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Comet Burst

The man without a plan.

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  • 283 weeks
    An Intricate Response

    Dear FIMFic,

    It’s been a while, hasn’t it? If you’re still around, I’m thinking you’ve probably gotten wind of a rather controversial topic posted by MrNumbers regarding the state of FimFiction’s story landscape. While I normally don’t do this sort of thing, An Intricate Disguise wrote a rather thought provoking response to it.

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Some fun pony conspiracy theories · 2:33pm May 13th, 2014

Well, I was sitting around watching some YouTube when I made the mistake of watching a conspiracy video on cartoons. So I got the brilliant idea to look over MLP: FIM to find someof my own to exploit for future stories and, as such, I found a few that are pretty fun and wanted to share them with you in the hopes this may inspire some epic pieces of fanfiction.

Note: these are my own ideas on the show and are not to be taken seriously.

1. The Sparkle family is the true heir to the Crystal Empire.
Ever notice Twilight or Shining's cutie mark? It has that ever familiar purple starburst that we all know and love that is also the shape of the Element of Magic. What was funny about them was during the Season 3 opener where the Crystal Empire was shown. There was a suspiciously familiar shape surrounding the castle. Also, Celestia noted that King Sombra took the throne by force, deposing whoever was the previous ruler of the Empire.

My theory is that Shining Armor and his family is the true heir to the Crystal Empire. His role as Captain of the Guard at a young age suggests that Celestia knows there is something special about his leadership skills, along with his marriage to Princess Cadance, technically making him the next king if pony hierarchy works the same way a traditional human monarchy does. This is also supported by the fact that Sombra specifically attacked Shining when they were running in the snowstorm, which could just be that they clashed before, but Sombra didn't use any magic on any of the Mane 6, just Shining, almost as if he recognized him.

While this theory sounds dumb, it could make for some awesome stories on Shining realizing the true gravity of his role in Equestria and how he rises to it.

2. The Tree of Harmony and the Crystal Heart are from the same source.
Ever notice how the Crystal Heart utterly obliterated King Sombra and the Elements of Harmony literally purged the evil from Nightmare Moon? They did almost the same thing, not counting they are both gems with superpowerful magical properties. They both also work when a group of ponies gather and express a form of happiness, whether it be friendship or a sense of unity. Also note that Discord, who was defeated by the Elements, goes absolutely nowhere near the Crystal Empire despite his freedom.

My theory reasons that the Crystal Heart and the Elements, which came from the Tree, are all part of the same source, a gemlike entity that keeps the whole of the world safe from the evils that happened to humanity. There is no recorded war in the show, not with Discord, Sombra or Nightmare Moon. It all was handled by Celestia and Luna who had the Elements or the Crystal Heart before Sombra's reign and after it. There is also no famine, true greed, hate or anything that humans manifest today. As with the recent showing of Tirek, the Tree also can elevate ponies past their normal limits to stop the spread of darkness without the Elements or physical means.

I like this theory because it could be inferred that someone or something could seek the source of them and render the Heart and Elements/Tree useless, making for some very interesting, albeit dark, scenarios.

3. Windigos are products of the unicorns before Equestria was founded.
Something didn't make sense in the Hearth's Warming Tale. If the pegasi were too proud to help the earth ponies grow the food with the weather, how did the earth ponies, and unicorns by extension, keep themselves alive long enough to decide that leaving was the best idea? Also, in the Season 3 finale, Rarity controlled the weather when she got Rainbow's cutie mark, despite being a unicorn and failing at keeping the weather consistent. Could, perhaps, the unicorns have dabbled in weather control before? Could they have tried to usurp the pegasi's roles in nature, causing even more tensions to rise between them?

My theory is yes, and the Windigos are the product of their magical means to control it. Weather is an unpredictable thing, with massive thunderstorms one moment and droughts the next. If the pegasi, the masters of the skies, kept a perpetual drought long enough to force the unicorn's hoof, the unicorns out of desperation would try to counter this by forming storms of their own for the earth ponies to grow food. As we've seen through Twilight and Rarity's magical abilities, things can come to life under normal unicorn magic, and they can keep going past the use of the unicorn if they are not paid attention to (Lesson Zero's Want It, Need It spell). This notion leads me to believe that the Windigos are the very essence of unicorn magic that has gone on for so long, the unicorn casters lost control over them and the storms became violent, especially in winter.

This one provides some rather tragic backstory for the ponies leaving their original homeland, making for some interesting stories if the Windigos ever decided to show up again as they are sentient storms.

