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Nero Darkard

More Blog Posts36

  • 261 weeks
    Letter of Destiny, advanced concept

    Recently, a friend of mine became fascinated with my book series Maledictum Insania and read all of them through pretty quickly. He became particularly curious what my alternative storyline would have been if I had ended up choosing the ending Letter of Destiny from the first book as the base for the rest of the story. Eventually, he got me thinking about this series again which I considered done

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    4 comments · 326 views
  • 338 weeks
    Final chapter of the Maledictum Insania series released

    The day has finally come, everyone. Today, as a christmas present, I publish the last chapter of MI3.

    Here is the link for you.

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    2 comments · 373 views
  • 390 weeks
    The end is coming

    After about 7 years of writing, it is finally happening. The Maledictum Insania series is almost completed.
    I am on the last few chapters of the final book. Very soon, this biggest story I have ever written will be concluded.
    It is true what they say. You look towards the end of your major projects with both a laughing and a crying eye.

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    3 comments · 477 views
  • 408 weeks
    Obsidian's Theme Songs

    What is this? A new blog post! Oh my gosh! Jokes aside, I wasn't planning to make another blog post ever again. But perhaps there is still someone out there who enjoys reading this.

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    5 comments · 535 views
  • 464 weeks
    Guess I finally managed it...

    I noticed I am no longer getting comments and hardly any views on new chapters at all. I guess I finally managed to bore all my fans away due to my slow update speed. I am eternally sorry for this. My books never were all that successful to begin with and now I seem to have reached the point where I'm not even writing for anyone but my two pre-readers anymore.

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    14 comments · 470 views

MI Beta, Post 12 (Final!) · 4:35pm May 27th, 2014

Here we are at last. The final beta concept. Looking back, it is actually pretty stunnig how many ideas I had for this series.
But as pomissed, I kept the biggest beta of all for the last. I have to warn you, though. This idea is so underdeveloped, it can come across as extremely cheesy.

The Twilight Star and The Final Battle
First of all, I need to make clear that this is NOTHING like how the real ending of the MI series will look like, so do not fear to be spoiled.

A big problem to many authors and why many stories never get finished and published is because people start writing a story without even knowing the end themselves. It is curial to know how your story is supposed to end before you even write the first word. While I originally never thought I would actually end up writing more than just the first book, I did see potential for a much bigger conclusion.
In the very early stages of the final book's development, which was before I even started writing MI2, I planned to let the heroines find out how to lift Maledictum Insania. That ending would have required many of my previously explained beta ideas.
When Celestia said in the first book that Twilight would be the key to end the war, I originally was planning to make exactly this happen. Twilight would have become an alicorn and demi-goddesss of magic. Due to this incredibly strong bond with magic itself, Twilight would have figured out that if she caused the magic in Equestria to overflow, she would gain so much power she could bypass the rules of Maledictum Insania. For that, she would have needed her own celestial object, just like Luna and Celestia. They would have voluntered to temporarely throw the world completely out of balance by making the sun and the moon meet.
Twilight would have used her magic to make both, the sun and moon fuse into one ginormous star-shaped crystal in the sky, the Twilight Star.
As a result, during the duration of the Twilight Star's existence, the entire world would have been dyed in an intense purple and the magic would wash over the world and around the star in such density, it would have caused visual effects like massive, thightly clustered northern lights.
With the star's help, Twilight would have gained god-like powers that would even rival those of the tree of harmony. She would be able to sense the fragments of Nightmare Moon in all ponies of Equestria, forcing them to leave their bodies.
While this act would have been successful and would have freed the world of the curse of madness, it also would have meant the resurrection of the demon queen, as the fragments now could easily gather up. The result would have been an enormous battle of Equestria's entire population against the demon queen and her entire army while she constantly created new demons.
The battle would have been devastating. Millions of casualties and huge parts of Equestria completely ruined. But ultimately, the keepers of harmony would get an opportunity to use the elements of harmony on Nightmare Moon a second time.
As Obsidian Shards said in the first book, no creature of evil and corruption can possibly survive a second purification, not even the demon queen. This strike would ultimately destroy Nightmare Moon for good, causing the red darkness to get completely destroyed, all demons to evaporate into nothingness and lifting all curses cast uppon the world.

