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My faith in humanity is slipping. · 6:24pm Jun 11th, 2014

So, I recently started watching a youtube/internet radio show called "Secular Talk", an atheist political talk show that goes over the news and is very entertaining. So, I rarely mention my political or religious views here because people can have strong feeling about these things and I know a few of my friends here on Fimfiction are religious and I would hate to cause any sort of friction. This time, I will make an exception. I'm an atheist and a nihilist, I'm very left wing and and generally don't care what anyone does (as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else) and I've had my share of christians call me an "abomination before the lord". I was called this as I was volunteering my time at a christian food back for the poor so I'm weary of religion for my own reasons. Now, with all that in mind, I was called out on some of my comments on "Secular Talk" and I also rebutted their comments. Two of these commenters, decidedly decreased my opinion on both religion and humanity in general. Now, before I quote them, I want to say I still love all my religious friends :)

"Christians say we are born with the sin of Adam and Eve. Besides look at the crime rate in a country living under Sharia law such as Brunei now compare that to America. There is rape, robbing, pedophilia, fornication and adultery which leads to diseases like HIV/STD's. If we were living under Sharia Law this type of stuff wouldn't have happened. Americans have way too much freedom. Because of that you see events like this more often. But this is just a prime example. I guess this is what you call the dumbing down of America. This is typical American hypocrisy"-random youtube bitch

this one was just from today. I was called immoral for being an atheist while she advocated killing drug users/dealers, homosexuals, fornicators and anyone that disagrees. I asked her, why are those things wrong, logically. What is so bad about those things they deserve death? That above was the answer I got.

This next one may be worse. This was in response to a video about three boys (children) tortured and killed in Africa because they were suspected of being gay by their parents. His original comment was -"Three less queers in the world is a good thing, let's send all the fags to Africa for 'conversion'"

"Because you fuck people in the asshole and get shit on your dick. That is just plain gross. All this animal homosexuality your queers like to talk about is leftist propaganda horse shit. They are not queer, it is a show of dominance just like guys in prison. A prisoner doesn't want to butt fuck you because he's queer - he does it to dominate you. Anything that wants to stick their dick in a hole that shit comes out of has to be mentally ill. Think about it - sexually attracted to a hole shit comes out of. Gross."- another random youtube bitch

My rebuttal:

"You don't really have a case for that, we know for a fact animals form long term homosexual relationships, so it has nothing to do with dominance. By the way, there are many animals that engage in coprophagia (eating feces) so that's natural as well. Your argument disturbs me because, if you believe homosexuality is a mental illness (it's not) and you support what they did in Africa, that means you support the torture of the mentally disabled. So if one of your children was born with autism what would you do? So, here's the thing, if you think it's a mental illness and it can't be cured, then you must admit it could happen to anyone, just like any other illness (it's not a mental illness) then you actively trying to keep your kids from homosexuality (teaching them that it's wrong) is not only pointless, it's counter intuitive. Now, for the biggest flaw in your argument; it doesn't matter what you find gross, because almost every aspect of a human being is disgusting, we are all made up of the same chemicals. Did you know that a decent portion of what feces is made of has at one point touched every cell in your body? Same thing with urine. Living is a thoroughly messy and gross chemical process and trying to deny that is denying reality. Do you know how many bacteria can survive in a vagina? Did you know that the naturally produced lubrication is made largely of mucous? Just like the lining of the colon and rectum. It's all the same and don't tell me you would have sex if it didn't feel good. If sex wasn't pleasurable, it wouldn't matter if it was a vagina, you still wouldn't fuck it (maybe once or twice to procreate). So no, the body part doesn't really matter to you as much as you think. I personally find oral disgusting as well, mouths are pretty fucking dirty, human mouths can commonly contain potentially flesh eating bacteria, an anus generally doesn't."- Me

A logic well researched response I think. Here's his last response.

"You think eating shit is normal???? You are truly sick. Animals eat each other too - are you a cannibal? You are too fucked up - I am done here."-random youtube bitch

This makes me very sad, all of it. Especially knowing that in 87 countries, it's illegal to be gay and in 7 it's a death sentence. Not only that but they are horrible to women, they are extremely intolerant and often violence is second nature and no thought is given to human life if they don't conform. Well, I know what I was getting into responding to youtube comments, but to think there are people who actually believe these ideals make them morally superior is just frightening.

Report maxxxxxx · 211 views ·
Comments ( 23 )

Ignore those pricks.... I'm a Christian and I've known you were a atheist and I couldn't give two shits about that and also have no problem with homosexuality I'm not gay I'm straight and like I said I don't give a shit so ignore those losers who got nothing better to do than to criticize people about there on beliefs.

See now some people like that I dot mind "disappearing" from society, some people just look at simple things and make big issues from them. Other people look at big issue and shrink them down so they don't have to look at them

I avoid these kinds of things precisely for those reasons.

