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Christmas Bells A' Ringin' · 2:09am Dec 22nd, 2012

Hello all, I have come to deliver you a little Christmas gift. Here's hoping your Christmas is as special as that of our resident human-in-a-pony-body's.

Oh, and thanks to BlueBastard, have an immediate relationship chart.

Report Shinzakura · 433 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

Holy fudge... that is a complicated chart...
Wait... is that AxeCop?

Happy Hogswatch

That's... Sure some chart...

BB got creative with the pictures (they're temporary) until I draw some and figure out a standard design for humans.

Bear in mind, this is the significant characters chart (the ones that have a major impact on the main storyline.) The overall one is a little bigger and he's working on that.

Keep the AxeCop, he's cool.

I like what he did!:rainbowlaugh:

DJ's pic is nice as wellz

And lastly happy holidays!

Luna is crushing on "Robin"........ Holy cow Batman :rainbowlaugh:

Yeah, I had to come up with some creative ways to represent the major humans, although I'd been planning to use TDKR Bane as Tacco from the beginning. Honestly, I'm surprised nobody has noticed the not-so-hidden reference to Shin's little competition that I put in there.

As for the perfect, all-inclusive chart...holy HELL this chart is NOTHING compared to what little I've constructed of that one so far. Christmas is being a major detriment to getting it done, plus my own projects that I've been wanting to get done, so it will be a while before the perfect master list is anywhere NEAR ready for presentation. I'm also pretty sure I'm going to need to invent colors to cover all the relationships.

Not just ANY Robin, mind you, I specifically made sure the image was of Robin from "Batman and Robin". You know, the one everybody hates with Schwartzeneger as Mr. Freeze and the stupid costume designs!:rainbowlaugh:


Seems very Ice of you to drop by. :rainbowwild:

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