• Member Since 31st Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Sep 29th, 2014


I enjoy thinking up of stories for this sort of fandom and I hope that the stories I write will please you. :) And for those of you who want to know my gender, I am male.

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  • 512 weeks
    I may return. ;)

    It's been a good friggin' 6 months since I've updated anything, but I may have a chance from time to time to write more fiction. Just wait a little longer guys! My next chapter might finally be published and added to the public viewing. :D

    1 comments · 272 views
  • 534 weeks
    I Haven't Been Feeling the Spark.

    Aside from being busy and all, I haven't been feeling the spark of writing FiMFiction. I really hope I get back to this because I really want to write and finish my stories and write more for you in the future. Sorry for the long delay...

    0 comments · 289 views
  • 536 weeks
    I'm so sorry guys...

    I'm sorry I haven't been able to work on my story. I've been on a choir trip to Chicago (which was freaking fantastic) and I don't have much time at home and at school to work on it. I have work and parents preventing me from FiMFiction (I know it's dumb) and choir and other things are taking my school time from working on this (and trust me, I want to work on this SO BADLY). Anyways, peace out

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  • 537 weeks
    I am going to be busy.

    I have things outside of my FiMFiction life that I am going to be busy with, so I wont be to active on FiMFiction. For example I have choir practcie during advocacy (My time in school to study, do homework, etc.) and I never have time for this to do at home. So expect very slow updates and new chapters for my story. Peace out Fellas.

    0 comments · 274 views
  • 538 weeks
    Guy. This is just too perfect.

    Okay. I had an epiphany the other day. So I was listening to the radio in my car when this song popped up:

    And I my first thoughts were 'Who is basically the embodiment, or should I say, who closely relates to this song?' Then it hit me, 'SPIKE.'

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My Story is Going Well!! · 7:32pm Mar 28th, 2014

As said at the top, my story is doing great! So I'm now going to scrap my first stories and create comedies and maybe romance fics (NO CLOP), but always with little dark aspects here and there.

Have a great day and keep on readin' my fellow bronies!!


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