• Member Since 7th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 3rd, 2022


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  • 89 weeks
    Long time no see everypony.

    I'd just like everyone to know that Thems Fighting Herds is now up for pre-order on Xbox. If it's up on anything else for pre-order then I'm unaware, as I only play Xbox currently.

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  • 224 weeks
    Just an update on my status

    Ill try to make this brief, so bare with me.

    The surgery went off without a hitch, it turned out great, and from my most recent MRI it shows that the cancer/tumor is completely gone, thank god.

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  • 247 weeks
    final goodbye

    hey guys, long time no see. just wanted to tell everyone that this is my last log in to fimfiction.net. i know my previous posts talked about deleting stories and whatnot but im going to leave them here. the reason though behind me saying this is my last log in though is that i was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor. in order to take it out it has an 80% chance to reduce my mental capacity,

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  • 303 weeks
    just a heads up

    i will not be visiting this site very often anymore. i seldom get on the internet except to game. if you guys have questions or concerns please message me on xbox live. my gamer tag is furstreak. same as my handle on here. for those wishing to do a crossover with my story. you are more than welcome to do so. this is my approval for anyone wanting to do so. just remember to give me credit as

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  • 314 weeks
    Hey guys been a while.

    Hey everyone. Just thought id get on here and lwt you guys know how my life has been going and whether or not I should just roll over and die now or not. Seriously this is going to be a sad post so dont rwad on if you dont want to feel bad.

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A little treat for you guys. · 3:47am Apr 3rd, 2014

Ok so I've been looking through my stories to locate the unpublished and unused chapters. Below was originally going to be chapter 48 of WLGTDWI? But I never finished the chapter and thought it would get too complicated. Keep in mind I am not going to finish this chapter, so come to your own conclusions at the end. The chapters name was called 'being read like a book'

