• Member Since 20th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 29th, 2016

Final Draft

All the world is indeed a stage, and we are merely players, performers, and portrayers; each anothers audience outside the gilded cage.

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  • 423 weeks
    Bucket of problems

    Okay, so, I've been very busy with real world responsibilities and headaches. Finally moved my grandmother into an assisted living home, which ends a three year ordeal of her ruining my parent's lives and making my life even more miserable than it was. I'm back to therapy, and my therapist was less than thrilled with my current state of affairs. We're working on a solution, which requires me to

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  • 426 weeks
    Anime Boston 2016

    So, first off, I'm back. My disappearance was only because I spent nearly every hour of the last two weeks preparing my costume for Anime Boston. I am a procrastinator. But, all turned out well and I had a great time.

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  • 429 weeks
    Early Release

    Hey, i'm not going to be around later, so I have to release the new chapter of ISHNBTP now. I'm sure this affects no one.

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  • 429 weeks
    Finally meeting a deadline.

    So, good news, I just finished chapter 15 of I Should Have Never Bought That Pony, and it will be released tomorrow at 16:00 EST. Now, it's a long one, and it's some of the better writing I've done in a while. Still, I'd like someone (or a couple someones) to skim over it before I send it out. Shoot me a PM and I'll give you a link to the google Doc.

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  • 430 weeks
    Incoming garbage

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Not coping well · 2:42am Aug 30th, 2014

Had a mental breakdown today. Wasn't fun. I blame my grandmother, alcohol, and the internet. Wish I could take the weekend off from work, but I'd rather be there than at home. The end of August was my goal to be out of my parent's house, and here I am. No closer to freedom.

I lost a friend this week as well. He's still alive, but only because I don't feel like ruining my life to end his. Big mess. Involves the state of California, an electric guitar, and a female he met online.

Good news, though. I do nothing but sleep and type on my days off now! Expect updates this week! Oh, and if any of you play Dead Frontier, add me so I can start giving away my extra food. IGN= Norman

And give Dragonforce's new album a listen. They did a cover of Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire. It's hillarious. I bet he's rolling in his grave.

Report Final Draft · 198 views ·
Comments ( 12 )

Just sell your extra food. The market is there for a reason!.

And give Dragonforce's new album a listen. They did a cover of Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire. It's hillarious. I bet he's rolling in his grave.

Sir, yes, Sir!

Also, I hope you recover quickly. I would like to see you blog about happy things in the future. :twilightsmile:

Dude, take a fucking break. Stay away from writing for a little bit. You're going through shit and you need to fix yourself up.

Seriously. Do it for you, not for us.

I am going to college, I may have a job, my family is losing our house, I have to start doing my own laundry (yes it is a problem), and my father and I get into fights 1-3 times a week.

How awesome. Seems everyone has that one douchebag who pulls a 180 on ya when they feel your usefulness to them has come and gone. Stole your guitar and ran off with some random chick from the internet? Steal money from ya too?

Don't know what it is about this time of the month and the first week of september, but I swear it's cursed month. lol

Landlord lost his shit due to a divorce and is emptying out the house and expects me to find a place in 15 days or less because she wants the house to sell. Which explains why he's been refusing to renew our lease and accept payments for the last month.

My one close friend whom I've bent over backwards practically to keep fed and pay off the rent and bills has all but abandoned me at the drop of a hat to stay with her sister after getting the call yesterday about every family in the house being evicted by him. So YAY.

Top that off with my disability and low income because fuck this states economy and no means of transportation. So yeah. Not only am I quite literally alone in this, I have to somehow manage to get all my stuff into storage and find someone able to help my busted back self to move all my possession to said storage facility.

With rent inflation going up every year, and houses going into astronomical levels for even a single studio, it's a wonder why we have so many suicides and homeless people. This state sucks and haven't done a thing to try and alleviate the problem aside from covering it up the pink elephant in the room with a dish rag.

My LAST roommate stole my cell phone, leaves me in debt on my bills, and skipped rent, bailing on me to run off to live for free with some ex-girlfriend who ended up charging him more than what we were paying, leaving me no notice and a very pissed landlord. :facehoof:

Why did he do all that? Apparently because my computer was so new and him being a techie, and jealous hoodrat, decided to steal parts from amazon and eventually got to a point he had to pay for some stuff. All because me playing games on my PC was me "Throwing how awesome my pc is compared to his" just because I mentioned you can't play that second Batman game on max settings on a GTX460...

