• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 8th, 2018


This is my contribution to all the witty and unique descriptions that everyone aside from me seemingly has on this damned site. You're welcome.

More Blog Posts48

  • 534 weeks

    Look at this.

    It's glorious.

    Visit this fucker. http://mewball.tumblr.com/

    Hi BTW

    15 comments · 1,047 views
  • 547 weeks
    Keeping it Brief

    Thought I was dead? Too bad. I'm back again.

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    5 comments · 525 views
  • 585 weeks
    I guess... a rant?

    I've just been thinking about stuff recently, so bear with me. Anyone feeling depressed better look away. If you're feeling marginally optimistic, carry on reading. When you read an amazing book, or any book, for that matter, do you remember the author? I mean, it's much easier to remember the book itself, or the characters therein, than the person behind it. Everyone knows the fictional

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    25 comments · 736 views
  • 586 weeks
    Roleplay at its finest

    [19/10/2013 23:56:53] Trial S: Nope.

    [19/10/2013 23:56:57] Hueple Prose: Nup

    [19/10/2013 23:57:07] Trial S: ^ I concur.

    [19/10/2013 23:57:13] Hueple Prose: ^^

    [19/10/2013 23:57:21] Trial S: ^^^ This guy knows what's up.

    [19/10/2013 23:57:23] Hueple Prose: I'm a conker

    [19/10/2013 23:57:32] Hueple Prose: Hueple Prose is a conker

    [19/10/2013 23:57:32] Trial S: Smooth?

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    2 comments · 666 views
  • 593 weeks
    New Story and Shizzle

    You know the 'Luna cuts things' one I was on about? Yeah, it's here.

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    0 comments · 744 views

A Wild Challenger Appears! · 11:02pm Jun 4th, 2013


No. I wouldn't do that to you. I am, however, going to announce a competition between a fellow writer and myself. RainbowBob will be fighting against me to get the most followers in a week. The competition begins at different times — 24:00 EDT for RainbowBob and 24:00 BST for myself, just to keep things straightforward for ourselves. It will go from the 5th of June to the 12th, exactly on the minute. We will each have a week to rake in as much followers as possible by means of creating chapters like crazy and starting stories like stupid. The winner gets to demand what the loser writes — no exceptions. In the end, either of us could be writing some form of transgender midget clop, so it may be quite entertaining.

So, that's it folks. Draft your mother, your father, hell, even your unborn sibling into following either one of us. I promise it'll be fun. We'll both be pumping out fiction like it was going out of fashion, and one of gets to humiliate the other at the end. Fun all around. I also took the liberty of setting up an online poll, just for the occasion, and for shits and giggles of course. Hopefully, it will work. It's right here. No, here. Or is it here?

It was on this day that the two began battling, the fire of competition burning brightly in their eyes. For seven days and seven nights, they laid siege on one another, attempting to extinguish the rival's inspiration. Though the weapons of choice were words and sentences, the blows given and received felt as powerful as forged steel, the stings rivaling that of salt rubbed into a wound. I'm coming for you, RainbowBob. I know you're reading these very words, and I hope you're quivering in your computer chair to save me the trouble of making you...

Pic related: it's RainbowBob in precisely a week's time.

At present moment, 290 followers.

Report Trials · 906 views ·
Comments ( 15 )

1124608 I personally went for the Pokemon reference, but that's okay, too. :twilightsmile:

1124685 If that'll make you sleep easier...

1124698 Again? When was the first time you were shot here?

1124703 Well, I don't what to say. Are you alright? Need to discuss something?

I voted for you...(like, no more than 3 times) :pinkiehappy: I hope you win Trials!

1124789 Thanks, man! :twilightsmile:

Oh ho ho, a challenger arrives. Be forewarned, my rival, that thou shall lose. How do I know this? One, I have insomnia, and a ton of free time.

Two, I'm going to release a crossover with this guy.

Three, a oneshot clop with this fine gal.

And four, the first Fallout 1 crossover on the site.

You, my good friend, are doomed. DOOMED! :rainbowlaugh:

1124856 Well, I'm keeping my tricks up my sleeve for now, thank you very much! Plus, I've already gained one follower in the two hours I've had! Just you wait, Mr Insomniac... just you wait.

Fuck, I need to get insomnia!

1124856 Oh, by the way, here's the poll if you want to share it with your followers.

I'm not sure how easy it is for people to vote multiple times, but it's just for a bit of fun, really.

The lack of faith people have in me is appalling. :twilightoops::trollestia:

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