After new years had passed, time seemed to move at a quicker pace. It was nearing Heart's and hooves day around Equestria and decorations were being strewn about in a festive manner, filling the streets,and adorning the buildings all over. This was a festive date for love and friendship. It was also Midnights first here in Equestria.
Midnight had taken the liberty to gain knowledge about each holiday in Equestria through several history books that were available in Twilight's library. He was surprised to find that many of the holiday's that were celebrated on Earth, were also celebrated here in Equestria. Although they had different histories, they were basically identical in every other aspect.
It was exactly two days until Heart's and Hooves day and he had planned an elegant dinner planned for Rarity and himself. He had managed to acquire a vintage bottle of wine from Celestia's royal stash. Although the terms for obtaining it were not in his favor, he felt that it would be well worth the trouble in order to make his ivory love happy.
After gathering all the items he needed for the dinner, he thought he would head to the library to talk with Twilight about some books he would need to borrow for what he had planned. He had been busy for the past month helping out around town and taking a couple vacations to see as much of Equestria as he could. Although most of the bits he had spent were on food, he also spent a little purchasing souvenirs for his friends back in Ponyville. At one point though he was running terribly low on funds and finally broke down to locate a job. Although his allowance from the princess lasted for well over four months, it was finally time for him to pull his weight and earn a living for himself.
After speaking with the mayor, she agreed to let him teach the older foals that had graduated Cheerilee's class. Although the class was a decent size, he took pride in being able to teach them all. Whether it be magic, flying, or anything else, he was more than willing to help shape the young minds of Ponyville. However, we are getting off topic now. Let's get back to Midnight in his current predicament.
At this moment, he was heading toward the library to talk to Twilight. Getting there was simple enough. Locating the books, possibly just as simple. However, her reaction to each time he had visited her over the past month felt more and more strange. Ever since the prank on New Years, he had noticed that she was becoming shyer each time he would visit. She was even starting to rival Fluttershy.
As he made it to the library though he could see flashes of light coming through the window. After experiencing those same flashes firsthand he knew that Twilight was in the process of casting a possible new spell. He sat outside for a moment before heading inside.
"Twilight? Did you blow anything up?" He asked coming through the front door. seeing her sitting next to a huge pile of books. She looked up seeing Midnight enter and began to blush.
"H-hi Midnight. No I didn't blow anything up. I was just trying out some new spells from the book you gave me during Hearthswarming. It has been a tremendous help in my studies. Thank you again." She smiled, trying to avoid eye contact.
He gave a sigh as he trotted over laying down across from her on the floor.
"Twi, I have a question." He smiled softly causing her to tense up. She knew what was coming ans she wasn't ready for it.
"Why have you been acting so shy around me ever since new years? I know it has something to do with that prank you all pulled on me, but seriously. Had I known that you would act so differently I would have tried to do something different. I will admit however that your shyness is cute." He grinned causing her entire body to turn red now.
"I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I............." She stammered, unable to find the words.
Midnight sighed again standing up and moving over to her pulling her gently into a hug. He could feel her entire body tense up, but slowly after a minute began to unwind.
"Listen, I don't know what your thinking so I can't help you if you won't tell me whats bothering you. But I can guarantee you one thing. No matter what you have to talk about. I will always be here for you." He smiled feeling her almost go limp as she gently pushed him away.
"T-thank you Midnight. I...... I honestly can't say in words whats going on, but I do know a spell that can help you understand me better if you like." She smiled looking up to the Alicorn.
"Anything for you darlin." He smiled sitting there as Twilight moved to grab the book he had given her during Hearthswarming.
Twilight took a deep breath as she cleared her mind reading the spell in the book one final time. She gave a determined smile as her horn began to glow. A bright flash erupted from it as a wave of magic washed over Midnight. Little sparks flew from all around him as the spell finished being cast.
'Oh, I hope that spell worked.' Twilight thought to herself.
"I duno if it worked Twi, what was it supposed to do?" Midnight answered her thought.
'OH SHIT!' She thought again not answering verbally.
"Twi?! I never heard you cuss before, what brought that on?" Midnight asked shaking the fog from his head, his vision elsewhere and not directly focused on Twilight.
"Uh, Night. I didn't say anything." She spoke. 'Oh Celestia what did that spell do to him?' she thought to herself only to be answered by Midnight.
"Of course you talked, what in the world are you talking about?" He chuckled looking at her finally.
'I didn't say anything, how is he able to know what I'm thinking? Was it part of that spell?' Twilight thought to herself in a panic.
Midnight froze for a moment hearing Twilight speak but her mouth didn't move.
"Uh....... Twi............ What was that spell you cast on me?" he asked starting to panic as well.
'Oh crap, now I'll have to explain it to him.' She thought pulling open the book to find the spell.
"It was called, The real them." she announced.
Midnight pulled up the spells from the book he had written for Twilight, remembering the spell in question. After a moment he shook his head laughing at Twilight.
"Twi, that spell gives the person whom it was cast on the ability to listen to others thoughts. Not something I would recommend casting on anyone." He chuckled.
'OH SHIT! Now he'll know how I feel about him!?' Twilight thought in panic.
Midnight sat there smiling. "So how do you feel about me Twilight?"
'Oh CELESTIA please don't let him find out like this!?' Twilight paniced as tears formed in her eyes. She began to back peddle away form him.
"Easy Twi, If you don't want to tell me anything just think of something else. If I could turn this spell off, it would be easier than to make you feel uncomfortable. He said moving away from her. However once they were around fifteen feet apart he could no longer hear her thoughts.
"Twi, are you thinking of anything at the moment?" he asked giving her a cocked brow.
Twilight broke down in tears falling to the floor crying.
"Noooo nonono Twi I was asking because now I can't hear your thoughts. It seems that after a certain distance ther being with the spell cast on them will no longer be able to hear the thoughts of those around them after they get out of a specifc distance." He spoke, holding himself at that distance, but wanting nothing more than to comfort the purple unicorn.
Twilight gave a sniffle looking to Midnight. He sat there, a worried look on his face. 'So you can't hear my thoughts from there?' she thought.
He continued waiting, unable to respond to the thought as it did not register to him.
Twilight smiled wiping the tears from her face.
"Just keep your distance Night, As much as I would like to tell you right now, I......... I just need some time is all." She sniffled.
"Alright, I guess I had better go then. But listen, I will need to come back by to pick up some books. I'm teaching Cheerilee's graduates now and I'll need as many reference books as I can get on a few subjects. This spell only lasts 24 hours, so I can come back tomorrow if you prefer." He smiled seeing her nod.
Twilight made his way out of the library giving a deep sigh. "Well that was uncomfortable." He spoke to noone in general. He looked around for a minute smiling as he did.
"Oh man! I am going to have a LOT of fun today." He grinned evilly to himself as he began to trot around town listening in on random ponies thoughts.
He strode by some children playing with each other. He smiled down to them as he passed by.
'Whoa, tha pony is so big! His mane is on fire and it looks so cool. Wish I was that big.'
'The pony looks scary.'
The thoughts of the young ones filled his head as he continued walking. The children seemed a little aw struck by his appearance and size. He smiled again thinking of a few other places to go to.
As he continued through Ponyville, passing others as he went. He noticed that quite a few of the females smiling at him were thinking dirty thoughts about him. Some as simple as, 'I sure wouldn't mind a rut with that stallion.' And a couple going as far as being very descriptive about how they wanted him to tie them up and beat them or vice versa. Midnight however continued on as if nothing was happening. After finding a quiet spot away from any other ponies he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
"Damn! Some of these ponies are as fucking creepy as some of the people back in my world. And I don't even WANT to think about why that one light blue pony kept thinking of the word HANDS repeatedly." He shuddered.
"This feels more like a curse than a gift." he chuckled to himself nervously as he heard a few other thoughts enter his head.
'Crap! I swear if I don't get my Cutie Mark soon I am going to go crazy!?'
'I wish that last plan had worked.'
'Dag nabit, ah wish mah cutie mark would appear soon."
Midnight gasped hearing the voices. It was his trio of nieces, apparently just coming back from another failed attempt at getting their Cutie Marks. He trotted out of his hiding place to see them moving down the street solemnly. He gave a sigh watching as they continued walking.
"I bet they could use a treat." Midnight smiled as he trotted up to the three walking just behind them.
"Hey girls." He spoke catching their attention.
He just smiled watching them whirl around in panic. Finally seeing their uncle they smiled jumping up to give him a hug.
"Uncle Midnight!" They all shouted happily.
'Alright! Maybe he will take us flying today!' Scootaloo thought.
'YAY! He isn't with my bitchy sister today!' Sweetiebelle thought.
'Awright! Maybe now ah'll get ta tell him to ask mah sister out.' Applebloom thought.
"Whats wrong girls? You looked a little down a minute ago. Crusading not going as planned?"
They all three mentally and physically sighed.
"Naw, It's been crazy lately trying teh get our Cutie Marks." 'It's all Scoots fault.'
"Yeah, We've been trying to get our Cutiemarks all day and no luck." 'It's all Appleblooms fault.'
"Yea, and the last attempt wasn't that much fun.

Report Furstreak · 293 views · Story: Whats love got to do with it? ·
Comments ( 3 )

Yeah you're right. It would've opened up a bunch of possibilities.

1979270 im considering writing this into the sequel a little later on after all the darkest hour parts im writing atm

Hijinx will undoubtedly follow.

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