• Member Since 6th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 18th, 2015


More Blog Posts15

  • 589 weeks
    Turns out I was dead after all

    It's like a practical joke except nobody laughs and everyone just kinda stands around awkwardly.

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    9 comments · 626 views
  • 614 weeks
    Not dead

    Not yet anyway.

    Things have ... happened over the past few months. Doesn't particularly matter what but the point is that I am not dead, I just had some serious stuff to do over the past few months. I just need to straighten a few things out. Then maybe I'll start writing again.


    3 comments · 500 views
  • 629 weeks
    Well ****

    Alright, I know no-one cares really but for the three people who might, the short story is that I have not done anything whatsoever for the last two months.

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  • 636 weeks
    Yes, I am writing things.

    I feel I should address the looming vacuum of creative output. Firstly, don't worry, I am doing things. The re-write of the Starworks prologue was WAY, WAAAAAAY harder than I could have dreamt, but is also the most problematic chapter. I have a complete version sitting on my GDocs and I am just giving it another few hours before posting it so I can give it another clean re-read.

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    3 comments · 450 views
  • 639 weeks
    I'm back! (Warning: may contain traces of holiday photos)

    So hey everyone. I was half wondering if I'd come back to find the fandom in flames. I am pleasantly surprised.

    Thanks especially to the guys who wished me well on my travels. Sorry I didn't reply to you, I typed up the blog post on the morning I was flying out so didn't have time.

    So, I've been doing this

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Turns out I was dead after all · 9:52pm Aug 19th, 2013

It's like a practical joke except nobody laughs and everyone just kinda stands around awkwardly.

Long story short, my life fell apart completely about 6 months ago and is only now slowly putting itself back together. Obvoiusly, writing ponies kinda slipped down the priority list. Maybe I will pick it up again. Starworks was always way too ambitious to be uploaded chapter by chapter, but I may finish some of my smaller bits and bobs. See if I get all inspired and whatnot again.

So yeah, if there's anyone left who cares, sorry. I let you all down. Simple as that.

Report Sanctae · 626 views ·
Comments ( 9 )

Nah, you can't leave us down. Stories are nice but not a priority.

Have a Pinkie Pie. :pinkiehappy:

Oy, don't I know that feeling.

Good to see you back. :yay:

It's nice to see you back, and it's alright. Real life always comes first and that's the end of it. Glad things are at least somewhat okay. :pinkiesmile:

Nice to have you back,

I hope you are now all better, and that we can expect a few nice and scrumptious chapters from you in the near future :pinkiehappy:

Eh, good enough. At any rate, nice to know that you're back.

Not technically back, from what I can read, but just twitching enough to leave his face in a toilet so he doesn't die from his vomit should he do that.

That said, sanctae, you have no idea who I am, but I'll be waiting here when you are better.

Comment posted by AkashaRoc deleted Aug 21st, 2013
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