• Member Since 24th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 25th, 2015

Pinkie Primus

More Blog Posts49

  • 531 weeks
    Free Time & Bookplayer's 50 Questions

    Only this morning was I thinking about how long it had been since I had any real activity here on this fine webpage. You see, normally I am based in Newcastle, where free time is spent seeing friends, playing games, drinking heavily, or any combination of the aforementioned. This weekend I have been visiting my sister in our fine, albeit expensive, capital of London, where free time was spent

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  • 536 weeks

    I really need to stop watching new episodes while I'm drunk but come on... by the time it's on youtube for England I'm already out at the pubs knocking back craft lagers and fine ales, which means I can only watch it when I come home and I load it up and I'm like hey, what's going on? And I zone out for half the episode. But still, I'm pretty sure Applejack was all like, 'I hope she took a

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  • 538 weeks
    How Could This Happen?

    I'd like to share an experience with you. One that I had about half an hour ago. One that I am lucky to have survived.

    > be me
    > run out of toilet roll
    > don't poop for a few days, as no way to wipe butt at home and public toilets are rarely up to the standards required to crap in
    > finally remember to buy butt parchment on the way home from lectures

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  • 539 weeks
    Applejack Rocks

    Hurr hurr hurr guys look the background pony has the background instrument.
    No FUCK you.

    This only confirms AJ as best pony, and anyone who says otherwise is just plain bananas. (not that I'm biased towards bassists or AJ. At all.)

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  • 555 weeks
    Four Figures

    So it seems today I have a grand total of 1000 story views. Really happy about this, and really glad you guys have read along with what I've done so far and I hope you liked it! There should definitely be more on the way soon, but university work has definitely intensified this year. On top of that I have a job now, tending a swanky, super-expensive (cheapest pint £4.10!!) bar, which is a good

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Favourite Characters. · 12:16am Dec 21st, 2012

So I've just got back from seeing The Hobbit for a second time. Wow what a film.

But I find myself torn between three dwarves as to who is my favourite. Dwalin is clearly the resident badass, complete with trusty Scottish accent. I wish Balin was my grandpa, plus he's the only being I know that can pull of a beard without a moustache. Finally, Bifur is James Nesbitt with a warhammer, what else needs to be said?

I know we all have a favourite pony, and I know Applejack is that pony, but I'm pretty confident you will all have favourite background ponies, shipping pairs, foals, royalty and so on, so I thought it would be a fun exercise to list our favourites and why. Follow my lead, if you are so inclined.

1. best pony: Applejack because she's the easiest character to relate to human form.
2. best background pony: Octavia because she's got class and decorum. Plus she plays bass.
3. best shipping pair: Tavi/Scratch because the two have the common ground of music but they are so different in their perceived personalities that this allows for exploration into their 'guilty pleasures' so to speak, i.e. the personalities they can only feel comfortable with around each other, Octavia a little more laid back, Vinyl not constantly trying to keep up cool appearances.
4. best foal: Sweetie Belle because of her adorable voice and the potential for exploration of the two sides to her personality, prim and proper around her sister, and loud and messy with her friends.
5. best royalty: Princess Luna because of her mysterious and troubled background.
6. [BONUS] best dwarf: I have still yet to decide.

Any other opinions you would like to give that I haven't thought to list will also be welcomed.

Report Pinkie Primus · 290 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

1. best pony: On the show: i.imgur.com/dB5nN.png She gets all the style, and she's the most developed, so she's the most intereting. However, AJ has a bunch of really interesting potential, related to her trying to balance work, a kid, community responsabilities, and friends who don't really get that. She's also the strongest and has the potential for heroism above and beyond the rest of them. In fact, in honor of your original topic, have some Applegorn:
2. best background pony: i.imgur.com/GIV4g.png She's cool, bad ass, funny, pretty, and darn is she a pain to write.
3. best shipping pair: i.imgur.com/Y7iEz.png i.imgur.com/ZCoEh.png They have enough in common to connect, with their love of athletic contests, action, and disdain for formality, but at the same time they're different enough to be interesting. I do also like i.imgur.com/1ppRy.png i.imgur.com/uCBdE.png They both have common sense, and they seem to trust each other more than any of the mane six..
4. best foal: i.imgur.com/20x2X.png Because she she's trying so hard at everything, including seeming like she's not trying. It's adorable.
5. best royalty: i.imgur.com/u9iJV.png Because I like her befuddled, fish out of water aspect.
6. [BONUS] best dwarf: Fili. To be honest, he was the only one besides Thorin that I ever really noticed. (Okay, and Gloin looking just like Gimli.)

