• Member Since 10th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 7th, 2023


Not really big on fanfic writing, but when I'm in the mood I'll jot something down from time to time. I'd much rather frequent sites like YouTube, DeviantArt, and Facebook

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I'm back, bitches! · 8:42pm Nov 4th, 2014

Ah, it is good to be back from...um...well, nowhere actually, but still if I had been somewhere these past couple of days then it feels good to be back!

Now that Halloween is done and over with, I can resume my projects. Regarding my stories, I am working on the next chapter to Discord's Birthday Gift. Not sure what direction to take it, so I'm going to just type whatever my hands decide they want to type. I'm trusting you, hands!

What else? Oh, I'm going to be working on some new YouTube video content, including a special Thank You video dedicated to all of the people who have subbed to my channel. We've grown 400+ strong now, and we're getting a few new subs each week. I've yet to make new content, so I really need to get back into a routine.


That's...actually about it. Not a lot is it? You must be thinking "What? Two things? That's all you've got to report, UniqueSKD, you silly bastard?". Well, yes so deal with it.

Huh...not really much of a blog I've done tonight, eh?

I'm going to go and make a start on some stuff. Maybe tomorrow when I'm a little less retarded I'll have something intellectual and interesting to blog about.


It'll be interesting at least. Can't promise it would be intellectual. Ha ha ha.



Catch you all later! I love you all! Yes, even the dudes.

But not like that.


Report UniqueSKD · 161 views ·
Comments ( 14 )

First Comment! WOOT! I was at #WEday yesterday and that was fun. Other than that congrats on being back (ish). How is your tooth? Or did I miss a blog saying you got it fixed xD I honestly have no idea.

You're back! :yay:

Now things should be back to normal. For Ponyville standards, anyway... :pinkiecrazy:

2573830 antibiotics have cleaned out the infection that was causing the toothache. I'm waiting now for a dentist who will actually help remove this thing, but at least my mouth doesn't hurt anymore. Yay!

Also, what is #WEday?

2573835 Ah it is good to hear from you as well!

Rest assured, before this year is over, you'll see some improvements from me now. How big will they be? I can't say, but the improvements will be there, I promise that.

Hopefully, I can get the next chapter of Discord's Birthday Gift written and uploaded. I'm thinking of making it a bit longer than originally planned, so it might be about, oh we'll call it, eight chapters. Can't say for certain but it is a bridge to be crossed once we come to it.

Also random word of the day - SPAAAAAAAAAAAACE!

2573865 It's an anti bullying thing. It really is a bunch of really interactive speakers at the event that tell about, give idea's to help with, and get people involved in poverty relief, anti bullying etc. It was fun though. xD I guess it's not common in the UK?

YAY! Bring the confetti, Unique has returned! :pinkiehappy:

2573875 Well...no.

British people don't usually give a shit about anything, really. Mostly I see more miserable emotionless British people than happy ones. XD

2573919 xD That's not good. I am assuming you are NOT one of the emotionless one's then?

2573921 I try not to be. I'm not perfect but I do my best to show I care about others as much for myself. It's hard to do that at times, but the most I can do is my best, right?

2573994 Correct. I like to think the best of people, depending on merits. And that even extends to sometimes oddball-ish Pony OC's (cough cough Unique)

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