• Member Since 7th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen January 17th


A casual gamer that studies basic principals of game design and writing. Has been spotted playing Witchfire recently

More Blog Posts63

  • 3 weeks
    Animation Struggles and burn-out

    5 months later, I have to admit that I do feel as though I backtracked on the progress I made as an animator.

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  • 24 weeks
    Hellhounds are nice

    About two months later I wanted to drop another blog here. Albeit due to Patreon I've actually been posting blogs every single week to talk about stuff I'm working on and throughout that whole time quite a few things happened that I just wanted to update on here. First off I got 300+ Followers on twitter after 6+ months which is nice. I don't receive any comments still, but I've realized that's

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  • 37 weeks
    Animation Update

    So since the last blog I had literally, on the day of, started a massive animation project. I didn't realize how massive it was, but it has been about 3 months now and it still isn't finished despite having worked nearly every day on it. I had a whole schedule for it too, work 5 days a week for 2 hours animating. I thought that'd knock it out of the park, but I've only animated 3 minutes so far

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  • 52 weeks
    I'm an animator now

    I can be found on twitter and I make stuff surrounding Hellhounds. Even set up a Patreon for it but nothing has really taken off.

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  • 87 weeks
    A tossed aside storyline

    I decided to release all my previously planned storylines that I had drawn up and I have a LOT of them, and some are vague, some are detailed, and more than a few aren't even MLP related. I think that by having to throw my ideas out in the wild, I could re-examine them. Ideas are only as good as the execution, so I don't believe any of them are good due to my failure to complete the stories

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I'm an animator now · 12:30am Feb 15th, 2024

I can be found on twitter and I make stuff surrounding Hellhounds. Even set up a Patreon for it but nothing has really taken off.

Bit of an odd place to run towards, especially since I had a short moment where I was a trying to be a web comic writer. Wrote a full season outline and a few opening chapters as a concept, which was relatively well received by the artist, but they felt overwhelmed and bowed out. I'm not sure if they were just being nice about it. I would like to think they had just realized what they truly wanted to draw in the process of us talking story ideas and chose to chase the dream instead of doing what I made up. I hope they do well.

On the topic of stories I have thought about going back into writing, or at the very least collaborate with a writer so I can bring a real connection to the animations I make. A friend of mine chimed in, but they are also quite gay. Since the stuff I am making is very straight I don't know if they'll even stick with it, especially since they told me straight up how they only offered in order to get involved with whatever money I make off Patreon. They're a great writer, so I do hope it works out.

Report Gypsybard · 139 views · #animation
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