Best Pone: Used to be AJ, now 'tis Fluttershy, but the idea bounces around a bit as my headcanon evolves.
Best Background Pone: I dunno. I don't really consider them much. Twist, probably.
Best Ship: TwiJack is good, but FlutterDash is favourite because Fluttershy. TwiShy is also good. Hell, if it has Fluttershy, I'm good.
Best Foal: The CMC. No, I'm not choosing just one, it'd be like... having to pick only one beer.
Best Royalty: Chrysalis. Yep. Headcanon suggests she was royalty once...
Best Dorf: Urist McDwarfson.

I'm not really a big fan of crossovers, but I'd love to see Applejack in a fantasy/medieval setting! I'd give it a go myself if I didn't take so long updating the fic I'm writing currently...

With Zecora, I think I'd be a bigger fan if she didn't rhyme all the time because it restricts the deep, mysterious musings she can come out with. Obviously I'm not saying do away with the rhyme entirely as it's just one of those things that makes her unique.

If I'd had to have picked a mane 6 ship, it probably would have been AppleDash, for the same reasons you stated, although it can be difficult to see Dash doing anything remotely romantic.

Scootaloo is a close second to Sweetie for me but Sweetie's voice cracks are just undeniably adorable.

I like the idea of Luna being a little more solitary, so her fish out of water aspect is certainly a cool feature. We just need to see a little more of her, maybe she'll inexplicably attend the Apple Family Reunion this weekend and steal all of AJ's well-deserved screentime. I'm not bitter, I'm not bitter, I'm not bitter...

But surely you must have noticed Bombur at least? He's pretty hard to miss!

What changed your mind to favour Fluttershy over AJ?

I'm not going to say I dislike anypony, but if I had to say which pony I liked the least, it would be Twist.

With Flutterships, I am a believer in FlutterMac. Some people say they wouldn't work because of a lack of communication or common ground but I say to them shut up two quiet people have a large potential to become more extrovert in each other's presence and that these two may in fact share many viewpoints and qualities to draw them even closer.

Well no matter how many beers you have, you always open one first... most people do anyway.

I'd say Chrysalis still is royalty, just not to Equestria as we know it...

I'm going out on a limb here and guessing you haven't seen/read The Hobbit yet? :twilightsheepish:


Only way FlutterMac could work is if someone pushed them together first, because neither would make the first move. I recognize that very well because I'm about as extreme an introvert as Flutters. Only difference is that, when startled, instead of running away I give people a Look that suggests they step off or get bitten. The beard really sells it.

As to beer... no, it is not that easy. Not at all. When I buy beer, I don't buy a 'case' full of the same crap. I get five or six different single bottles, each and every one different and thus I have to spend ten minutes staring at each one trying to decide just which to have. All three of the CMC are lovely for different reasons, just like my beer.

Chrysalis was royalty in Equestria... looong time ago. Something happened.

And no; Hobbit is still a mystery to me. I'll wait until I can pirate a good version. I am patient. I only just saw the Avengers last month.

Sweet PMV that. I mean sure, there are clearly obstacles to FlutterMac, but none that can't be passed. At least that's what I'd like to believe and so it's what I tell myself...

I'm a student, I can either buy a case of sub-par beer, or one or two decent bottles. Money is a big factor on my alcohol intake.

I do hope we'll see some more Chrysalis in the future, there's definitely a tale or two to be told.

I would highly recommend going to see The Hobbit. Now. Well worth the trip.

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