• Member Since 7th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen 59 minutes ago


I've got ponies on the brain.

More Blog Posts31

  • 1 week
    Summer Update

    Well I've had a productive year so far. Yes, two stories totaling 2k words counts as productive for my standards. We all have to take what we can get. The important thing is that I have enjoyed what I have written, particularly the poetry. I had never thought much about writing poetry before so that project felt like it opened a door. I want to write more poetry. I have ideas for more pony

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  • 10 weeks
    Where'd You Come From? Where'd You Go?: A Little Mucking Around in Fimfiction Referrals

    I like to peek at the stats pages on my stories from time to time, especially at the referrals section. It's interesting to see where people are coming from.

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  • 11 weeks
    Tree and Poetree

    Hooray! There's nothing like that wonderful feeling of getting a new story out. Although the latest one isn't a story as such, but a bundle of poetry. Poetry as written by Fluttershy. This has been a fun little project. I had never done much with poetry either reading or writing, so it's been nice to stretch those muscles. And it does feel like mental stretching, trying to find words that not

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  • 14 weeks
    Heartbeat 2024-04-12

    Hello, I noticed it has been a few months since my last blog post so this is mostly just to say I’m still around. There was a time on this site when a gap of only a couple of months wouldn’t be anything to bat an eye at, when you could assume safely that a person was coming back. But in this era, you can’t quite take that for granted. Alas.

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  • 37 weeks
    Writin' in the Rain

    I see pumpkin spice get made fun of plenty. About five seconds on google got me a whole bunch of memes like this

    But you know what? Pumpkin spice is good actually. I like it.

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Con's Eve · 4:00am Aug 11th, 2023

I'm very excited to be at Everfree Northwest this weekend. The internet is great and all but doing pony stuff in real life is special fun. Come say hi!

Report axxuy · 66 views · #efnw
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