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  • 489 weeks
    Yeah, I'm still around.

    Just letting you guys know I haven't stopped writing. Been working two jobs, so when I'm not sleeping I'm usually working. Anyway enough excuses, updates are still coming and thanks for being patient. Haven't heard from my co-writer in weeks. Getting back into the swing of things, now that I have some time off.

    Thanks for being patient.

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    I'm not dead folks, just a series of really unfortunate events.

    Hey to all my watchers , thanks to a lot of unfortunate events all happening at once, I had to take a break from writing, but I'm back.

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    The Next Chapter of There's Something About Nightmarity and The MLP comics.

    Yeah, so the latest chapter of There's Something About Nightmarity is is up and with that being said, I'd like to address something rarely brought up in fan fiction and that is the IDW comics. The comics are a great source of fan fiction material, with new characters like Nightmarity,

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  • 533 weeks
    Top 35 Animated Films List

    While I'm working on my fics, I figured I'd put a list out since the others have done so well, so why not share my top picks for animated films. Even with a cap of 35 I found this list hard to cut down.

    *Now this a list may not necessarily all good movies, but rather entertaining films.

    35. Interstella 5555

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    I'm Back...

    ...and I got plenty of news.

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The Top 25 Worst Animated Series · 10:15pm Jan 5th, 2013

Thanks for putting up with these list as I work on updating my fics.

Here's my Top 25 worst animated series. After the good and mediocre, here is the bad, the complete piles, that range from almost watchable to completely abysmal. There will be serious butt hurt in this list.
*Only one show per franchise.
*Bonus point if you can find the pattern.

25. Initial D

I really wanted to like this anime, but it's slow pace and characters that once they start talking, they never shut up and that insipid song by Eurobeat, hell most of the J-pop in that series was like sand paper for the ears. It's a shame because there is some really good racing, but the Playstation CG does take a little time to get used to, but other than that the competition is really good. It's a shame that everything else really sucks about the show. It was one of the few animated properties that I can say worked better as a live action movie. That's why this show is only at number twenty five.

24. Street Sharks


Oy Vey! This was only meant to cash in on Ninja Turtles except they tried to make it more 90's by associating them with extreme sports and fast food. The thing it has going for is that at least it isn't that other show and it's theme song isn't horrible. Plus sharks are bad ass. The show is all kinds of stupid but it's the good kind of stupid.

23. The Zeta project

The DCAU's only misstep. Zeta was a spin off of Batman Beyond and its plot is very much like the Incredible Hulk as you have a character is on the run from the military. This could have been so much cooler, the premise while I've seen it before a million times, it was about a god damn shape shifting fugitive android (Zeta) with his human companion (Ro) trying escape from the government and prove his innocence. The problem? It's overall animation isn't as good as it was in Batman Beyond, less effort was obviously put into The Zeta Project and for a character that was supposed to act human he rarely exhibits any personality. Also our protagonist Zeta is a rip off of Machine Man in terms color Scheme, being an android and having an array of gadgets in his arms as well as extendible limbs. The big difference is Machine man was Bender from Futurama in the body of a robotic Mr. Fantastic and openly insulted humans, while praising robots. One a positive note at least The Zeta Project had good voice acting.

22. Hamtaro

It's an anime about adorable talking rats. Oh and I fell asleep while watching it. This is bad simple because aside from diabetes inducing adorableness, nothing happens. It's a show about nothing. I put this on this list because nothing is worse than boredom, When this was on during Toomami, I would use that as the time to do my homework before a show I wanted to watch aired.

21. Catdog

This show is secretly offensive as it's nothing but a thin excuse to show 20 minutes of hate crimes. Cat and Dog often get into their situations because they are a Catdog, meaning that most of the people of their town go out of their way to attack them based on that fact alone. It doesn't help that they show isn't very interesting and the protagonist don't have actual names like every other character on Catdog.

20. Molly O

I can't stand the idea of preteens becoming the biggest musical thing on the planet. As a kid watch this show, I didn't like it because I thought the character were really annoying. If you can't find anything to like about your protagonist to like...just give up.

