Another rant. Seeing the pattern yet? · 5:01pm Mar 17th, 2012
Goddamn it God-mother-swearing-DAMMIT. Oh, hello Dear readers. Want to know WHY I am seething? Andrew Joshua Talon. Why, you ask? (or Why me? if you are th A. J. Talon in question) I Will TELL you why! Because He's eroding the list of genre's I wouldn't touch with a long stick. Remember my LAST blogpost? (the answer is likely no, so go read it now) The one with the big ol' rant about how Human in Equestria fics are demon spawn and I hate them and they could never be any good ever? (paraphrasiiiing~♪) Welp. Hands, by afore said Author. Fucking damn. Y'see theres this ol' Mountain. It's what I call "Mount Lordly is superior to the writhing masses, if only because he's snobbish" It's made up of 3 Spires of Hatred; Hatred of Human in Equestria, Hatred of Clop and Borderline Clop and Hatred of War in Equestria (Serious, kill-y Gun-y Shoot-y Grimdark wars, not that skirmish with the buffalo we see in show)
My hated of Human in equestria Pillar was Shattered by "Hands" by A. J. Talon. It's now small boulder of dislike. LUCKILY! Hatred of War and Clop/Bordeline Clop Still St- WRONG! Beating the Goddamned Heat by Guess Frikken WHO Dynamited hatred of Clop/Boderline into the much thinner and Rickety pillar of Hatred of clop. If he spices it up, look out below. That leaves me with Hatred of war. I GUARANTEE if he writes a Warfic, Boom, I'm stuck on the island of my fragile Ego. A small bruise to my pride after that and BOOM, Strait into the piles of Putrescent Plebians (no offense, of course) I go. It's not FAIR. I don't even know HOW to writhe. *sigh* Yeah, so go read the stories I was bitching about, Shower A.J. in Cashola and Throw youself at him in increasingly desperate attempts to bear his children. Pfft, good luck with that. After all, I'm your competition ^.~—♪