• Member Since 4th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 16th, 2015

Crimson Star

Like my stories? Don't worry, more's coming. Don't like my stories? Eh, who needs ya?

More Blog Posts81

  • 497 weeks
    MFW Ferguson

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  • 501 weeks
    Sometimes, I hate FIMfiction.

    I post about an Amber Alert in a group. My only replies are "Wat" and "H'okay, calm down and leave the investigation to the police there, Batman. We aren't the Emergency Broadcast System.

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    12 comments · 618 views
  • 502 weeks

    Four days. Four days until I'm 26. With my birthday coming up soon, I figure I should find a way to thank you guys for being so patient while I update nothing. Unfortunately, my writer's block is still here. So, while I can't promise an update to ASOT, I can promise a oneshot story to help me get back in the writing rythm. And if it's not out by my birthday on the 24th, it'll be out in time for

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  • 506 weeks
    Excuses, excuses...

    Alright, so I've given this some thought, and I decided that I should update you on what's going on in my life.

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  • 507 weeks
    So, what have I been doing since my Writer's Block came?

    Training. But not just any training, Pokemon Training. I've gotten really good at training my pokemon, too. I've managed to sweep OU and Uber teams, despite what I have on mine. Granted, some of it is luck, but it's mostly skill. Here, let me show you my team.

    First guy you're gonna see is Wayne, my Crobat.

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Feel enthralled by my previous work. · 6:36am May 2nd, 2013

Here's a pre-brony era story from me. I absolutely loved it, and I wanted to finish it, but the problem was, I didn't know where to go with it. So, I just kinda let it sit. Well, I recently dug it up, and figured you guys would like it. So, without further ado, here's the aptly-named "Zalgo Story" that I never completed.


Guys, I don't know what you believe. And chances are, you won't believe this story. Call me a faggot, a liar, even say this story is copypasta, but just hear me out, because this may be the last chance I have to tell it.

My name is Robin. I'm your average unemployed fucktard. I'm 21 years of age, and in decent health, with no allergies or medical conditions. To say I'm overweight would be inaccurate. But I'm not a musclebound idiot, either. I have brown hair that extends past my shoulders, and blue eyes. I consider myself a man of decent logic. A man with, a pretty firm grasp on the concepts of reality. A man who's down to Earth, and lives in the realms of the real world.

Until the day I discovered the truth. We joked about it, made ED entries for it, and fucked with each other using it. But believe me. "He who waits behind the wall" is no laughing matter. He does exist, and this may be the only chance I have of stopping him. This is my story.

I was sitting in my living room, browsing the chans on this very laptop. I hadn't taken any drugs, and it was morning, and I had a strict "No alcohol before 12" policy in my house. It seemed like an average day, and there was a knock on the door. Now, I live in the expanse of suburbia, and away from any culvisacks, so getting a knock on the door was still kinda rare, but not really strange. I got up, and walked over to the door. My gut told me not to open it, but I hardly ever listened to my instincts at the time. But little did I know, the second I opened that door, life as I knew it changed beyond the bounds of human reasoning.

On the other side was a figure in a black robe. The robe was tattered, and the man (at least, I think it was a man), who was only a foot shorter than me, gave off a foreboding vibe. Immediately I wanted to close the door, punch his face, and puke, all at once. But none of those things happened. The curiousity of the situation kept me from doing any of that. All I could think of to say was, "Halloween's next month, bud."

Wordlessly, this robe figure extended a sickly gray hand, which was old, and withered. Had I not saw the flesh stretched across it, I would've assumed it was a skeleton's hand. The figure was offering me a book. It was black, leather bound, and gave off the same bad vibe as the figure before me. I fought the urge to kick it away, and slam the door, why I don't know. I slowly reached out, betraying no fear or nervousness, and took it. I looked down at the book, and back at the man. "Is that all?" The figure didn't respond, merely stared at me under his dark hood. I shifted uneasily. "Okay, well, bye." I closed the door.

I looked down at the book, wondering many things. Who was that guy? What is this book? Why did he give it to me? Why do I feel uncomfortable? Something told me if I just threw this book away, and ignored it, this would all be over.

'He wouldn't like that.' An unfamiliar voice rang in my head.

What the fuck? Who? That guy that was at my door? I looked out the door's window, and I saw him standing there, still staring at the door beneath his hood. I was more than a little pissed. I angrily threw the door open, and glared at him. "WHAT?" I demanded. The man stared at me. "I got what you wanted to give me, now leave!" The man stared at me. Finally, I got really pissed. "I'm going upstairs to get my rifle! If you're still here by the time I come back down, I'm shooting you!" The man stared at me, unflinching.

