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Mother Fausticorn

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I remember back when... · 5:50am Jun 4th, 2013

... And that's all I can remember. I really am growing old, aren't I? I'll try to manifest my memories once more though. I hate not remember everything.

Report Mother Fausticorn · 559 views ·
Comments ( 19 )

Aww Hello mother! it does hurt, to not be able to remember it all, but, I'm certain you'll agree, alot of times, it's good, to remember the past right?

Is this when Discord usurped the throne?

Celestia has a cute mane style in this.

Don't say that.

*brb, singing about my feels*

1123418 I really like her mane!

Yes... it does hurt... and it makes me feel better to remember.

I don't know. I remember that my son had recently ran away before I held this conversation with Celestia. I don't believe so... I think...


She does.:twilightsmile:

1123787 Then, why did you leave the castle?

1123787 Yes, exactly, even I know it hurts, to remember some of the bad things, but, alot of times, it is good, and fells nice, to remember the good.

few things.

one, well, this is your first blog, and it was good.

two, i do have to agree with you. i also too hate to not remeber everything. even my childhood i would hate to loose, because those were good times.

three, possiably saying too much here and not really important, but, if you remeber what i said in that one comment about you being in my fan fic and all? i kind of made up a story of how Celestia and Luna, like in the past and stuff. i even made up a story about you. what i'm getting at, is that i made up a story where it tells the history of you three in the fic. its not really all planned out, but most of it is. just got to make it work is all.

I'm trying to remember.
It kind hurts though. Lots of years, decades, and centuries, and millenniums to go through.

But 'tis fan fiction, correct?

1124404 for the most part, yes. i mean, right after i commented to you, i just came up with the story or the history part of the fic. basically, thats not what the fic is all about, however, it does serve sort of a plot point into the fic. i mean, like i said, your character is or role in it is mostly part of a nig secert to the main character, that he doesn't even know about, nor does anypony.

anways, i have the story planned out in my head, i just have to get to that certin point into the story, which is a long ways away, and like i said, for the most part, yes, it is.....mostly....correct. i mean, i did add a little stuff into it, although that's just me for some odd reason.

it's kind of how like i'm working on a chapter or is could possiably be on it's own fan fic, called, Equestria boys. at first, i thought it wasn't going to take long, but i planned out the plot and the events that follows and it seems to be pretty long and will take a while. and just to give you a rough idea what Equestria boys is its kind of branchs off from my fan fic, which you are aware of, Universal Magic, and into a what if situation, if my main character went through just like what Twilight did in Equestria girls. well, the rough idea is this, that the crown is stolen once again, excpet by a thief that is being payed by someone that not even Knight even knows. by the way, Knight is the main character, same as in the fic as the history thing is in. i don't know why i used knight though. well, whatever, as i was saying, knight is asked to get it back, which he does, however, he doesn't go to high school, but goes to Las Vegas and let's just say, his adventure of getting the corwn back would take a long explantion to write and i don't want you to be bored while reading this comment, so let's just say the adventure is really long.

well, sorry for this long comment.

It's fine, and your fiction is sounding rather more interesting. :twilightsmile:

1125371 really? i man, how does it sound intersting? like, universal magic, or Equestria boys?

1126313well yes, but i read up on the discribtion of what Equestria girls is supposed to be.i just went along with...... oh not wait, i get it now.

i get what you said. well, i just thought the corwn would be stolen again in Equestria boys, although, i'm planning on what Knight trying to get back isn't the real crown at all. you see, someone stole the real crown early on, and no one noticed it, and replaced it with a fake one, but an exact replica of the real corwn. then, that same guy paid someone welse to steal the ctown. however, there is a reason for that.

