitely one of them) just a bunch of "furverts" (and I do not mean this in a demeaning way, as I, as mentioned, am one of them), or is it because my Everypony story didn't have a picture in the beginning or something else?

I wonder what people in here prefer? Sex, cider and Rockin' Rainbows or something that would be allowed to air in the series? Or something different?

Report eL VeeJay · 372 views · Story: Santa's Little Ponies ·
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