• Member Since 28th Jul, 2021
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Creating stories and artwork for three years now! I can also make a pretty good cheeseburger!

More Blog Posts29

  • 4 weeks
    Have something fun!

    Amidst the election, I'd like to give you all even more good news!
    I have successfully consumed my 20th homemade personal cheeseburger! I have a photo album dedicated solely to cheeseburgers that I've made, over stovetop and grill alike and consumed of my own accord! I'm getting really good-Almost In-N-Out good!

    Dear MacDonald's,

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    2 comments · 53 views
  • 4 weeks
    Get out of here... S.T.A.L.K.E.R?

    A story from Nikolai's world, years in the making. While one Stalker ventures across the Equestrian Wasteland, another- back on Earth, seeks something else, but what?

    0 comments · 41 views
  • 11 weeks
    Happy National Cheeseburger Day!

    And, happy belated Constitution day. Sorry, I haven’t had the spare time to draw anything. I’ve been working on home life and new chapters.

    0 comments · 48 views
  • 19 weeks
    It's Been A Long Road...

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    2 comments · 88 views
  • 49 weeks
    Merry Christmas... And a Happy New Year!

    Yes, yes. John Lennon reference aside, I've improved a lot this year both Art and Writing wise.
    Here, have a speed drawn Aegis:

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    7 comments · 131 views

"A delinquent Pony crosses paths with a certain Stalker..." · 2:18am Oct 4th, 2023

Apologies for not uploading chapters as often, I've got things to attend to!

Comments ( 3 )

Know nothing of stalker.

Love Nicolai.

Seems an actual calm and reasonable dude given the setting, at least from this.

Forgive me if this question sounds weird... are you Ukrainian/Russian, do you know the language?

It's kind of funny that Nikolai speaks in "correctly" broken English while the narration uses more proper language, although his mixture of Russian and Ukrainian are broken too in places, but I can't figure out if that was done deliberately for comic or other purposes - we often mangle language semi-intentionally to sound silly. By "correctly" I mean it's quite correct pattern at least for a Russian who learnt English in midschool and then had only episodic practice thereafter - I used to be one so I can tell. One of examples is complete avoidance of indefinite articles where they had meaning of "one", that's a thing that never was correctly explained in school.

Funny thing I found that he uses the native, chiefly-British English term written in slavic - Хулиганi, obviosly pronounced in native way, in its original meaning in English, referring to raiders. Yeah, that's "hooligans", it's British where we got it from mid-20th century.

I'm part Ukrainian, mostly American. My translation skills aren't where I'd like them to be. Ukrainian is my second language so I often find myself calling family members over the phone just so I can spell certain things correctly, it's not a perfect solution unfortunately. The weird grammar is all intentional, for the most part.

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