• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

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Next Week … The Axtara Previews Begin · 11:12pm May 24th

Hey folks! Max here with the news! Gonna keep it short and sweet so that I can get back to Copy-Editing. Also, sorry for the delay. Been a busy day.

First up: This upcoming Monday is Memorial Day, which means there won’t be a Being a Better Writer post. That’s been the standard for a long time here, and I kind of need a day off. So, Monday there will be no BaBW, just a Memorial Day post and a reminder of what’s coming.

Speaking of Memorial Day, if it arrives and you haven’t grabbed a copy of Dead Silver while it’s on sale … you’ve missed your chance. Sunday is the last day of the sale, so you’ve got today, tomorrow, the day after that … and then it’s back to full price.

Granted, I don’t mind if you pay full price. It’s a 400-page mystery novel. You’re getting a great deal regardless. But my royalty at $3.99 is a lot more than it is at 99 cents. So … you know, there’s always that option.

Either way, the sale is up by Monday. So go grab it!

Now, onto the bit of news most of you wanted from the headline. The cover date is getting locked in. The Copy-Edit is underway.

It’s time for preview chapters from Axtara – Magic and Mischief to make their appearance.

Yeah, do I really need to say more than that? Starting next week, during one of the weekdays, I’ll start posting excerpts from Magic and Mischief. Snippets, bits of chapters, little teasers. All leading up to the official opening of pre-orders for the book and an actual release date.

Yes. At long last.

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