This is appalling. There is such a lack of charity in these statements. I am a devoutly religious Christian and believe that homosexuality is immoral (despite my personal feelings), but I would never, ever treat anyone this way. They certainly don't seem Christian to me. And I can tell you that these people make up a minority. Most Christians or people in general don't act this way, but these people are the voice of the few who have garnered attention. They love to get a reaction. But it is far worse in many other countries. It makes me ill.

We all need to speak with greater respect for each other. And I'm sorry that you were mistreated when you were volunteering. That's just alien to me.

Sharia law... :pinkiesick:

My faith in humanity slipped a long, long time ago. Being an internet user for a great majority of my life has greatly desensitized me to such people and opinions.

People seem to forget that all humans are are animals that have evolved to form civilization and use tools and develop technology. We're just animals with slightly more advanced brains.

Personally, I find it pointless to argue with Christians; being an Atheist myself I've had my fair share of "immoral" and "abomination" thrown at me, but then I think about what they believe, and honestly I just laugh at them. They're so ignorant of the real world, or at least the die-hard "bible is law" people. I know there are people who believe in it but are otherwise descent human beings just like you or I, and people can believe what they want. But that's just it; people can believe whatever they want - that does not give them the right to push their beliefs on others.

Being an Atheist up here in Canada is much easier than the states, as we have a much smaller christian population, and most of our Christians are the type I can get along with - the type that shut up and keep it to themselves.

I know it's hard to ignore those people; I've gotten into a few bouts over youtube myself with them, but unlike trolls just ignoring them won't work. These are people who honestly believe what they are saying, and that just makes me feel sad for them. They're just so.... blind.

2199030 Oh, you think homosexuality is immoral? :fluttercry: Well, that's a shame... In any case, I agree that as long as people have mutual respect for each others differences then I'm happy if people disagree. I love a good debate and exchange of ideas and philosophies, as long as people can be reasonable I'm pretty much happy to discuss things with anyone. When they attack me personally is when I feel that any hope of a reasonable conversation is lost and it always makes me sad because there is so much we can all learn from each other and I was hoping through all these comments that i responded to on youtube that I could simply change one persons mind for the better and get them to question their own hammered in ideals, that's healthy, to know why you believe something and be able to question it. :twilightsmile:

2199077 I know how you feel, it's' terrible, the only reason I started arguing with one of them was because he said; "I have kids and I'm raising them to hate queers." I just felt I had to do something, how can teaching hate be alright? Those poor kids, hopefully in this age of information they won't be trapped in their fathers thinking their whole live. Also, notice how he didn't answer any of the question I posed about how he would feel if his own children were gay? That scares me a lot because who knows what he might do. You're lucky to like in a place like Canada, I hear many good things about it (healthcare included). I live in the American south (Kentucky) it's awful here for someone like me, especially where my parents live. One of my "friends" conned/guilted me into, "praying for my salvation" it was so infuriating to stand through but it's against my nature to make conflict with people I consider friends, also her mother is close with my mom.

2199085 I virtually never mess with comments on YouTube. It has a reputation for being one of the worst sites on the web, as far as comments go. I've seen so few videos that don't have a crap fight somewhere down the line. People can get riled up about anything, it seems.

I'm in the same state as pinkypie17, I'm a christian and I have no issues with homosexuals. One of my uncles is homosexual! I lost most of my faith in humanity some time ago (This place is one of the few places where you can meet decent humans). Whenever I see these kind of comments, I'll just post

If that's how you want to live, then please do so. Just don't drag me into it, because I couldn't care less


Yeah. I was lucky in that I was raised in a household that never forced their religion on me. It was made clear to me at a very young age that I can choose what I believe in and that being gay is just fine. I'm very thankful for that; I can't imagine being one of those people who were raised by their parents into a life of hatred towards others who are different and servitude to a God.

I could rant for days about why Canada is generally a better place to live than America, but I have a tendency to offend people when I do.

Though, when my dad married my step-mother, my religion-neutral house changed. She's christian, and forced me to pray every night before I went to bed. At the time I was too young to really argue about it, and because at the time I had already been told my religion was my choice, it made me impossibly angry that anyone would dare to try and come into my life and tell me what I should believe in. it doesn't help that I always kinda hated my step mother, but that's a story for a different time and place.

2199157 That would infuriate me as well! I was in a similar place with my grandmother, I lived with her for a while while my mother was in the hospital and when I was being home schooled. I had to "learn" from "science" text books the claimed god created all life and Noah saved all the animals and repopulated the earth with incest and that evolution is a left wing propaganda lie :facehoof:. I was also forced to listen to Glen Beck the whole time. Worse still my mom always forced me to go to church and it got worse when we moved to Kentucky, luckily by then I was old enough to decide for myself. I as well knew since I was young that I just couldn't believe the bible, it was all so absurd to me.

