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I have a question... · 2:51am Dec 23rd, 2012

Okay here's the deal. Do any of you think that if Twilight died in any story for an ending it would be considered a horrible story and ending? Or is it in between? Or is it a unusual and good story and ending?

Please leave comments and tell me. I am very curious to know. Plus I am skeptical about if it is good or not myself.

I want your opinion.

Report bricann · 378 views ·
Comments ( 10 )

Weeeell, it depends. Like in my story, Earthbound, I rewrote someones idea of RD having a disease that calls for amputated wings. But I think if it's the story I'm thinking of, do not kill 'er off just like that. I'll text you what I think should happen (got mah stuff back!)

641270 okay thank you

As a major Twilight fan, I hate to see her suffering. On the other hand, there are going to be times when it's necessary to the story. See, for instance, Dreaming with Ponies, in which she's the last of the Mane Six to die. Still, that can be viewed as a sort-of-happy ending, since all six are reunited in whatever afterlife exists, and it's an excellent story despite being a major downer.

649684 huh? so say Twilight died in my "This Day Has Been Just Perfect" story but Cadance survived and banished the queen.... would that be a good ending? This is just a question because I am so skeptical about my ending. I just cant figure out a good ending. It's so annoying! You know not being able to find a god ending.... :facehoof:

For what it's worth, hardly anypony liked the ending of The Sparkle Chronicles: there was wailing and gnashing of teeth and cries of "You can't just leave it like that!" I wound up writing two more stories in the series.

And if there's no other way than for Twilight to give her life, then you've done the best you could for your story. You can't please every single reader, every single time. No writer, here or elsewhere, ever has.

What you might try as an experiment is to reopen the story and post an alternate ending, marked as such, and then see what the readers think.

650794 so you are say do another story based of of a particular story with an alternate ending?

Don't go to that much trouble. Instead, add the alternate chapter with a different ending to the story you've already finished. (Go back and mark it Incomplete, then add the chapter with "Alternate Ending" in the title, then mark it Complete again.) You probably won't have to change very much, and the rest can be copypasted.

650977 thanks for the advice and adding your opinion on endings...:twilightsmile:

I do believe if you make it so it hits home hard in a good way (to make a villain better or to make the plot more interesting), it will do good. If you're making it just to make a character die, it's not right and stupid. Even though I'm using my first fic, which is pitiful may I add, I killed the lovable Fluttershy to make the villain seem even more of a bitch.

I mean I was just asking for better stories, and I am probably going to add Alternate ending for stories in which do have a death. But all in all, thank you for your opinion. I will use it for some stories.--- This is a reply to Dunsparce

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