Ubisoft · 11:26pm April 23rd
Ok so this is th post I am making about Ubisoft. First off, I do not think have a moral obligation to keep a game running. It seems a lot online do not know the definition of corrupt. Corrupt means being dishonest financially while being tied to the government but to some people they think being corrupt means any business decision they do not like. For this particular decision I think it is ok for them to decommission the game for two reasons; one the game might not be popular and two most modern games require internet do it is most likely the server was on its’ last legs. I had a run in with a user by the name of GoldStar and guys please do not go after her who claim that she is an autistic black trans woman but she actively advocates for things that harm the community like wanting negative stereotypes to come back and this was one of the things we disagreed on. Another thing we disagreed on was Pokémon Go deciding to slim down the hips on the female avatar. It hurts not harms anyone and besides that is not what they are even doing. What the new update is doing is make it so that you can have whatever body feature or body type you want. This goes for men too. Not to mention that they are also raising the level cap to 60.