19. Darkstalkers

Yeah, like when Street Fighter and Megaman got western animated cartoons. This video game franchise got butt fucked into submission. I'm a huge Darkstalkers fan that's why this show angered me. Morgan doesn't do the succubus thing, Demetri is goofy and Felicia... I'd rather not talk about it. Capcom was the only company stupid enough to keep contacting these guys to make shows out of their games.

18. The Proud Family

If Tyler Perry was given a cartoon show, it'd be this turd. Penny wants things and is selfish. Her dad is the stereotypical dumb incompetent cartoon dad. Her mom says the right thing. Her friends do the cartoon friend thing, there is the rich one, the nerd, and the wanna be cool guy. They do sitcom teen stuff like demand more allowance, hang out and deal with school stuff. The thing that makes this really unpleasant is the sheer amount of racial stereotypes in this show, that brings me back to that Tyler Perry joke I made earlier.

17. Mutant League

Another cartoon based on a video game, gee what a surprise. Football! Hockey! This is back when EA didn't just make Madden. If you didn't want to play with real teams and rules, you had this alternative. This feels like the bad one show that even the internet tried to forget as there is barely anything on the cartoon. This suffers from really sub par animation and a chiche riddled angsty brooding protagonist. The thing bothered be the most was no one ever really died and they always came back.

16. Disney's Doug

Hey kids, remember that boring loser from Nickelodeon? He's back like that thing you keep calling a cold sore. The show was about a guy in a sweater vest that hangs out with his friends in a town of colorful (colorful as in actual color, not endearing) people. He has obsession with Patty Mayonnaise (stupid name), whom went on date with Doug's Sister Judy and wears a Ellen DeGeneres hair cut...I'm not implying anything. Doug also suffers from the worse case of schizophrenia as he hallucinates more than I have after a schedule of 1 hour of sleep a night for 2 weeks. Seriously, he has these vivid wide awake nightmares where he has obviously suffered some kinda of mental breakdown and divides his personally amongst several characters that are more interesting than himself. Oh, and Quail Man fuckin' suuuuuucks...a super hero based of a forest pigeon and wears a belt on his head. This was the show that always aired before anything good.

15. Model Suit Gunpla Builders Beginning G

*That's the whole show.

I think it's clear that "I LOVE GUNDAM" as a kid I had damn near an entire room full of models from G Gundam and Gundam Wing and I watched every episode on Toonami religiously. I've seen the mediocre: SD Gundam and the bad: Gundam Seed and Gundam 00. However, it's this OVA that my friend Cody showed me, that really incited nerd fan boy rage. In this piece of shit, the mobile suits are toys...that's right they are models just like in real life and kids build them and use them in to do battle in virtual reality video games...ugh. There is no real drama, there are no lives at stake, there are no awesome fight scenes in abandoned cities. Nope, just toys and watching kids playing with their models. It isn't even like .hack//sign were the characters are stuck in the virtual reality. This is just a OVA used by Bandai to sell models, which I'll admit are kinda neat looking.

14. Beast Machines

The sequel to Beast Wars with some of the worse character design in the history of animation. Yes, Megatron won at the end of Beast Wars, but since they are back on Cybertron, why in the hell are they still disguised as Earth animals? What are they gonna blend in with on a robotic planet?

13. The Cleveland Show

Bought to us from the guy won't stop beating a dead horse: Seth McFarlane. This show is the same "exact" show as American Dad and Family Guy. It has the same cut away jokes as Family Guy and features the boring character Cleveland from that show. There is the talking animal, the talking baby, the fat kid and the self obsessed daughter. It's like network executives parked a dump truck full of money in Seth's front yard and told him to come up with a new show as quick as possible.

12. Ozzy and Drix

Who thought this was good Idea? Remember that movie that they showed you in every health or science class in school because the teacher was too lazy to think of lesson plans? Well turns out they gave it a cartoon that ruins the continuity of the movie and is even less about how the body actaully works. In Osmosis Jones, the virus was beaten even though no one has ever heard of the Red Death, is beaten beaten by one white blood cell played the obnoxious Chris Rock and a cold pill played by that guy from Fraiser. In this series they end up in a 12 year old boy because of a moscito and have to use their experience dealing with a 40 year old fat man to save the kid, because that's how the human body works, just look at Assassin's Creed.

