• Member Since 12th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen May 8th, 2019


Writer of truly pornographic shorts. If you let your kid read my stuff, you are a bad parent. I don't feed the trolls.

More Blog Posts4

  • 488 weeks
    Commenting on "Twilight Sparkle Eats Shit"

    I'm bemused by the response. Which means yes, I broke my rule about reading comments/PMs. But I think it revealed a deeper truth about all of you, and that amuses me greatly.

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    2 comments · 350 views
  • 490 weeks
    Less of the FOE

    So I disappeared for what, six months? Might as well explain why.

    See, the thing is, I can't get off on shit when the girl isn't having at least as much fun as me, preferably more.

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    2 comments · 343 views
  • 523 weeks
    All stories are non-canon

    Just a note here -

    I'm a fan of FoE, not one of its contributors, designers or creators.

    All of the stuff I write is not canonical. While it is set in the FoE universe, it is a fan work, and nothing I write will become part of the FoE "canon."

    Also, as stated earlier, I do not read comments or PMs, so I am going to presume all of them are overwhelmingly positive.

    1 comments · 375 views
  • 523 weeks
    Now Writing Fall of Equestria Stories

    This account was specifically created for writing Fall of Equestria stories.

    Because of the controversial nature of Fall of Equestria, this account will comment on nothing, PM no one, reply to nothing, watch no one, and fave no story.

    Those of you who are here for the right reasons, enjoy yourselves. Those of you who are here for the wrong reasons, I'm not listening.

    4 comments · 425 views

All stories are non-canon · 7:24pm Jul 15th, 2014

Just a note here -

I'm a fan of FoE, not one of its contributors, designers or creators.

All of the stuff I write is not canonical. While it is set in the FoE universe, it is a fan work, and nothing I write will become part of the FoE "canon."

Also, as stated earlier, I do not read comments or PMs, so I am going to presume all of them are overwhelmingly positive.

Report DickDastardly · 375 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

Well, maybe you should, I just read a few (well, one really, the Twilight one with Spike and her big brother as I hoped would be in it like one I may do later, but only skimmed a couple others for now). And FoE if you didn't know is NOT an all-too friendly place due to its concept/portrayal. But whatever floats your boat, I wish I could not care about comments on stuff I wrote/write in the future. :twilightblush:

Hope to see more in the future perhaps! If you write more with Mane Six (if possible) or other ponies, off assumptions you have made, I wager. Or gathered info of some things from the group on here, canon stories, or elsewhere.

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