About AI · 5:48pm April 24th
You know I really think this site needs to enforce and AI tag. I remember that the owner of this site threw a bit of a fit when people reasonably suggested that an AI tag should be enforced. I think it is impossible to gatekeep writing with AI on the loose and whether we like it or not AI art is still art. While I myself so not like AI art, I think they still should be able to do it if it makes them happy and what I found is that most people are more likely to comply when an AI tag rule is enforced because I feel without one people are still going to get away with it anyways. I get the fear of being replaced but time and time again it has been shown that tech ads more jobs than take away and if AI gets you interested in art, I think that is great. What I do not like is when people say that those who use AI are lazy because you can make that same argument against photography.
You can use AI art for your cover—for that there is no rule against. (However, I heard some say that they won't click on a story because of that, so do it at your own risk.)
But fimfiction has the rule that the story you publish must be written by you and not someone else—that includes that the story cannot be written by an AI, as that wasn't written by you, the publisher.
I honestly do not think there is a legitimate way to prove that. I have seen a lot of artists claiming that it has stolen their work when they themselves have fed the machine their own work. I think that is kinda delusional. It is one thing to express your worries but another to spread false info about it. I think it does more harm than good.
Not my point. Be the author of the words, have the right to publish them
Ah sorry and that is why I suggested AI tag because as I said I think most are more likely to comply. I just don’t think we can contain it anymore and we have to accept that it is another thing we have to complete against. I think we should trust AI users a bit more because what I noticed is that most are good at letting people know it was made by AI.
Made by AI = You have not written it yourself = It goes against the rules to publish it.
You are for example also not allowed to publish a fic you found somewhere else—even if you state that it isn't your own fic.
I have heard you the first time and I replied that we can crack down on this by enforcing an AI tag rule and it can also expand on writing. You keep repeating yourself. I was just saying that AI tags should be a thing here and it is not exactly saying you own it either. What I am saying is that they should revise the rule. You keep repeating yourself.
Feel free then to add your input here, where a site moderator already addressed this:
I think there are groups for stories with AI art in it. I think they will be fine as long as they know where to look.
Alrighty sounds great.