• Member Since 13th Dec, 2011
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More Blog Posts22

  • 533 weeks
    New Story - Gatekeeper: Prince of Darkness

    Hey there everybrony! It's been a while since I made one of these, huh? Now I know what you are all thinking and don't worry, I'm still working on The Guardian (K)Night, and the revisions are coming in slow and steady. But that's not what this is all about. No, if you're seeing this, it's because I want you to know that I've made yet another story, titled Gatekeeper: Prince of Darkness. It a

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  • 546 weeks
    Shot in the dark, and a quick cry for help.

    Hey there everybrony, InfiniteBrony here. You know, that one guy with a popular story who's update rate is slower than the average lifespan of a small rodent. As you all should probably know by now, my story The Guardian (K)Night is currently on hiatus for review and rewrites. However, it seems I've hit a little snag lately.

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  • 547 weeks
    New friends, New games, An unfortunate hiatus, and An adventure for the ages!

    Well hey everybrony, guess who's back? (No, it's not the T2, he melted in a vat of molten steel, remember?) It's me!

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  • 566 weeks
    Art, Exiles, and Guardians in the Night.

    Hey there everybrony! It's been a while.

    As is no doubt obvious just by you reading this, I'm back from my self-imposed exile for the first time in three weeks. And my exile has seemed to actually serve its purpose. I'll get right to it though, because I know just what you all want to hear.

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  • 571 weeks
    Announcements, Apologies and New Ideas

    Hey there, everyone. It's me again. It's been a while, hasn't it? I'm sorry for the wait.

    I suppose I'll get straight to the point. The Guardian (K)Night. I know what you're all wondering, "When's the next chapter coming out?" The truth is, I don't know. At all.

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Hurray, it's finally ready! · 10:22pm May 11th, 2012

It has begun! The moon is full and the stars have aligned, soon Venus shall line up with Mercury and the sun shall at last set on this oppressive age of bitter anguish. And thus shall rise a new era, one of untold--

"Oh, get on with it darling. You're starting to scare Fluttershy and bore everypony else."

*sigh* Wow, Rarity. Way to rob my thunder. I was rather enjoying my little rant.

*scoff* "Please, I've seen better prose written with sharpie on the inside of a bathroom stall."

...... Owch, Twi, owch. That's just harsh.


"Oh, come on, Twilight, he's doing the best he can, give him some slack."

Ladies, please, settle down.

*ahem* Anyways, as promised, my latest fanfiction, The G.E.A.: Victor in Equestria, is now ready. I've just submitted it for approval and it should appear on the front page soon enough. Why don't you all go ahead and read it when you get a chance? I'd love to know what you think. Oh, and yes, I drew the coverart myself. It's not the full image, but I just worked with what I had. And that's good enough for me. For now, anyways.

Well, that's all for now, you girls have anything to say before I sign off?

"Nothing comes to mind."


"Hi, other me!"

You done? Alright. See ya later, everybody.

Report InfiniteBrony · 446 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

"Hi Derpy the 2nd... Or is it the 3rd? Am I the 2nd?"


"I kind of like to think of us as 'Glass' and 'Infinite' Derpy.There's just way too many of us to do it any other way!"

I'm gonna have to go with Derpy on this one. I've seen at least like, 13 different Derpys all over. It's easier to just go by which Derpy is living with who.

Oh, and Derpy, did you eat the chocolate-chip muffin that was in the oven?

"Uuuuuuumm..... maybe?"

Oh, man. I was saving that one.

"ohhhh....... I'm sorr--"

No, stop! Don't do the sad face again! My doctor already told me if I have any more diabeetus attacks today I'll have to go get 50 cc of Nurse Redheart.
*shudder* And you know what happened last time.

"Oh yeah."

110470 God, I've read that story :rainbowlaugh:

"Haha, I remember that one. You were laughing the whole time."



Yeah, I have a policy of adding any story that makes it to the feature box to my "Read it later" list until I can get to it, regardless of any *ahem* mature. And get to it I did. And yes, it was quite humorous.

"Oh come off it, you were laughing so hard you fell out of your computer chair."

Ok, yes, it was really funny. At least it was well written, despite the whole.... you know......

"Fact that it was a clopfic?"

"Twilight! How vulgar! Have you now tact?"

*mumbling* 'oh i'll show you tact alright'

"What was that darling?"


Ladies, please, stop bickering. Why don't you both just run along and do..... unicorn..... things.

Seriously, I love them all to death, but they can be a pain at times. Your lucky you've only got Derpy under your roof.

110486 "I don't know about that..." *Looks at Derpy*

"Ehm... I may have burned down our house... We're living at Hydkore's place at the moment..."

"And whenever Pinkie came over she would always mess up my bookshelves!"


110490 Huh...... maybe I spoke too soon. But still, can you imagine living with all seven of them under one roof? It can be rather.... frustrating at times. I don't have worry about Pinkie getting to my bookshelves though, I lock my library room and give the key to twilight whenever I leave. I mostly have to worry about her making a mess in the kitchen. I still don't know how she managed to get all that flour stuck to the ceiling.

"I don't know either!"

GAH! Pinkie! What have I told you about popping out of nowhere like that?!

"To only do it to Twilight, because she freaks out trying to explain it with science."

That's right.



Now now, Twi, let's not get violent. Despite how much time we've spent trying to explain Pinkie's sudden appearances everywhere...

:pinkiehappy: I laugh really hard when they try! They've even tried a theory where I use wind, water vapor, and a rubber chicken to slingshot my way around Kodor and end up where I need to be!

Damn it, it was as good a theory as any! I have to BEND MY MIND TO THE BREAKING POINT in order to explain it!

:twilightangry2: And to find out it was PLANNED by this guy! OH, THE THINGS I WANT TO DO TO YOU RIGHT NOW.

All my efforts...all a ploy by some other-dimensional author...

*Steel sobs, defeated. Fluttershy pats him on the back while Twilight fumes over the computer screen.*

:twilightangry2: Just you wait! I've been testing inter-dimensional teleportation and I've ALMOST GOT IT. SOON I'll wring your neck and choke the LIFE OUT OF YOU.

:duck: Oh my...I've never seen Twilight this livid before...
:rainbowderp: She's starting to scare even me...
:applejackunsure: It's Pinkie. We've all gotten used to it, so why is she still fumin' over it all?

:twilightangry2: Get a hold of yourself, you spineless scientist! We can still explain it all! WE CAN! AND WE WILL! CELESTIA AS MY BLOODY WITNESS WE WILL SOLVE THIS! Now chin up, and let's go kill an Author!


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