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Twilight floated a second fritter up to her mouth when she realized the first was gone. “What is in these things?” “Mostly love. Love ‘n about three sticks of butter.”

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Changeling: The Dreaming MLP:FIM game and stats. · 6:20pm Apr 25th, 2012

I'm currently organizing a Changeling: The Dreaming game, and as it goes on I plan to write about it here and maybe, if it goes well, edit the events and turn it into fic. How would Changeling: The Dreaming make good MLP fic? Well, here's my story for it:

Equestria is a realm of the deep Dreaming, though for aeons Celestia's power and the Elements of Harmony have kept it separate from the ever changing wylds. But something has gone horribly wrong, and the Elements of Harmony have been cast out.

With nowhere else to go, the elements have attached themselves to mortals in the real world, six young women in a small town in Pennsylvania. Now changelings, these girls know that they are both normal people with families, school, and jobs, but they are also ponies of Equestria, bearing an Element of Harmony. Unfortunately, the mists that separate the worlds have made most of their other memories foggy at best, and they may not be able to find the path they have to walk in order to save Equestria until it's too late.

But dangers lurk in the mortal world. It isn't the pleasant, ordered world the ponies knew, and worse, the dull, bland, cruel and destructive aspects of humanity wear away at their magical Elements. If they give themselves over to fae magic without the protection of Celestia, the Elements may be lost to the seething chaotic waters of the dreaming, but being trapped in the mortal world may cause them to be undone, and their Harmony lost forever to the forces of banality.

I was inspired by a story on here that was a MLP/Changeling: The Lost crossover. As much as I love Changeling: The Lost, I don't really like Grimdark in my ponies, so I was thinking of other games it might be fun to crossover. . . Changeling: The Dreaming was my first gaming love, and I think the mix of hope, adventure, and sadness that runs through it will make for an awesome MLP storyline.

It helps that my entire group are bronies, and (most of them) are great role players. I asked them to come up with the normal mortal characters, and I'm going to assign which pony they are to try to make sure that their mortal half is well developed and not just a cardboard cut out to stick a pony on.

Rules Stuff, (in case you're curious.)

Here's what I'm using for Equestrian changelings. It's more powerful then typical changelings, but could be toned down. For the purposes of my game, where all of the PC's are pony changelings, it should work fine.:

Dreams of friendship and innocence, equestrians, or ponies as they're more commonly called, are rare changelings. Their realm in The Dreaming is protected and kept safe by the powerful Princess Celestia, so none underwent the changeling way during the shattering, and few have returned to earth even in the wake of the resurgence. When they do, they often show up as the Sidhe did during the resurgence, bonding their souls into a suitable mortal host rather then undergoing the changeling way.

When they do appear, ponies tend to be kind and friendly, but somewhat naive. Peace and harmony are clearly important to them, and they try to build communities that help and depend on one another. They're weary of strangers, but once someone is a part of their herd they accept most differences without fear or jealousy.

Appearance: In mortal seeming, ponies tend to be slightly shorter then average, and are drawn to bright vibrant colors, often dying their hair brightly and adopting a motif in their eye catching clothing, usually related to their cutie mark. While their cutie mark isn't apparent to mortals, some will go so far as to have it tattooed on the side of their thigh as it's such a huge part of their self-image.

In their fae seeming, ponies are humanoid, though as they venture deep into the dreaming they become more horse like. They have stubby, stiff fingers that are unsuited to fine motor skills. Their skin is often a bright, unnatural color, and their eyes, which run the same spectrum, are large and expressive. Their hair is also often a bright color, sometimes several, and they have a long tail of hair in the same color. Their legs are shaped somewhat like satyr legs and end in large flat hooves.

Those of the unicorn subtype have a horn growing from the middle of their heads, just above the forehead. Pegasi have large feathered wings which are unfortunately useless in mortal realms, but capable of flight as they go deeper into the dreaming.

Childlings: Childling ponies tend to be among the most wide eyed and innocent of children. Their fae seeming presents brightly colored skin, hair and eyes. A pegasus will also have small wings, and a unicorn will have a short stubby horn. They don't have their cutie marks yet, and many look forward to the day when one will appear. Foals have an adventurous streak, and combined with their innocence this can make them a handful for any guardian.
Wilders: Wilders retain their innocence more then any other kith. Seelie pony wilders are among the nicest of changelings, but also the least streetwise. Even unseelie ponies rarely have any innate cruelty, tending towards mean spirited pranks or con artistry and almost never resorting to violence. While their eyes are slightly more in line with the size of their face, they're still large, and their colors are just as bright, if not brighter then a foals. Wilders all have their cutie marks, a symbol on their thighs the shows them and the world their special talent or destiny. Often they're very proud of this, and will use the same symbol in their clothing and decor.
Grumps: Grump ponies are kind and caring elders, dedicated to their communities. Their colors are just as bright, but the wide eyed innocence is gone. Their happiest making sure then everything is running smoothly, and passing traditions on to the younger ponies.

The Pony Way:
Earth Ponies: Earth ponies are better developed physically then other ponies or people. They gain +2 to any two physical attributes, even if this takes them over 5.
Pegasi: While their wings aren't capable of flight in the mortal world, they do give you added speed and balance. A pegasus gains +2 to dex, doubles their jump, and receives -2 difficulty to all attempts to balance on something.
Unicorns: Unicorns are naturally magical. When casting a cantrip, the unicorn's horn glows brightly. This is only visible to other changelings, but automatically counts as a level 5 bunk (lowering the difficulty of the cantrip by 5.)

Hands like Hooves: Ponies hands are stiff and hard. A pony's bare handed combat does an additional level of bashing damage. If they spend a point of glamour, their hands do lethal damage.

Hooves like Hands: Because of the stiffness in their hands, and the lack of practice with fingers, ponies take a point of temporary banality from any task that requires fine motor skills.

Affinity: Fae (Note: In Equestria, all objects, plants, and animals as chimerical. Therefore, fae is what all ponies have the most experience with.)

Equestrian views on other changelings, recorded by Twilight Sparkle, a seelie wilder unicorn:

Boggans: Of everypony I've met, boggans seem the most like us. Hard working, friendly, and always ready to lend a helping hand. A boggan kitchen is almost like being home.

Eshu: Oh, the stories! Adventure, romance, mystery. . . but there's something so sad about traveling forever.

Nockers: Hmmm. . . definitely not for little foals to be around. Even I had never heard some of those words! They do make useful things, though.

Pooka: ARRGH! So confusing! They will NOT give a straight answer. But they are a lot of fun, I have to admit.

Redcaps: Back away. Slowly. I hear that some of them are very nice, and I'm sure those are good friends, but probably not the ones that ask what unicorn horn tastes like.

Satyrs: I never thought I would see parties that rival Pinkie Pie's, but if anyone can do it, it's satyrs. Just remember: if they ask to see your cutie mark, it's NOT because they're curious.

Sidhe: Possibly related to alicorns? They have the same beauty and noble baring. They can also use the Royal Canterlot Voice, so don't make them!

Sluagh: A lesson in not judging a book by it's cover. As scary as they seem, sluagh are some of the most polite and knowledgeable fae. It's a shame they don't like to share what they know.

Trolls: I really admire their honor and courage, but intimidation and violence aren't very good solutions to a problem.

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