Greetings and a Rant. Awesome! · 4:34pm Feb 26th, 2012
Hey Ho! Lordly the Hour here!
Greetings, ye being who hath stumbled into my Web(log)! For no reason other than the Fact I'm writing a story ATM, I'm going to Write here, Right now.
Don't come crying to me if it scars you for life
Vital facts to know about me:
I'm 18 years old
I Bounce between being a world weary cynic and a Hyperactive, Exiteable Happy-go-lucky guy frequently and for no real reason.
I'm Australian, born and bred.
I tend to Parody things. Poems, Songs, Genres, Stories, Myself. Whatever I feel like at the time. This is done mostly for my own amusement but if someone gets a kick out of it, it brightens my day RIGHT UP
I've got A Lazy Eye
I do Most of my writing at night time, Post midnight. Thats really the only time I get inspired. Either my Muse is Nocturnal and a late sleeper or she lives somewhere in the GMT-6 Timezone and is an early riser
I'm an Atheist. I'd rather Not be (Seriously, You die, thats it? Terrifying and Depressing) but I Can't bring myself to believe in a god or gods and Hooooo-boy, have I given it my best shot.
Now, enough about me. It's time for... Well, actually, more about me, but in the form of a Ranty thing. Yay
I will read a Fic of ANY combination of Genres, Tags, Starratings and what have you. Want me to read a Comedy/Shipfic Between Big Mac and Pinkie? Sure. A Grimdark/Adventure Oneshot about Luna Being killed by Diamond dogs, Causing the Moon to Explode, Allowing them to transform into their demonic Hellhound forms? I'm there. Cupcakes? Been there, done that, Thought it dull and poorly written. A Clopfic/Grimdark where Spike hits puberty, Sleeps under Rarity's bed, Contemplates having sex with Sweetiebelle non-consensually, Contemplates killing Sweetiebelle and having Nonconsensual sex with her corpse, goes home, uses Twilight's hoof to jack himself off, Goes to Sweet Apple Acres for some reason, Screws Winona, gets caught by AJ and hangs himself in shame? Had it Read to me, in an Accurate immitation of the voice of Morgan freeman by a freind of mine. Not something I'd normally read, but I suffered through it. mainly because IMAGINE MORGAN FREEMAN READING SOMETHING LIKE THAT. IT'S BIZARRE AND HILARIOUS. However, there is One type of Fic I Will NOT read. Human In Equestria (Humanised Ponies count as Well). I HATE the genre. Seething Rage. I'm not saying that all the fics of that type are bad and there are probably several I'd really like, But unless they're pointed right at me with glowing reviews, I'm not gunna read 'em. I suppose it comes from my Hatred of self inserts. OCs, you can at least PRETEND aren't a direct Transplant of the Author into the pony world. Of course, there are probably some fics out there with Human leads who aren't self-inserts, but If I see "A brony named Peter Magorgamaforg suddenly finds himself in equestria, unless I know the Author, I'm going to assume that, IRL, their name is Peter Magorgamaforg, they're a brony and they want to be pulled into equestria. A Basic self-indulgent Fic. The Humanised ponies thing bugs me because the Authors aren't WRITING about the ponies anymore. They're writing about humans with the same Character Archetype. Mayaswell begin a piece of original fiction, IMO. Because really, if you're writing about Humans, you're not writing about Rainbowdash or Pinkie pie, you're writing about Sporty-Tomboy-with-a-Need-for-speed or Exiteable-hyperactive-Partygirl. Their Driving forces, Motivation, (and, most jarringly) Skills and ORIGIN are different by nessesity, unless you write it so They've still got all their pony powers. In which case, Why bother? If you NEED them to have fingers or hands, Twilight was practicing a spell to make Hooves tougher and Spike interupted so they have Dragon hands and feet. 'Cause really, Twilight could be mistaken for Hermione Granger if Either were to other's species and one was unfamiliar with either series. Nerdy-Antisocial-Bookworm-Who's-good-at-everything-A-teacher's-pet-afraid-of-rulebreaking-is-great-at-magic-Makes-very-good-freinds-Organisation-junkie-is-basically-the-brains-of-her-group-of-freinds Either could be desribed with that long run on scentance, provided you didn't know either series very well. What "Humanising" Ponies is is an attempt to write an Original Fiction with characters Similar enough to have an even longer run on scentance. Bleh. A cynical Approach and certainly Arguable but it's the only one I've got.
Now, for a lighter note: How to write a fic That will make me Love you, Thumb it up, Favourite it once I figure out how to do that and write Glowing reviews, quite possibly in poem or song:
Asides from Proofreading, checking for Spelling and Grammar and getting someone you trust to do the same, Write a Fic where a character has Transformed or is Transforming into something else. Alicorn, Dragon, Draconequss, Gryphon, Human (yup, a Loophole, gasp), Whatever. I love the whole "holy crap, Why is this happening what'll I become" thing. Now, Outta Words. Bye now