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Self-taught writer from Las Vegas, Nevada. I have no idea what I'm doing, but it seems to be working out okay so far. (Enjoying my writing? How about a tip? https://ko-fi.com/type_writer )

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In which I cancel Kiss of the Dark Pt. 2. · 8:13am Apr 1st, 2014

I don't like April Fool's day.
No bullshit, no shenanigans, no lies. None of that, because you can't goddamn trust people today. People you know and love, who are dearest to your heart, who you trust, just take today off to fuck with you. And you can't trust the news either, even less so than before. If someone murdered the president today, no-one would believe it, because they'd be convinced it was all a prank.
I don't like it, is what I'm trying to say.
Bronywriter (or, for today, Eakin) wrote a story awhile back. I forget what it was called, but it basically boiled down to, "Everypony in ponyville gets to be as racist for they want for an entire day". And in that story, one could " opt out", as it were, and everypony else would just treat them normally. I wish we could have something like that set up for April Fools day, but it quite simply wouldn't be possible.
I just don't like the idea of it. And here's why.
You see that title up there? That's probably what drew a few of you in. It's the lowest form of prank, that being outright lying to people just to get a reaction. I fucking hate doing it, and on any other day, the mods would agree with me. Today, it's encouraged. And let's all admit it, you hate seeing it too.
That's why it may, or may not, be the truth. I don't like doing this either.
KotDPt2. All this time, and I never figured out a better title for it. It shouldn't even be news to those of you that found me through it that I haven't updated it recently, if at all. And there's a damned good reason for that. When I started it, I had all these grand ideas, of three-way battles between Changeling Swarms, Gryphon Jägermonsters, and Royal Guards, of a wonderful ethical dilemma; do you put friendship above your country, or should you stay loyal to government that your friends have taken up arms against? Should one go to war for someone else's love?
At that time, the Sparkyverse, which I swear I will get around to fucking writing soon goddammit, was but a sparkle in my metaphorical eye. But ideas began to bleed through. They were good ideas, many of them hold-overs from Kiss ofthe Dark, which I had begun to bend from the original story ever-so-slightly to fit those ideas that were, and are still, bleeding through into everything. I began to write the same story twice, except one of those stories already had fans.
So, I'm seriously considering canceling it. And it hurts.
I don't want to, but I really do want to. The story isn't writing itself, but it sort of is. Even I don't know for sure what's going to happen to it. I hate it, but I love it. It became proof that I could write, moreover, that I could write a compelling story. A story that got me a shitload of fans that I don't think I really deserved. I just wrote what was popular; on a site dedicated to writing fan fiction, was writing fan fiction so wrong?
It doesn't feel like someone reining in an unruly child. It feels more like Dr. Frankenstein putting an axe in his monster's forehead just after it wakes up but before it starts rampaging.
And I don't like it.
And I think, now that I've said all that, that I've made my decision. I'm getting my axe, and I'm putting this monster down. It's got my face, and I don't like it. Now the only decision is whether to burn the body and delete it entirely, or pin it to my front gate as a warning to myself that I have limits. Consider this the official warning, all he who enter here: It could very well be gone soon. Save it if you particularly liked it. Write an ending for yourself and your friends. I don't care, just as long as you don't send it to me.
And consider, at the end of the day, that I'm choosing to cannibalize the parts of my Frankenstein. It shall live on in the Sparkyverse, however subtle it's influences may be. So whenever that finally gets written, I can only hope that you follow that main story, Interloper, with even so little as half the fervor you followed this failed experiment.

Thank you, and be well.

Report Type_Writer · 1,205 views · Story: Kiss of the Dark Pt. 2 ·
Comments ( 9 )

Whatever you decide to do with it, it's your choice. Having said that, I am proud that you have recognised your morals and decided to stick to them. Pulling a stunt like this, even on April Fools Day is not something I am dissapointed with. I will admit to being a little upset that this didn't have an ending but, thinking about it, it's probably for the best. I do think that you should keep this story for yourself, as well as a record of it's popularity to show that even what you consider one of your bad stories can gain a following. I wish you the best in your future writing and hope you find something that works for you.

Comment posted by Type_Writer deleted Apr 1st, 2014

Thank you. I expected to catch some flak for doing this, but receiving support instead is wonderful. (Or perhaps the news simply hasn't reached my American readers yet.)

To me completely honest. Good on ya. Instead of simply saying fuck you and leaving. You gave us the reason why. Instead of milking a chapter or two.. you tried your best to make it real. Finally, why n it got to much. You stopped. Good job. I'm sure one day you'll pick it up. If not then o well. But at least you were honest

i liked this story you were the only writer to write a sequel for that story using the bad ending which was my favorite ending and i know what story you were talking about i kinda liked it thought it was a little funny in the beginning i dont know if i have it saved or not anywhere though and although i may not like this for cancelling im not gonna force you to keep writing it

Well, this is depressing, but if you feel this way then thats ok. Sure I'm dissapionted but I've cancelled like 60 of my stories and then deleted them. At least you didn't delete it! Cause I'm gonna keep re-reading it over and over. Good luck in whatever you do!

I was just getting into the story...

I wish you could continue i really loved were it was going but i support even if not continuing it.

You should consider doing reboot on this sequel in completely different direction you endless possibilities considering the foundation you laid in the first installment. I would do it myself but I would feel terrible for continuing because I could not do it justice cause I'm not much of a writer myself, my grammar is just awful and no matter how many times I read the writing guide I still don't get it....Sorry I ramble.
Anyways my piont is just consider doing a reboot on the sequel that's all.

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