1129763 yes, and keep in mind, that this goes off from likt eh timeline of my other fan fic, Universal Magic. i mean, Equestria boys is sort of an alternate universe type thing fic to my other fic, Universal magic. in UM (Universal Magic), the timeline is that it's been a year since after season 4, and a human and goes to the official MLP universe, and when i mean by official, i mean that theres many alternate universes that are comoletly diffrent from the orginal show. for example, Luna never became Nightmare Moon, or Twilight was never a personal student to Celestia. the possiabilities are pretty much endless, which, it is, since it goes off from the multi universe theory. where, the human goes to official MLP, who is a Brony, however, lived in the Ever free forest for about a year, and is founded by Celestia and Twilight, and he becomes the new personal Student of Celestia, becsuase he has very strong magic, and i forgot to mention hes a unicorn. just thought i should mention before i continue with Equestria boys.

with EB (Equestria Boys), Celestia askes Knight to go and capture the crown and bring it back. and the thief who took the fake crown, (which he thought it was the real one. just remeber my previous comment. and keep in mind that the thief had a black suit on, with a gas mask on), which is to go through the portal to Earth where the thief went. Twilight gives Knight advice for when he get's to Earth, and what she recommends and go to high school. well, Knight says yes and he he also says he will go to high school, but really, he just lied, because he doesn't care about the high school, since hes a human and all.

well, Knight goes through the portal,which he lands somewhere in the Desert in southwesteren America, and goes straight to Las Vegas. there, he gambles and little bit, and ecideds to go to a hotel for the night, and will go and find the thief the next morning, since he's actually ggod at finding stuff or people or basically, hes a good detective.

well, he's been away from Earth for a while, and the Brony thing died out while he was gone, so there were very few Bronies left. so he stumbles on a guy who's not having such a great life, and he still believes in the Brony stuff,a dn decideds to help him out. the Brony guy offers to give him a room for the night at his house, which Knight accepts, and the next day he goes and tries to find the corwn, which he sees the thief, but gets away from him, and the brony guy notices this. Knight explains everythinbg to him and how he found the portals to other universes and what he has been doing with his life.

Then the Brony guy wants to help him out and pinkie promises not to tell anybody else about where he is from and what he has done. the brony guy says he knows a guy who could help him, who is a good engiener i guess i will go with.

well, with the enginier, he found he got laid off from his job, he has a classic type of car, na dlives somewhere in the desert. not sure yet on where, but somewhere.

well, Knight and the borny guy goes to talk to him, and Knight ets high, with weed, and puts the raido on and sings aloong to the song, the gambler, which is a pretty good song, and if you don't know what it is, well, here it is.

then somewhere in there, a guy comes whos ex-milaitray and is a very good sharp shooter and sniper and all, and also helps out. haven't figured out yet on how i will intrduce him, but i will. then, they somehow figure out where the thief is going to be at, which is a ship year or type thing. i think there is a better example in this video game tralier, of where i'm talking about.

thats the place that i was trying to descirbe. also, in that trialier, something bad or messed up happens, where a fight takes place there.

well, then the guys looses the thief once, more, and Knight has one more friend that he knows from his past adventures in the universes, before he went to the MLP universe. they go to a really big, popular, fancy cosino, where they meet the ownner of the place, who is a guy that has a white suit on.

they go and meet him, and when they enter is penthouse type place, hes looking out the window, where the water fountain place is and singing beyond the sea, which is this song.

he also dances to it, while holding a scotch. then they have a talk, and the casino guy agrees to help, and is a little bit crazy. and he also says he knows a guy that can help them. they go to somewhere, not sure yet, where they meet the casino guy's friend, who is an illegal, insane weapons dealer. he is really insane, and crazy, and helps them out as a group. soon, something happens, not sure what yet, and the Las Vegas Mob, Chinesses Mob, Intallian Mob, The mexican Cartel, and the U.S. Goverenment gets involved in the fight for the corwn.

although, wioth the U.S. Governement, they are not fighting for the corwn, but trying to capture Knight, because they need him to help out with a top secert project, called Project Portal, which is a machine to go to other universes. however Knight doesn't want that to heppen, because they will end up doing very bad things to other universes, including the MLP universe. even though the cances are quite slim they would get to the official MLP universe, you don't know what will happen. that, and he protects the other universes.