I had every intent of following through on my promise. I slammed the door, ran upstairs, and grabbed my Lee-Enfield. I loaded it with ten shots, and ran back downstairs. I saw through the window that he was still standing there. I swung the front door open with fury in my veins, and aimed my rifle.

At thin air.

The man just vanished. I saw him at my front door, but when I opened it, he was gone. I stepped outside, and glanced around the front yard. I looked to the left of the door, to the right of the door, and behind a couple bushes. I found nothing but an old soccer ball some kids had kicked into my yard. Baffled, I returned to my house.

Needless to say, I was a little freaked out by the incidents, so I kept my rifle with me, as I sat down to return to my channing. But as I successfully troll'd a Miku thread, my attention was drawn back to the book. It was laying there next to me, sitting there, innocently. Well, as innocently as a creepy, possibly demonic book could be. It seemed to call to me, want me to reach out, and grab it. I shook my head, and returned to my laptop. But as I surfed the chans, the book seemed to draw my attention more and more. I slowly reached over, and took the leather bound text. My fingers carefully took the flimsy leather cover, and opened it.

I remember the words of the book literally flying out at me, before the world disappeared from my sight.


The next thing I saw was a giant, blue, lizardlike creature. It stood before me, sniffing at me. I felt no fear, no hatred. This creature, I felt safe with it.

Then it roared out in pain, as something deep within the shadows surrounding us attacked, latching onto it, and pulled it away from where I was. It fought back, ripping at the shadows with it's bare teeth. I felt a presence behind me, and looked to see the figure from before. Instinctively, I got into a fighting stance, as the figure laughed. I no longer felt safe. The feelings from before had returned. I swung, and my punch went right through the man. He was everywhere. He was the shadows. He was my attacker. He was the reason my life was changing.

I looked back at the great creature that I felt so secure with, and was shocked to see only bones. The bones rose up from the ground, forming a large human skull. Words echoed in my mind. They made no sense, but I remember them plain as day.

"Magna Mater!
Atys dia ad Aghaidh's ad aodaun!
Agus bas dunach ort!
Dhonas 's Dholas ort, agus leat-sea!"

The chant repeated, and the skull glared down at me, as it's eye sockets began to glow red with flame. It looked down at me, the chaos surrounding it very evident now. In a deep, booming voice, it uttered two words behind the chant.


The skull launched toward me, intent on swallowing me whole.

I sat up, screaming. I suddenly realized it was just a dream. Catching my breath, I glanced around, and all too quickly, I realized that this nightmare was far from over. I was in a dark canyon. There was no grass, no trees. A cold wind blew. The ground seemed to be made of ash, and the smell of rotten eggs filled my nostrils. I quickly took stock of everything I had: My laptop and charger, my Enfield and 50 rounds in a small pouch, the clothes on my back, my wallet, keys, cellphone, mp3 player, and a pack of playing cards. The book had mysteriously disappeared. I looked up into the sky. It looked to either be morning or evening, but it was difficult to tell with the canyon walls in the way.

I seemed to be in a part of the canyon that was a dead end, meaning there was only one way to go. Turning on my MP3 player, I started listening to some Castlevania remixes as I gathered up my stuff, and made my way through the canyon. It was kinda surreal. It felt like (hell, it looked like) I was on my way to Dracula's castle. I had no idea where I was, and I had no idea what I was doing. The only things that couldn't fit in my pockets were my laptop and rifle, so I had to carry those.

That is, until luck gave me a creepy gift.

Up ahead, I saw a figure lying on the ground. Taking out one of my earpieces, I ran to help, thinking someone was hurt. As I drew closer, I saw that I was far too late to aid the poor soul. An old skeleton lay there. By his apparel, he seemed to be some sort of warrior or explorer. I thought for a moment that the victim had been there for years, but as I studied the skeleton, I found the flesh had been picked off of his bones. There were tiny teeth marks all over the skeleton, and the fact that the bones were still strong and that none of his garments, despite their tattered appearance, were decaying. It was like he had only been there yesterday.

I didn't want to waste time, but as I searched the corpse, I discovered that the only thing that wasn't damaged was his backpack. I took it, and without emptying it's previous contents, stuffed my laptop in it. In my free ear, I thought I heard something behind me. I stood, taking out my other earpiece. I listened, and yes, there was something there. Like a series of rapid clicks, followed by a screech.

Not wanting to find out what it was, I ran.

Report Crimson Star · 90 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

Interesting. I like it, as far as you got anyway. Sounds like the beginnings of an epic tale.

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