• Member Since 7th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen October 5th


A casual gamer that studies basic principals of game design and writing. Has been spotted playing Witchfire recently

More Blog Posts62

  • 7 weeks
    Hellhounds are nice

    About two months later I wanted to drop another blog here. Albeit due to Patreon I've actually been posting blogs every single week to talk about stuff I'm working on and throughout that whole time quite a few things happened that I just wanted to update on here. First off I got 300+ Followers on twitter after 6+ months which is nice. I don't receive any comments still, but I've realized that's

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  • 20 weeks
    Animation Update

    So since the last blog I had literally, on the day of, started a massive animation project. I didn't realize how massive it was, but it has been about 3 months now and it still isn't finished despite having worked nearly every day on it. I had a whole schedule for it too, work 5 days a week for 2 hours animating. I thought that'd knock it out of the park, but I've only animated 3 minutes so far

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  • 34 weeks
    I'm an animator now

    I can be found on twitter and I make stuff surrounding Hellhounds. Even set up a Patreon for it but nothing has really taken off.

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  • 70 weeks
    A tossed aside storyline

    I decided to release all my previously planned storylines that I had drawn up and I have a LOT of them, and some are vague, some are detailed, and more than a few aren't even MLP related. I think that by having to throw my ideas out in the wild, I could re-examine them. Ideas are only as good as the execution, so I don't believe any of them are good due to my failure to complete the stories

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  • 82 weeks
    Rock and Stone! Some writing prompts on the side

    So update from last time. I managed to find a new job by pure chance, and how I got hired is a tad strange to me. So I was walking around looking for buildings that had the whole "WE ARE HIRING" poster on the front, and whilst waltzing past some building under construction I took a look at one of the papers plastered on the side of it. Within a second of me stopping in front of the building to

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Late Merry Christmas · 12:58pm Dec 27th, 2022

Here's another log for the sometimes monthly diary so I don't ever forget who I used to be once the years pass by. I don't particularly celebrate christmas all that much, but merry christmas all the same. This year's holidays was both disappointing and wasn't at the same time, and for a reason that makes me feel like a hypocrite upon trying to type it out, since I generally disliked whatever presents were thrown at me. My favorite among them was a book, or more specifically a graphic novel/manhua and I say this both as a jab while also being completely genuine as I actually loved it. The other three presents I got felt really tone deaf. Like I was given a gamer certified keyboard with RGB lights and everything. That's nice...I guess?

I won't really get into detail about the other presents as frankly it doesn't matter, since admittedly my thoughts are more prevalent. I was pretty vocal about the fact that they should not get me any presents, period, yet they did all the same because tradition and they wanted to show how much they knew me. Instead from the presents I did get it kind of showed how little they knew me. Then I just loop back around to having this train thought, "Why am I annoyed at people trying to be nice to me?"

I could try making up reasons that could make sense, but no matter what I could find to rationalize it I'll ultimately come to the conclusion that I'm wrong. I've always been under the notion that I don't understand myself, nor will I ever understand myself. It's a central part of my beliefs really. I believe I'll achieve happiness when I will want to, or just straight up do something involuntarily and generally that entails the absence of thought. For example, most of my blogs that I use as dairies are usually written on a whim without any thought. If I hit a roadblock I delete the whole thing and start again. It must be one take, because multiple takes implies I'm thinking too hard on it and I'm trying to force something that won't release itself.

I don't know anyone that shares my particular beliefs personally and admittedly when making characters for RP I tend to have them not reflect my beliefs. Rather I try to write or play characters that embody the opposite. This makes it really easy to have a separation of character for me, because I can't see any character I create being me if they don't share that belief so any restraints they may have on their actions surely won't be held by me.

Coincidentally...I write up a damn good villain

I wonder why

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