• Member Since 24th Dec, 2011
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More Blog Posts5

  • 655 weeks
    Fleh, Foiled in my attempts to be nice

    Well, I was Gunna post an image of my handwritten first chapter and let you try and decipher Voyinch Manuscript 2: Electric Boogaloo(A.k.a The Pony Fic I finally deecided to get off my but and start writing. It's amazing what discovering an empty notebook, a working pen and that you can't sleep in quick succesion will do) for any semblance of readability, but it appears that my only camera sucks

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    10 comments · 544 views
  • 662 weeks
    Lordlyhour, Novelist Supreme?

    Hello, my freinds. I have NEWS! Vis, I am planning on writing a NOVEL. Not for a while yet though. Right now, I'm just shaping the outlines of the plot.

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  • 663 weeks

    Well, I really can't say I even have hatred of Clop fiction anymore. Fieldnotes on Alicorn Reproduction. *sigh* Ponies, why you steal all my previously rigidly held beliefs?

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  • 671 weeks
    Another rant. Seeing the pattern yet?

    Goddamn it God-mother-swearing-DAMMIT. Oh, hello Dear readers. Want to know WHY I am seething? Andrew Joshua Talon. Why, you ask? (or Why me? if you are th A. J. Talon in question) I Will TELL you why! Because He's eroding the list of genre's I wouldn't touch with a long stick. Remember my LAST blogpost? (the answer is likely no, so go read it now) The one with the big ol' rant about how Human in

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  • 673 weeks
    Greetings and a Rant. Awesome!

    Hey Ho! Lordly the Hour here!
    Greetings, ye being who hath stumbled into my Web(log)! For no reason other than the Fact I'm writing a story ATM, I'm going to Write here, Right now.
    Don't come crying to me if it scars you for life
    Vital facts to know about me:
    I'm 18 years old

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Fleh, Foiled in my attempts to be nice · 2:11am Jul 3rd, 2012

Well, I was Gunna post an image of my handwritten first chapter and let you try and decipher Voyinch Manuscript 2: Electric Boogaloo(A.k.a The Pony Fic I finally deecided to get off my but and start writing. It's amazing what discovering an empty notebook, a working pen and that you can't sleep in quick succesion will do) for any semblance of readability, but it appears that my only camera sucks to such an extent that it makes my illegible handwriting Even more so. *sigh* Oh well. Now you know I'm actually working on something, rather than just spinning my wheels. I think I've found the process that works best to get my creativeness going: Go to bed. Wait until my parents have gone to sleep. Go back into my computer room and steal my computer chair, since its the only bloody chair in the house that doesn't suck nads. Carry the thing into my room, being careful not to run into anything. Place chair in front of my desk, repurpose Portable gaming devies as mini-torches, so that in the event of late night parental bathroom breaks, they won't see my Obnoxiously bright bedroom light coming from in under the door. Take pen in hand, Write pages and pages of stuff. Of the 4 or so pages I wrote last night, Only 3 of them are actual fic. The first is a basic synopsis of what I'm doing with the story, for about half the page and the other half is devoted to random Fic Ideas that I might do at some point in the future. Then I go on to re-write the entirety of what I had already written in the proulouge, And then another page and a half of ORIGINAL WORDS HUZZAH. And all through the margins are little snarky notes to myself, Random Doodles of Interconnected Asterisks, the Text of the few footnotes I didn't think I'd remember the contents of and one little box complimenting myself on writing the most beautiful h I have ever seen. I looked at this h and suddenly realised how some people could take such stock in calligraphy and writing neatly. It was a life changing h. A h of Epiphany. Granted, the Epiphany is that H is one of the Two words in the english langauge that I'm aware of that doesn't have a proper rhyme (Along with Orange. Purple and Silver Both have proper rhymes: Curple, One of the Buckles on a saddle, to prevent the Saddle from kicking foward and Chilver, a Female lamb, respectively) Geeze, thinking I meant it inspired me to be neater and yadda yadda yadda? You're so silly, dear reader, Why would it do that? (a Note though: My handwriting is actually about as neat as it is possible for me to get it. That means, by most peoples standards, it's only barely legible If they put a bit of effort into deciphering it. Beautiful h's or no, I'm as good as I'm going to get)

Report Lordlyhour · 544 views ·
Comments ( 10 )

just type it up.

208648 Oh, I will eventually. When I have the prolouge and preferably at least one chapter finished :P. The way I'm doing it now, though, it means I'm not nearly as likely to think "Well, I'm sucky at writing" and then tab away to go read other people's Stories. The whole "Photo of my writing" Thing was more of a "Hey, you're cool for reading my blog, hey look i'm writing something I have proof and Isn't my writing messy lol" Deal. Honestly though, at the rate I'm going, I'll probably have the Prolouge done within the week. (Planning Fallacy, Planning Fallacy, doo-be-doo-be Planning fallacy). The thing is, though, The prolouge is pretty much the most important part of the story. It doesn't have much of the meat of the story, but it has all the setup and I think It'll be the set-up that makes or breaks this story. If I go a-writin' it up now before I'm done with it, I might jinx myself (also, its always a bit of a thrill to see my name in red. MUST WRITE MORE TO SEE IT MORE)

208677 Whatever floats your goat.

208687 My MIGHTY TELEKINESIS DOES THAT! Oh, thanks for reminding me I needed to check the eymology of Telekinesis. Turns out that it IS a perfectly viable term for what Twilight does when Levitating stuff. The Wordgeek inside me is happier now that I don't need to invent words :twilightsmile:

Yeah, but my word's a pony adaption of the term that both makes it distinctive and shorter.
Cornesis .
That's two whole syllables removed.:moustache:

208728 It's also painfully Punny, Really. I guess you could say it's *Sunglasses* Corny . I love it

a whole tenth of the show's writing is puns...

208979 Yup. Never said it was a bad pun or that puns were a bad thing. I quite enjoy painful puns. Probably half the reason I'm a brony, honestly

209029 I'd honestly like to be able to deny that, I really would.But I think when you come to the realisation you think your own blood is a very pretty color and that you tend to interntionally injure yourself to maintain Symmetry, you are a little Masochistic. Just a little :pinkiecrazy:

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