4. Chrysalis is a corrupted fifth alicorn princess.
Chrysalis has an interesting history, meaning she has none. She showed up randomly and defeated Celestia while keeping an army hidden in plain sight, all the while sucking out the love Shining had for Cadance. What was more interesting, though, was that she was not only an alicorn, but she was possibly the most adept villain the cast had ever met, taking Celestia completely by surprise and staging a wholly successful invasion. By villain standards, she was actually the most dangerous foe in the entire show until Tirek showed up. She could augment herself with pure emotional energy, had a master plan that nearly worked out, was ruled by her emotions and literally won until Twilight got the real Cadance to Shining.

She literally exhibits all the traits of Celestia, Luna and Cadance, meaning there might be more we're not being told. Nightmare Moon proved that alicorns are not immune to corruption and Cadance's reveal means that there could be even more alicorns we were not shown in the beginning. If Luna, Celestia's sister, was not able to defeat her own jealousy, then other alicorns can be as well. My theory is that Chrysalis was an alicorn princess who was corrupted by her greed, her want of love and power. Her very appearance gives the idea that she is possessed by something as it strongly resembles Nightmare Moon and the changeling army is her own variant of the Royal Guard that was corrupted by the same thing she was. The badlands she hails from could also be where she originally ruled before she sucked it dry of all the love and harmony.

This theory is fun because it not only suggests there are more alicorns, but that there is a long term effect if the corruption isn't treated, leading to Chrysalis's return and possible reformation stories for her.

5. The human world was Sunset Shimmer's princesshood test.
When the Crystal Empire episode began, Celestia referred to Twilight saving the Empire as a test and hinted that it would prove if she was ready for a bigger role. In the EqG movie, Sunset Shimmer was stated as Celestia's former student who gave in to her own greed and selfish wants. Could Sunset Shimmer have been introduced into the human world as a test the same way Twilight was introduced to the Empire? Based on the pictures of Sunset winning the crowns in the movie, she appeared to be rather shocked and innocent looking in the first photo, as if she wasn't malicious or selfish yet. The second picture shows her as more smug and mean, meaning that she was or had given in to her selfish desires.

Perhaps Sunset came to the human world to save it from something the same way that Twilight did, but got wrapped up in the adoration she received. There is nothing to suggest her friends came with or that she had an assistant like Spike, so she would have to do everything herself. Twilight had to learn to rely on others through allowing Spike to return the Crystal Heart, but Sunset did not have the luxury of that, meaning she was or became self-reliable and could easily lead to her being selfish. If it's HER job to save that world, then she does it by HERSELF and how SHE wants it done. This was obviously not what Celestia wanted her to learn and failed her for it, denying Sunset the chance to become a princess. The rift that formed between them, since apparently Sunset DID save the human world, would drive Sunset to return where she felt wanted and accomplished while Celestia felt guilty over what she had done to Sunset, leading her to not make the same mistake with Twilight.

This one, to me, makes Sunset's actions sensible, as she is jealous of Twilight's accomplishments while she was overlooked and not given the same opportunity to succeed. It could make for some really compelling reads of Sunset's decent into her current state and why she locked herself in the human world.

And that's what I got for now. Just some interesting ideas that came to me while rewatching some episodes. I know some authors may have written about these or have some variation of them, but I wanted to share these with you so it could perhaps inspire some new groundbreaking stories about some irregularities in MLP. If you read them all, please tell me what you thought! I'd love some feedback on some of these!


Report Comet Burst · 508 views ·
Comments ( 12 )

I'd always thought that Chrysalis was a corrupted alicorn too. My headcannon on that was that changelings themselves were the ancient race of alicorns. Alicorns are creatures of harmony. Their very being relies on them being in harmony with themselves and bringing harmony to the land. But they could be corrupted. Like all the ancient and oldest races, they became petty. They looked at the "lesser" races of the world and decided filling the land with harmony wasn't enough. They would rule it by force. After all, they deserved it. They were the oldest and most powerful, they would harmonize the world through any means necessary. They became monsters in their hearts and their magic was corrupted. Not all believed this though. Celestia, Luna, and their family were part of a few that didn't believe these things. When the alicorns attempted to subjugate the world, they used the Elements of Harmony. But the Elements turned on them, changing their appearance to the monsters that they had become. The love that they once gave so freely they must now siphon for survival. And since Chrysalis is taller than all the other changelings it is my belief that she was the ruler of the alicorns.

The whole S4 finale makes me wonder whether Tirek is racist/speciest. Do Zebras, Griffons, D-Dogs, Dragons, Changelings, horse-things, timber-wolves, crystal ponies, etc all have no magic, or deemed useless or "inferior" to him?
And what the hell was Chryssi doing while magic was disappearing? I'm pretty sure she would object to her food source getting drained by something that's not her.

