• Member Since 24th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen January 25th


More Blog Posts5

  • 658 weeks
    Fleh, Foiled in my attempts to be nice

    Well, I was Gunna post an image of my handwritten first chapter and let you try and decipher Voyinch Manuscript 2: Electric Boogaloo(A.k.a The Pony Fic I finally deecided to get off my but and start writing. It's amazing what discovering an empty notebook, a working pen and that you can't sleep in quick succesion will do) for any semblance of readability, but it appears that my only camera sucks

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    10 comments · 544 views
  • 664 weeks
    Lordlyhour, Novelist Supreme?

    Hello, my freinds. I have NEWS! Vis, I am planning on writing a NOVEL. Not for a while yet though. Right now, I'm just shaping the outlines of the plot.

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    2 comments · 286 views
  • 665 weeks

    Well, I really can't say I even have hatred of Clop fiction anymore. Fieldnotes on Alicorn Reproduction. *sigh* Ponies, why you steal all my previously rigidly held beliefs?

    4 comments · 255 views
  • 673 weeks
    Another rant. Seeing the pattern yet?

    Goddamn it God-mother-swearing-DAMMIT. Oh, hello Dear readers. Want to know WHY I am seething? Andrew Joshua Talon. Why, you ask? (or Why me? if you are th A. J. Talon in question) I Will TELL you why! Because He's eroding the list of genre's I wouldn't touch with a long stick. Remember my LAST blogpost? (the answer is likely no, so go read it now) The one with the big ol' rant about how Human in

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  • 676 weeks
    Greetings and a Rant. Awesome!

    Hey Ho! Lordly the Hour here!
    Greetings, ye being who hath stumbled into my Web(log)! For no reason other than the Fact I'm writing a story ATM, I'm going to Write here, Right now.
    Don't come crying to me if it scars you for life
    Vital facts to know about me:
    I'm 18 years old

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Lordlyhour, Novelist Supreme? · 11:31am May 16th, 2012

Hello, my freinds. I have NEWS! Vis, I am planning on writing a NOVEL. Not for a while yet though. Right now, I'm just shaping the outlines of the plot.
I'm writing a fantasy Novel and I'm going to try to break away from the Standard fantastikal creatures that have become standard to fantasy. Orcs and elves have become a staple of the genre and that seems a little oxymoronic to me. Writing is the act of taking that which lives in your head and placing it on page so the world can contiue to grow without you. That so many people use the same old Cliches says to me that they're not really trying to IMAGINE things. Dwarves and Elves and Orcs and dragons are all well and good, but surely we can think of better creatures that that? Heh, sounds rather pretentious coming from someone who comes off as basically illeterate when he types anything, eh? Well, bah to that. I may crash and burn, I may sink ten years into something that comes out fruitless, but I'll have tried and thats all the really matters.

In other actually Pony news, My fic hasn't really advanced at all since I last mentioned it. I've been unable to write when I have been inspired and Uninspired when I've been able to write. Ah, the joy of your creativeness being Nocturnal with Diurnal people controlling when you're awakeI suppose it'll haopoen eventually. I really should get a laptop. *sigh*

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Comments ( 2 )

Having a laptop does indeed help...for now,having a notebook is probably best for jotting down epiphanies and the like.

118599 Hah, Not with my handwriting.I'd be all like "MY GODS. BEST.IDEA.EVER." and write it down. Come back the next day and be all. ...Da Fuck is this? Basically illegible. :D But yeah, the ideas I COULD read would be helpful. I do tend to keep a copy of NotePAD open at all times though.

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