• Member Since 26th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 27th, 2016

Crazy Chocolate

Hey, just another guy who likes reading interesting fics and whatnot. And in case my profile name did not make it clear, I like chocolate. Will be updating my stories soon.

More Blog Posts3

  • 548 weeks
    I'm not dead, I'm MOSTLY DEAD!

    Some of you may have noticed that I changed the status of An Idiot in Equestria from on hiatus to incomplete and uploaded a new crossover HiE story. I know what you're thinking, and you're absolutely correct! I am back from the dead and will be updating crap really really soon. Don't expect 5 new chapters in a few days or that kind of thing, but I will actually be working on this stuff now.

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  • 559 weeks
    Idiot In Equestria Hiatus

    For various reasons (such as other stuff going on, laziness, writer's block, etc.) An Idiot In Equestria will be on a hiatus. I will try and post some more stories on here at some point in the near future, but I'm going to not be working on this story primarily.

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  • 563 weeks
    First fic HUGE SUCCESS!

    Special thanks to everypony who read my first fic! /)^3^(\ (because using the official emoticon for that face is overrated)

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First fic HUGE SUCCESS! · 11:15pm Apr 23rd, 2014

Special thanks to everypony who read my first fic! /)^3^(\ (because using the official emoticon for that face is overrated)
Never thought I'd get so many views and likes on my first fic, so I am very pleased with the turnout. The final chapter of Chocolate Bar Salesponies is out in case you didn't read it, so read it.

Now that I have that fic out of the way, I will be working on a human in Equestria story about Karl from An idiot Abroad. I know HiE is kinda overdone, but I wanted to do a traditional, non fusion crossover for a while and I knew the second I saw this show that it was meant to happen. Will be updating that story really soon since the first chapter is doing well so far.

After that story is done, or maybe between updates for it, I will be working on other crossovers. Why so many crossovers, you ask? Because some stories are in desperate need of more ponies in them, and somepony has to make it happen. Like, now.

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