Ooh, I really like these. I definitely have to keep some of them in mind. Even if I don't use any of them explicitly, they could definitely inform some of the stories I've got in mind. I especially like the one on Chrysalis, and the one about the Tree of Harmony/Crystal Heart might be useful for a story I'm brainstorming now about the very first bearers of the Elements.

Another good conspiracy theory is from Mandopony's song Shimmer On. The song theorizes that Celestia was a bad teacher to Sunset Shimmer, that she didn't pay enough attention to her or listen to her wants or needs. This is what led to Sunset's resentment towards Celestia and what led her to turn away, while Celestia took all of the lessons she learned from Sunset and taught Twilight right.

Sounds pretty interesting. However, theorie number 5 was already crushed with the comics.

During her time under Celestia Sunset started to become obsessed with power and once she had been told about the mirror by Celestia her obsession started to extend towards it.
It was then when Celestia thought that Sunset was becoming to dangerous for her own good (and of course for freeing Luna later) and decided to ditch her. Howerver Sunset escaped and jumped into the mirror.
There was no epic adventure or anything involved. Just a mare turned girl who suddenly found herself in an environment where she was respected at first (the first Fall Formal) but her selfish side became more highlighted over time.

I was also curious that he was able to drain Spike of his magic. Dragons are supposidly the pinnacle of magical beings, so if he can drain dragons of their magic, why did he need the alicorns? Draining the whole population of dragons would easily give him enough power to DECIMATE everything.

2107954 2107953
Honestly, I knew that the comics had touched upon what happened between Sunset and Celestia, but I don't think that really justifies what she did to Twilight or why. Sunset can be greedy, but that doesn't explain why she took an unhealthy interest in Twilight. She can spite Celestia all she wants with her very existence, but targeting Twilight (to me) means she is more jealous than greedy as Twilight accomplished what she couldn't: becoming a princess. And truthfully, the only way I think Sunset could've known that she could become one would be through Celestia who would've either told her outright or presented her with a similar challenge that she gave Twilight.

I love that first one!

Now for the Chrysalis one.
What if she was the Princess of Nature? Nature/life can take on many different shapes and forms - she also has green aura. The badlands use to be thriving with life, but were wiped out by unknown reasons. Maybe by Chrysalis herself? Who knows...
Another for Chrysalis.
What if she was the old ruler of the Cristal Empire, but when Sombra took over, she was devistated to the point that she just... broke.
Chrysalis. Cristal Empire. Sound the same, don't they?

2108023 This is something I can agree with. Sunset attitude towards Twilight was definitly that of jealousy. From what I know of the comics Sunset Shimmer knew about ascendency which was also the reason why she pressed Celestia for more power.
Now I didnt read the comics only the synopsis of each so I dont know if Twilight was already under Celestias tutelage when Sunset escaped.
However, I can assume a few things.
Back in Canterlot High she was starting to loose power due to the graduation of her class comming nearer so when the portal opend again she went through to find some magical means keep her authority. She probably knew about the EoH in a similar way like Twilight, if not even been told by Celestia herself.
When the portal oppend, she must have arrived durning the day, learned about all significant events probably from one of Celestias maids, including Twilights ascension, and then formed a plan to retrive the crown for herself. She had the skills to do so.

We were discussing the 5th theory of Celestia testing Sunset Shimmer... its nice to see you've developed it further and its nice... really nice... In fact its not a bad story idea... especially if its a Sunset SHimmer redemption fic...

Here a bit more evidence for 'conspiracy' 2.

Take note of the elements in their un cut versions, during the reign of Discord. They're all orbs, besides one. It's the purple, star shaped element of magic. This is long before Twilight existed, and yet, there's an element shaped exactly like her cutie mark.

Skip over to the Crystal Heart. Also, (presumably) was made long before Cadence was born. Her cutie mark is a heart, with a suspiciously famillar crystalline color. Cadence hadn't seen the crystal heart until after she got her mark, since she was sent there by Celestia.

Its more than a coincedence both of their cutie marks are artifacts made to dispel evil.

Also, something else to note. The sparkle in Shining Armor's mark (simallar to what I said earlier about Twilight's cutie mark), has a shield behind it. The reason he's probably leader of the gaurd is because of his mark, which can be translated into 'Protector of elements' more specifically, the element of magic. Which is also his little sister...

I love every one of these ideas.I may even be using the Chrysalis one...

Very interesting theories indeed. However, I must note that I remember a story that covered the theory involving Chrysalis. I do not recall what the title is at the moment, but it was based off of a piece of art that featured Faust as a queen and a pre-changling princess and her guards in the middle of transformation. If I find it or recall it, I will be sure to post it here!


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