then the group decides to call themselves, The Equestria Boys. well, the EBthen decieds to get all of the bosses from each group to come out and fight them, so they EB can kill them, so they can figure out on how to get the crown back from the thief without so much trouble and it won't lead to a full out war.

well, the decide to kill the second in commentd of each group, so they leader can come out. well, they do it successfully, however, the leaders of each group does something different. they order they're men, to kidnap them. however, each leaders says the same thing.

well, the EB goes to celeabrate a little bit, and the ex-milatray guy sees is ex-wife i guess, because i'm planning on saying when he firsts meets the group, that he had some relationship with his wife or gierlfriend not so sure yet.

well, she is used as bait, to weaknethe Mil;tray guy, but the girl doesn't know. it's a little confusing, but it won't be in the final fic.

well, each mob fights off for the EB, since they are odered to kidnap them. well, the group gets seprated by the mobs, and don't forget the cartel and Goverenment as well.

eventually, one of them escapes and helps the others out. they then decide to go to a bar, and try to just get the corwn back and worry about the mobs later. however, Knight says differently. that they messed with them, and pissed them off, and he wants revenge. and while also getting revenege, they will, end up fixing the problem with the mob and all.

well, they deicde to destory they're businuess, with tyhe four gorups which does not include the goverenment.

then Knight decides to do something with the Goverenment, not sure yet, however, as they are doing so, the thief reveals himself, as a creature from another universe, who speaks english, but is an ugly beast or something. well, he sets up a trap for them, and traps them underground. which there is also a little hive of that certain creature, and they evetually escape and end up in that guys casino. well, unfortenitly, one of the mobs, decides to burn the casino down, and the EB escapes in time. and the casino guy goes to the mayor's opffice of Las Vegas, who sort of gave the keys to the mob, and something happens to him. not sure yet. i think he commits sucide, because he is currpted and stuff.

then the EB deicdes to end it all, and sends them a message to come out for a shoot out for the corwn. Knight also has to get something, which is at his old High school, and something happens to it. which i think it burns down. well, the milatray picks up on this info about the shot out, and knows where Knight is going to be at.

then one the shoot out, all war breaks loose.

the mob bosses fights to the death, along with the Cartel and all. and , the U.S. goverenment comeout and gets into the fight as well. as for the memebers os the EB, they also fight. however, the two crazy guys do great amounts of damage, while the milatray guy is a good shooter, while the brony guy and the enginerr guy does the best that they can. and keep in mind that this fight is happening out ina desert, that is near a cliff edge. well, the thief comes out and also fights, and Knight and the thief fights for the crown. eventually, the crown gets thrown down the cliff, while there is a helicopter, aiming at Knight's head, however, Knight gets the crown, and the mob bosses are dead, while the U.S. goverenment backs down, because they can't take Knight, because Knight has beatne them.

so, Knight departsback to the MLP universe, and everybody and his friends, which is not the mane six, but is like the male version of the mane six, because he brough the crown back. however, Knight later finds out that the crown is a fake, and goes back to Earth to find the real one. he believes it is with the thief, however the thief isn't dead.

then the thief says hes going to kill the guy that paid him to steal the crown, but Knight captures him, and keep in mind, that Knight also has the EB with him, and they go to the place where the thief told them where the guy paid is at.

they go, and finds out what really was going on.they don't see the guy's face, but a shilloueet of him behind a glass, but hears his voice. thet guy says, that this was a test for them. that and he has one more test for them, before he knows that they are ready.

which goes into a squel that i'm planning, which the second one is the next test, and the last one, which is the third one, where the guy tell them what he needs the EB's help on.

it's sort of a trilogy.

sorry for this long comment and all, but like i said, it is a long adventure. however, if i explained that UM, it would be even longer. i mean, the fic itself has 19 chapters so far, and it' would be hard to explain what it is about, without you reading it.

well, once again i do aplogize for this long comment.

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