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Coyote de La Mancha

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Nothing Toulouse But Our Chains · 12:29am May 19th

Greetings, gentle viewers and listeners! :yay:

This Sunday, in the continuing tradition of Whiplash Weekends, we shall be returning to Hyrule! :raritystarry:

I speak not for these others, but as for me, I shall never stop in my sworn duty to fight for the people! :rainbowdetermined2:

Indeed, we have nothing Toulouse but our chains! And I, for one, am done with saying or doing anything that I might come to regret later. :pinkiehappy:

For freedom! For equality! For siblinghood! And down with all of the monarchies, no matter how cute they may be! :trollestia:

Anyway, the stream starts at about 4 PM CST, and can of course be watched anytime after that as a video. :twilightblush:

See you then! :twilightsmile:

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