11. Captain Planet

The best thing about Captain Planet, the guy from Reading Rainbow (Levar Burton) is in it and the worst thing is everything else but we all watched it, plus it was funny seeing Captain Planet address things that you know he had no business addressing like drugs, gang violence and the big one AIDS?!?!?

Yeah, Captain PSA talks about AIDS, when a teen finds out he's HIV positive. I like that only way he could've gotten it that wasn't dubious is from a blood transfusion, which makes it sound worse as it'll scare kids away from giving blood or recieving blood. They could have said dirty heroine needles and at least it might create a generation of people terrified of needle based narcotics.

10. Mortal Kombat Defenders of the Realm

A Mortal Kombat cartoon for children that uses characters mostly from Mortal Kombat 3. I don't need to say anything more, it's like they made a child friendly cartoon version of Rambo...oh wait they did...um no wait it's like they made a child friendly cartoon version of Robocop....what was with marketing executives that thought R-rated and extremely violent movies and games would be great perfect for four year olds. I'm surprised that there wasn't a cartoon based off of the movie: Brazil. I don't need to say anything more, it's neutered Mortal Kombat.

09. One Piece: The 4Kids dub

♪ ♬ Yo Yo, he took a bite of gum, gum... ♪ ♬

Yeah, I'm targeting a specific dub as it is chopped and edited so much that it barely resembles the actual show and manga. I hated this show, the voice acting is atrocious and theme song is god awful. I remember bitching to my friends that this was one of the worse shows I have ever seen (hyperbole), I was then told to watch the Japanese original version...not dub because the 4Kids dub not only sounds bad, but they added things to make the show more G-rated and removed things like blood and weapon lethality. To my surprise the Japanese dub is amazing, so much that the 4Kids version becomes even more painful to sit through.

08. Highlander

Highlander always gets royally screwed in terms of its related media. It's a movie that should have never had a sequel, given 4 or 5 sequels, 2 television series and this god awful cartoon. Even by early 90's terrible cartoon standards it was bad. This one is set in the post apocalypse and features once again characters that should be either dead or long since retired and a two dimensional villain who wants to take over the world. I feel bad for the guy who wasted his time writing the Wikipedia entry.

07. All Groan Up
*That's how I spell the title.*

The piss poor spin off/sequel series to Rug Rats. It started off an "what if" episode of Rug Rats, where the toddlers were aged ten years and in the future. It's the same type of episode we've all seen on The Simpsons about twenty times. Anyway in that epside it was about how Anglica stopped being such a c**t to the babies and had some level of promise for the future. In the actual series, they treat the 10-13 year old kids like they're in high school, there is no level of maturity in the character of Angelica and Chuckie is believe it or not even worse than he was in the original show. It just felt like a retread of near near every high school teen sitcom.

06. Johnny Test

My bowels are better animated than this show. If My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is flash animation done right, then Johnny Test is flash gone terribly wrong. The show is kinda like Dexter's Lab except without the charm, good writing, subtlety and parody. This guy named Johnny is the test subject for his sisters whom are twin rule 63 Dexters. and John has a talking dog sidekick, because I guess talking dogs are cool, though I think my pit-bull would most likely only ask "why did you cut my balls off?!" I digress, beside being an annoying show, Johnny Test is just an unpleasant show to watch literally, as you can take any screen cap and determine that yes, you are watching a ugly cartoon. Animation is a very visual medium and if the visuals don't impress you need to capture the audience via the story and in this case both fail miserably. The only good thing is that I don't get angry when this is one on TV as I wait for something better to air.

05. Back at the Barnyard

This is the ugly CG show with the transvestite bull/cow. There is a character that refers to itself as a male cow, what in the holy hell is wrong with the people who came up with that idea. A male cow is called a steer or a bull and doesn't have udders. If it's a dude, then those aren't....udders...........*Brain Bleach*....

It's a sub-par daily event show, you know the type of show where a problem will arise and they have to deal with it. There is a stupid farmer and retarded ugly bastard child who only serves as the main antagonist for the animals. I keep using the word "ugly" but it is, I mean there is not one frame of animation that makes you say, "yep, I'd like to get stuck in the world of that show." Hell, early Playstation One games weren't this poorly computer animated as this series.

