On writing and other things · 4:09am Oct 26th, 2014
So once again, life has decided to send me in a new direction. I have absolutely no time to write anymore and I know that is a bit of a disappointment to some of you.
I’d like to keep writing but it takes a lot of time. When will I finish my stories? I don’t know. Could be soon, could be several months from now.
Could also be never, but maybe it won’t come to that.
I don’t know what the future holds.
sorry to hear that life is kicking your rear,
but with downs, will also come ups.
if you don't come back then it was a pleasure reading your works.
The future holds your nutsack in a firm grip.
and now I see what's going on with your writings.
Yeah, it's a disappointment to see you not writing due to having to respond to real life. But having been there and back again several times over the past few months, I understand completely what you're going through. Maybe a bit less pressure of people wanting to read the stuff that is put on hold because of real life stuff.
I hope everything is going well for ya and you are able to balance things. Best of luck!
Take it ease man.
Do what you need to do, and if you ever get some perverted inspiration, jot the idea down on word document and pick it up when you feel like you can wright again. FIMfiction is not going anywhere unless knighty royaly screws up.