• Member Since 8th Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Lunatic God

I may stand there with 22 ping, but know that my widowmaker is reloading shells, I'm listening to voice chat as if I'm not lagging, and I'm watching my ping get higher than the age of the universe

More Blog Posts85

  • 22 weeks
    Zerg of the Land Hiatus

    I want Zerg of the Land's story to actually follow a plot, but I'm too busy with Comedic Burst of Funniness, so Zerg's going on hiatus until further notice, but if any of you guys can think of a general plot for this story to follow (that preferably ends with them stopping a nuke from server wiping Equestria) I will be very grateful and take every idea into consideration.

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    0 comments · 38 views
  • 23 weeks
    Why im so slow with chapters

    Yo. I should explain why chapters are so infrequent and random. Basically, ADHD. Every morning, I take my medicine. An hour later, I get some WaCkY story idea and start writing it. Then I start thinking of other things and start doing a bunch of other stuff. Then at some point, I decide to try recording a YouTube video of a video game, play it and clip literally every single moment, then end up

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    0 comments · 29 views
  • 36 weeks
    Why I Don't Update Stories As Much

    So, I have ADHD.

    Yeah, simple, I know, but if you know what ADHD is (or have it yourself (if you have it please DM me I need friends)), you know the struggle.

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    0 comments · 75 views
  • 141 weeks
    Need Ideas

    Please gib crossover ideas for Comedic Burst of Funniness
    I'm working on one rn but i need more please

    8 comments · 221 views
  • 141 weeks
    Writing Tip

    Here's a fun little writing tip, one that's helped me write all my stuff.

    Never look at the word count until you're for sure completed. If you do look before then, it'll probably influence you to write just to reach the 1,000 mark, and not to finish whatever scene you're trying to write.

    Hope this helps!

    1 comments · 416 views

Why I Don't Update Stories As Much · 2:23pm May 17th, 2024

So, I have ADHD.

Yeah, simple, I know, but if you know what ADHD is (or have it yourself (if you have it please DM me I need friends)), you know the struggle.

Back when I updated stories pretty regularly, I was in school and used writing to ignore doing schoolwork. Honestly, I'm surprised I wasn't held back. Anyways, without something really boring to distract myself from, plus medicine to make me actually do stuff instead of sitting around, eating and watching YouTube all day, as well as easy access to Fallout 4 and it's settlement building, I've don't really take the time to write anymore.

But when I do, I write down lists of plot points of an entire plot that I think is pretty epic! Here, I'll share one with you (feel free to steal once I close this doc and get distracted I'll likely never open it again):

Project Zompony

My inspiration was that while taking out the trash, I imagined King Phasmatodea in Project Zomboid, and I knew I couldn't use him, so I used Twilight

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