It's virtually impossible to live on your own these days without a job that earns you AT LEAST 3k a month. And in many places, that's like a MINIMUM for rent! Usually 1500'ish for a studio, if you're super lucky you can get a small apartment sometimes depending on location for as low as 700'ish.

Not sure how annoying it is for you to live in your parents home, but be thankful you have that option!
I used to earn 2800 a month which for my area and state was pretty damn good. Get hurt on the job and go through some sort of shit where your friend doesn't want to hang anymore because you're losing your house now? Fuck friends! Friendship is stupid. When the chips are down, that's when you start seeing who your friends really are.

People are greedy. Value material objects that do little to enhance their daily lives aside from just WANTING IT. Go from clean home and sharing who cooks and who does dishes to "Hell yah motho fu**er, I got a better offer! Peace!" or use some petty excuse to kick you out hoping you'll have no way of taking your stuff out the house fast enough so they can 'legally' keep your shit.

I've been through it all. And people wonder why even after a couple years most my suitcases are still packed.

So, yeah. Stuck in no where town, with no where people. Everything is just surviving. All my true friends are long since grown and moved on to make their own families. And here I stand. Still struggling to get back the glory of what was the most awesome feeling ever. Being a wholly independent home owner.

But thanks to shit people and their backstabbing ways I can't even pass a credit check! So short of Ten Grand dropping out the sky, HA, I'm basically done.

After playing this survival game for so long, you honestly just get tired of it. Eventually you WILL hit a wall and there won't be a way around it.

Fuck whatever anyone tells you. You could be 40 living with your parents. Doesn't matter if you don't have a girlfriend you feel you NEED privacy and room to make a family. Just start being smart with your money. If it doesn't help you move forward in life, cut it. Do do you NEED to eat out? Can you not cook your own food? Learn to cook, don't be lazy! 200 can last you a month and a bit more for shopping smart. And that SAVINGS account? Start throwing a good third or more of your check into it if you don't need to be spending it. Find ways to lower your insurance, companies like to compete.


Hope shit gets better for ya. And believe me, that 'friend' of yours really isn't worth it. And no pussy is worth the drama, there are countless other holes out there if you need one. Focus on finding someone you actually have interests with and isn't out for just your money. Finding a good girl who just likes to chill and isn't some lazy shit hoping you'd give her a free pass on life is what you should look for if anything. Nothing worst than a girl who thinks she can get away without paying or doing shit just because she lets you boink her. Trust me, those physical relationships get you no where and only ADD to your stress over time.

I'm probably still a bit over emotional over the shit that is my life, so just ignore this and take care of yourself. Believe me, if no one else, life could be much worst than living with your parents. And this is coming from someone whose friend's dad compared his usefulness and status in the family to a dog that looked like the bottom of a dirty mop. His dad placed the dog ABOVE the son whose been sent to BAHRAIN to help his company partners up there and abused his son's knowledge in coding and linux expertise to do what one would be paying another enough to fucking retire by age 30 and whose step mom slaps him across the face while he's doing a voluntary job to HELP his dad's security company.

So yes. Yes, I'm STILL telling you even if you had parents like THAT, things could be WORST.

Swear to fucking god. If I ever wrote an autobiography, stores would have it under the FICTION section. :pinkiesick:

Do be awesome and just think practical. Don't get too attached to people. As someone who is pretty successful once warned me, think of yourself first and don't waste time on friendships. People will only drag you down, and I'm living proof of what letting people in can do to ya when you choose to help others before yourself. Because there's a pretty good chance that when your time comes, many of those people will have their backs turned on you.

2413449 Shit dude..... :rainbowderp: Hope it gets better for you guys.... :applejackunsure:

2414303 thanks. I forgot I posted that huge post lol;

Sorry about that. I'll figure something out. I was just under a lot of stress is all. But I'm relaxed now. :twilightsmile:

2415895 You have no idea. ^^; But I've been surviving since my mom moved out the states when I was 20. My life has been an unending series of unfortunate events since. But I'm still alive and stubborn enough to give AJ a run for her apples. :ajsmug:

Trick is not to let things you can't control get to ya. Focus on what you can do to make things right.

AJ is best pony.

2416043 I completely agree. Except on one thing... Derpy is best pony.:derpytongue2:

2416074 Pretty sure every pony has Best Pony somewhere in their name. My love of Best Muffin Pony is no different.

2416079 Actually I have three best ponies... Dash, Aj, And Flutters...:twilightsheepish:

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