Of Changelings and Roseluck · 4:53am Dec 21st, 2012
Have you, dear reader, ever looked upon the character selection screen and seen a very peculiar detail? Of course you have, its glaringly obvious!
Roseluck and the generic changeling icon are next to each other.
Now, any normal, sane person would attribute this to chronological order of added character tags. BUT NOT I!
As such, I've invested an entire day in writing a story explaining this magical pairing ~ Roseluck x Generic Changeling.
There are three noteworthy things about this story that you, [reader that got this far into the blog, likely linked in from AMoD] may want to know:
- This is a short, complete comedy. Huzzah, no angst! Except for those two sentences :x
- It should be up sometime. Specifically? Later. *Shakes fist at Dr. PostQ*
- This story contains unreasonable amounts of shoutouts/cameos to changelings from other authors: Most notably, my own and Anonymous Pegasus'... I hope he (or any of them, for that matter) don't/doesn't smite me :x
And that is all! Thanks for tuning in to a boring, not-Wanderer D-spam-blog :D
EDIT: Two minutes later, it goes up.