In the final scene, the last few survivors of the battle would have gathered up to watch as all the freed souls the demons had claimed would lift into the sky and leave the world, the souls of Moondancer and Spike among them.

Why was this idea scrapped?
Two words: Cheese Overload.
Letting the heroines win like that easily, despite the situation looking so grim all the time, would have resulted in an ending that would have been just too happy and too odd. After all that had been established, how would you be able to win against Nightmare Moon? It is made pretty clear by now that her resurrection would instantly mean the doom of the whole world. She is just too powerful at this point. I never managed to work it out to sound less cheesy either. Finally, I never found a way to resolve the problem of Pinkie's and Rainbow's deaths rendering the elements unusable.

Also, just by the way... The solution of handling an imbalance in the forces which resulted in a war against demons that is raging for over 1000 years now is to cause an even bigger imbalance that creates a massive crystal in the sky? That is rediciolous! What would happen to the delicate conflict of morals that had been present throughout the series, from The Creation on until now? Magic was the one force that had been neutral in the conflict of light and black darkness against red darkness the whole time. Now, it just decides to jump in and give red darkness a beating as well? Wasn't that how this all even started? That darkness had been put so much under disadvantages, it started raging and splitting?

Think about it. What we have right now is a complete mess in the balance of the forces. Darkness has become pretty much bipolar and schizophrenic.
Darkness itself has been driven to insanity! That is horrible! And how do you solve this? By killing one part of it? How can you kill the homicidal part of a schizophrenic person? It makes no sense. It throws everything out of balance even more. Twilight would end up doing the exact same thing Celestia did. But instead of starting a war and throwing the world out of balance, she is somehow able to pull of the same exact thing and make everything good again? No, this just doesn't add up. Wrong messages all across the way.

This ending did not please me at all. It first sounded very grand and epic, but after revisiting this idea a bit later, I felt like I was drowining into cheese fondue. So, I scrapped the idea and started working on another.

I think what I have ultimately worked out is pretty good. I tried to make the most out of the complex events and set up something that feels right in every aspect and is easily believeable. I won't spoil anything about the actual ending though. Will the heroines win or will they die? Will Nightmare Moon come back or will she be defeated? Is there any way to resolve the war at this point at all anymore, or is the world doomed to forever be stuck in a conflict of light and black darkness against red darkness? The only way to find out is by reading the last book.

So that's it! That was the last beta concept! You know what that means?
In the next few days, I will finally start writing MI3 is what it means!
If you haven't added Maledictum Insania 3: Rebellion Years to your favorites yet, I suggest you to do that, simply so you don't miss the beginning.
Here is a link to make it easier to find.

Writing these beta concepts was fun and I hope you too were entertained and maybe even a bit surprised.
See you all in MI3!

Comments ( 2 )

That idea really sounds like it would had been epic. :pinkiegasp:

But it makes sense why ya didn't want to. Even though it would had been good, I think the original still the best so far. :moustache:

I'll be looking forward to reading the prologue of MI3. i got it set on email alerts ready. :rainbowdetermined2:

I've enjoyed reading the MI Beta by the way. :twilightsmile:

Well, it is pretty clear that no matter what I write, I will never be able to beat the original MI. That was just the best story I ever came up with and everything revoling around it are just extentions. Add-ons that make it even bigger, but have no chance to outdo the first book.

Glad to hear you are so eager to get into the pre-reading. I hope we will have a good time together, because this book is going to go on for quite a while. According to my concept, there is a good chance that this story will end up having even more chapters than MI1, including the three endings.

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