:fluttercry: This... makes me sad. I don't like the Bible anymore... :fluttershyouch: Not that I ever did.... (I'm agnostic, so...) :raritydespair: Humans... I hate 'em.

You know, I'm a Christian myself (have been for going on 50 years now), and, like many of you, I have absolutely no problems with homosexuals (I've got several good online buddies who are, actually...including some here) or, for the most part, atheists. (I do have a problem with the really rabid ones like the late Madelyn Murray O'Hair, though. But as long as you respect my right to my own beliefs, we'll always be cool.:raritywink:)

In fact, militant so-called "Christians" (Westboro "Baptist Church" springs to mind, actually) annoy the heck out of me just like they do you guys. And (maxxxxxx, Kodeake, please don't get mad at me for what I'm about to say; I love both you guys!) what a lot of them forget is, God is a God of love, not hate. That's why the jerks at WBC tick me off so much; they preach just exactly the opposite of what any person of faith (notice that I said "faith", not religion) truly stands for.

Do I agree with homosexuality or atheism? No, but that's not my call, or my right to judge you guys, or say what's right for you. You're all good, cool folks, and that's what I like about you all, and what's important to me, personally, not your religion, or lack thereof.:twilightsmile:

In other words, it's the person, not what they believe (or don't believe in), that truly counts.

2199892 You're agnostic? Huh. So are two of my favorite (professional) comic book artists/writers, Wendy and Richard Pini, the co-creators of Elfquest, one of my all-time favorite comic book series, and I love the dickens out of those two.:twilightsmile:

2199147 you see I haven't last fate in humanity cause that means you've lost fate for EVERY SINGLE human being and I haven't, but I have lost all trust in humanity

2199077 I'm going to simply say that what you said " when I think about what they believe in I honestly just laugh at them " and also where you said the only ones I can stand is the ones who " shut up and keep to themselves " is very rude and offensive, I'm a Christian and never have I said I think about what they believe in and laugh at them and secondly everybody is entitled to say what they want. I don't laugh at what atheists believe in and what about what we believe in its so funny

2200716 Well, There some exceptions, but whenever I try and post any sort of counter-argument to this king od thing on an internet site, I'll get about five different replies all condemning me for 'going against my nature' and 'not following the Bible', where it clearly states in the catechism that the Church has no issue with homsexuals, but people will then start coming up with random quotes, so I give up after about 10 comments. I don't give up straight away, but whenever I try to post any sort of comment, then i'll get something like this happening, so I post that sentence to try and stop it before it blows up into something massive.
ALso, when I said that I'm in the same situation, I meant as a catholic with no issues with homosexuality. Sorry for any confusion.

You'll notice I was talking about the die-hard "bible is law" people. The ones who believe every word out of the book, the ones who take it as law, the ones who shove it in other people's faces because it's the one true religion. Those are the people I laugh at, the people who are ignorant of the world they live in.

Yeah, the only Christians I get along with are the people who keep it to themselves, because that means they aren't trying to convert me, that means they're not calling me immoral or telling me I'm gonna go to hell when I die. The people who have the self-control and maturity to accept the fact that not everyone believes in the same thing.

The only people that could have been offensive to is the people who are so heavily engrossed in their religion they're willing to do literally anything if it says to do so in the bible. And honestly, if you are one of those people, who protest gay marriage and protest this that and the other thing, you need to be offended by my comment.

I'm not going to lie and say I didn't mean it; to the people who send homosexuals death threats and call any doctor who's performed an abortion "baby killer" and the people who honestly believe the earth is only 6 thousand years old and throw all scientific evidence aside to keep going with that, I truly laugh at their ignorance of the world.

I'm rude to those types of people because they're downright cruel to people who don't fall into line with the bible. If you're not one of those types of people, then I'm sorry you interpreted my comment as offensive to all religious people. If you are one of those people... you were supposed to be offended.

2201272 because why make an effort to get along with those who make an effort to to not get along. I feel the same way about anyone who says they "know" beyond doubt that they are right about something that has no proof, though i fear those who say they "know" that they are the morally right and more holy than anyone who believes differently, because they are the jihadists, regardless of what religion they are.

2201272 I believe in homosexuality marriage, there's not one thing wrong with it if those two people of the same gender are that deep in love to where they want to get married than they should no-one has the right to tell them otherwise, and if you read my first comment down at the bottom you'll find my answer to all this.

Sorry for "blowing up" like that, it was uncalled for

2202352 Well, thank you! I like you, too.:ajsmug:

2202413 Thanks! :pinkiehappy: You make great points! Ever thought of doing reviews?

2202489 You're very welcome, and thank you, my friend!:ajsmug::twilightsmile:

Hmmm, no, can't say as I ever have. I might one of these days, though.:twilightsmile:

Why do you ask?:applejackunsure:

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