• Member Since 6th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 18th, 2021


I've never seen a place that's quite like this. Everything is turned around; this crazy world is upside down.

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Free idea! Free idea! Get it while it's hot! · 5:27am Aug 5th, 2014

Howdy, y'all.

Ever since the end of Season 4, I've had a lot of different story ideas. Many of them have been dropped because they simply weren't any good, quite a number of them are constantly bouncing between the walls of my skull as I try to figure 'em out, and a select few have enraptured me to the point of being fully realized and published.

And then there's this one…

This idea is the one that's been driving me crazy. It's like looking at a really cool painting and thinking, Damn, that's an awesome painting, but it would look stupid and ugly and out of place in my house. But you can't just pass up the painting, because then some other schmuck with less insight than you will scoop it up and put it in his house where it will still look stupid and ugly and out of place, but they just won't care. What a waste! So what can you do with something like that?

The first thing that jumps to mind is to give it to a friend. A friend who you know will treat it right and make it a shining gem.

But instead I'm going to do the equivalent of buying the painting and putting it on the curb with a sign reading "Take it or Leave it." It doesn't really solve the problem at all, but it at least gets it out of my hands.

If I lost you, that was a really roundabout way of saying that I don't think I can execute this story idea to its fullest extent, but I think someone else could, so I'm gonna put it up here in the hopes that one of y'all will run with it and do something cool. Cool? Cool. So here it is:

Working title: Power Lust
Suggested tags: Comedy, Romance
Suggested rating: I was gonna do "Everyone" because that's how I roll, but I see a lot more potential if you up it to "Teen," and maybe add the "Sex" tag, too. Careful with that, though.
Basic plot: When the princesses were released from Tartarus and had their magic restored in the wake of the Tirek incident, Princess Cadance accidentally got more alicorn magic than the others. This results in her losing control of her power, and, at random intervals, her magic will flare on its own. When this happens, any nearby pony will magically be forced to fall in love with a random other nearby pony, and vice versa. Cadance freaks out about this and has to travel to Ponyville and Canterlot seeking the help of the other princesses. Shenanigans ensue.
Fun, random details I was trying to incorporate:
- Cadance finds out about the problem when she accidentally makes Shining Armor and Flash Sentry fall in love.
- The only way to break the spell is for the two ponies affected to kiss.
- If there's only one pony in the vicinity, they'll fall for Cadance. Cadance herself is unaffected, though.
- If the two ponies the spell affects are already in love, nothing of consequence happens.
- Do something fun with Spike and Rarity. Spike wouldn't be affected because he already likes Rarity, but Rarity would be affected.
- AppleDash, because why not.
- Fluttershy could fall in love with an animal instead of a pony.
- Twilight falls for Cadance.
- Celestia and Luna fall for each other.
- Use Discord somehow. Maybe he's immune to the spell, but others can still fall in love with him in a similar vein to how the spell affects Cadance.
- Cute Mark Crusaders love triangle?

That last part with all the notes is literally copy-pasted from a document I was keeping story notes in, so forgive the stream-of-consciousness vibe it has.

At any rate, I think the story has a fair amount of potential if executed in the right way, but I don't think I have the chops for it. Anyone familiar with my body of work can probably see that it doesn't mesh with my usual style—to be honest, I'm surprised the idea came to me at all. But anyone who's good at comedies, or anyone who loves over-the-top antics that have the potential to go completely off the wall, might fare better with this idea.

Or maybe it's just a stupid idea and I should be ashamed of it for ever and ever. I dunno. You be the judge of that one. For now, I hope one of y'all can glean some inspiration from this, or at the very least I hope you enjoyed a brief foray into my head.

Keep on keeping on,

Report ArgonMatrix · 261 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

What a cool idea. I'd love to see this done properly and well.

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