04. Road Rovers

You can't listen to it's opening theme without wanting to gauge your ears out.

Hello furries and good bye to good programming. Road Rovers was made my Tom Ruegger, the same guy who made Animaniacs, Freakazoid, and basically most of the Kids WB shows we love. This cartoon was about anthropomorphic dogs that are cultural stereotypes that..... okay it's another Ninja Turtle clone except this one is even worse than Street Sharks. How? The theme song to Street Sharks didn't make me want to shove the eels from Wrath of Khan in my ears. Also The premise was fucking stupid. In Ninja Turtles it was a chemical accident, with Street Sharks it was an evil scientist, with Road Rovers is was a government sanctioned plan to stop evil. Yes, that was the reason we needed dogs with people legs to defend the earth..... FUCK YOU!!!

03. Neon Genesis: Evangelion

*Little Kuriboh got the idea right with his parody of it's theme song. *

Yeah, try to explain why I should like this show, aside from the animation. I hate every fucking character on this show. What about Rei? She doesn't say enough and has no character. Shinji is a fucking loser, it's a coming of age anime where the character that's supposed to mature, really doesn't and remains the same little piece of shit with daddy issues. Asuka is just a crazy C**T!!! It's like she's always on the rag, she constantly has this "my shit doesn't stink attitude" when she does nothing to obtain it. It's just a mech show with a ton of pointless religious symbolism crammed everywhere, even the title which should be pronounced Evan-Jel-Lion as in Evangelism. I would still oddly recommend this show to anime fans simply because it's kind of a requirement. You wear it like a scar that says, "I sat through Evangelion."

02. Sonic: Underground

I'll be honest, I have never really liked the Sonic cartoons. The Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog was so-so, Sonic Sat AM was alright and Sonic X made me want to strangle a box of kittens. Sonic: Underground, believe it or not, brings my piss to a boil more than any of other entries in the franchise's cartoon history. I don't know where to begin... the voice acting is terrible, I mean like the auditory equivalent of shoving bamboo shoots under your finger nails. Jaleel White while he wasn't as bad in Sat Am or Adventure, he is at his most annoying here as he voices every...god... damn...one of the Sonic kids. For a series where music is the focus, it's unlistenable, the type of crap they play to break the spirits in a POW camp. The opening credits seem like the singer is trying to do a Dio impression. The story is the queen is overthrown by Robotnik and she sends her children in to hiding in the hopes that they will form Voltron(I wish)...no, they will come together and defeat Robotnik...Oh and they have instrument weapons and they form a band, because when you think of Sonic "the fucking" Hedgehog, you think crappy pseudo rock n roll. *rolls eyes* You have to question the wisdom of their retarded mother who leaves them each in three different social classes, which if your the unlucky one, you get poverty.

To top it off: there is a character named Sonia the hedgehog, Sonic is a prince, it has freedom fighters...it sounds like a crappy Sonic fan fiction.

01. Sponge Bob

This is my most hated show. I want to blungoen my skull with a fucking rock, every time it comes on and I can't change the channel because someone in the living room is watching this brain dead crap. Each episode consist of nothing but laughing and screaming. Almost all the characters are terrible. It wasn't always bad, in fact before the feature film it was okay. This might be worse than when Tom Kennny voiced Skidmark and Mudbutt from Transformers 2. I can feel the tumor growing as I listen to this overrated voice actor's obnoxious laugh, the laugh taunts me and I need to make it stop.

On a slightly rage filled note, this was the last thing that Pat Morita worked on before he passed away. - Another excuse to hate this show.

Bonus: Voltage Fighter: Gowcaizer

It isn't a show, but rather it's a movie. Gowcaizer terrible in the best possible ways. It's based on a obscure fighting game. There are Lazy exposition dumps, where characters literally stop everything their doing to explain things they already know. Outfits that drag queens at carnaval wouldn't wear mixed with ridiculous character designs. There is more homo-erotic tension than in Top Gun. There is random bits of nudity sprinkled throughout it's run time. Every time a female character is introduced there is a zoom in on an ass or shot of cleavage, which shouldn't surprise anyone because the director of this did make Angel Blade.

Go watch it on youtube, you'll get a good laugh out of it.

Report thewaffler · 13,157 views ·
Comments ( 21 )

*Insert Fry meme*
Not sure if positive or negative.

I just don't know how people watch it and not start eating crayons. It's 22 minutes of...."Hey Spongebob." "Hey Patrick" *Laugh* then the scenario, then hyperbole, screaming, laughing and more scream and finally resolution. The End.

682101 That is like saying that My Little Pony is 22 minutes of Fluttershy being scared and Twilight telling Spike to write letters :moustache:

That doesn't happen every episode, in "the show that shall not be named" obnoxious laughing and screaming does happen in every episode, along with breaking shit, Plankton, crabby patties, and Clancy Brown working for his pay check, when Mr. Crabs says "money" I imagine that's Brown thinking the same thing.

I have no point besides bitching about a cartoon, I can choose to ignore. At least it wasn't Sonic Underground and Road Rovers you were defending. The show about Tom Kenny makes me angry, but collectively the other two shows make me angrier as one of them was made by someone with actual talent.

682247 Spongebob is credit to team :moustache:


I'll murder you.:twilightsmile:

It comes down to nicktoons doesn't it? :rainbowlaugh:

Also Catdog was number 21 not 17, the lower the number the worse it is, so there is good in it.

Counting is for counters of which I am not.
Point is CatDog was too funny to be on this list.

I watch Evangelion just to make sense of its fanfiction, because those fics are some of the most awesome. Like Shinji and Warhammer 40K.

I liked Hamtaro
I still have my VHS tapes


Johnny Test doesn't make me as angry as the other five shows. Hamtaro is also almost watchable and it is sickening adorable.

Johnny test makes me wanna rip my motherfucking head off
It might be enjoyable if the writers were decent
Fucking hire me, I suck but I can do better that those pieces of shit

Well, you got list of cartoons that I don't like, that's for sure. Such as:Beast Machines, All Grown Up, Hamtaro, and such. However, as much as I would hate Sonic: Underground, at least Sonic have some moderate screen time, unlike Sonic X where it would focus on the small boy name Chris.


Sonic X isn't as painful to sit through as Underground. Plus me and my friends get some enjoyment out of making fun of Sonic X, because the grand pa looks like Doc Brown from Back to the Future and that leads to me to doing an excellent Christopher Lloyd impression, where he keeps yelling his police officer son and we play the scene like grand pa is off his meds and thinks he's Doc Brown and he berates his son for not being Marty. It's still a terrible show, but at least it makes me laugh and make me think of "Chris" Chan which also makes me laugh. :pinkiecrazy:

I really liked NGE, fanservice notwithstanding. But I feel obliged to mention, since you brought it up that the "pointless religious symbolism" is all Christian, a minority faith in Japan. To put that in context, imagine a similar show, made in Canada, with heavy Shinto or Buddhist symbolism. Or perhaps incorporating ancient Greek or Mayan mythology.

Just a thought.

You're free to disagree. I knew I would get a lot of shit for putting Evanjelion on my list, hell only of my friends: Jan has an 8 inch picture of Rei tattooed on his arm :twilightoops: ; there are just these mega-franchises that hang over anime and two of them are Eva and Gundam. I personally feel that Hideaki Anno opened a theology text book and put what ever he thought looked cool in the show. It's also not about the quality of the show, I mean a lot of money was thrown at it, to me it was how much I hated the characters.


Oh, I definitely understand that.

Just wondering do you mean Spongebob the season after the first movie or do you mean the whole series? I seem to like Spongebob. All of the shows listed is better than Teen Titans Go in a way. It would be easier if Cartoon Network put continuity on the air then focus on the app. I’ll only get the app if they show good shows that I like to watch. That’s why I got the Disney app. They have good shows and I want to make sure I always get the story right but I also do not want to miss a show. Cartoon Network trolling the audience isn’t going to work it will probably make them want to tell the kids to cancel the app because Cartoon Network only cares about the app while Nick and Disney cares about the fans and people who use the app. Anyways, yeah I think all of the shows listed is better than Teen Titans Go.

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