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"Rich parents are your best financial assets." -Sun Tsu, the Art of War.

More Blog Posts10

  • 63 weeks
    An experiment at Nightmare Night.

    give me your opinion of how this story should continue forward.

    weekly(s) release - Keep the current the same. consistency of each chapter release schedule and length over everything else.

    batch release - Release multiple chapters at the same time. Inconsistent and longer updates.

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    12 comments · 515 views
  • 65 weeks
    Review: Night Wing

    Warning: This review is unfinished and will remained as it is.
    I lose my motivation before finishing this review and left it in my private note for months only to decide to published it anyway.

    Spoiler warning: up to chapter Fiery Cycle

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    1 comments · 141 views
  • 71 weeks
    Story Outline of Nightmare Moon in the TARDIS

    I remembered there was something named "the children of Nightmare" mentioned in the time war, and I got an idea for a story about nightmare moon being a survivor of the great time war.

    This is story concept based on that idea.

    The Nightmare was that entity. It ran away from the center of the time war and landed on Equestria.

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    1 comments · 443 views
  • 75 weeks
    Change in the release schedule, and how this story move forward.

    I will be honest with you, most of the chapters you had been reading these past 3 weeks were chapters from my buffer, my backlogs of unreleased chapters that I had written more than a month ago...

    And I haven't been able to write a proper full chapter these past 3 weeks.

    I mean, I did have an idea where I want it to go next, but I didn't know how to implement it properly.

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    2 comments · 296 views
  • 76 weeks
    Story Outline of Nightmare Moon in MCU

    It’s the main plot of Nightmare Moon in Marvel Cinematic Universe ft. The Eminence in Shadow and Yamato

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    3 comments · 349 views

Story Outline of Nightmare Moon in MCU · 7:09pm Jul 28th, 2023

It’s the main plot of Nightmare Moon in Marvel Cinematic Universe ft. The Eminence in Shadow and Yamato

I do not think I can committed to this story, as I only care about MCU as a big picture. Ido not care about marvel charecters enough to write proper personality and web of relationships for them, so I will left it here, maybe someone will adopted it?

Spoiler alert: MCU phrase 1-3

The Avengers
Copy nearly everything this fanfic Avenging Nightmare
TLDR of that fanfic
1.Nightmare Moon failed into human world when tesseract open portal.
2.She under the care of SHIELD
3.She is the one who saved NYC from nuclear warhead, not stark.
4.Celestia gone daybreaker
What I want to change
1.Loki's mind control is sloppy because it's actually not Loki's magic. It's the mind stone's
2.Instead Nightmare Moon going in alone, she actually went in with iron man. tony stark still fearful of invading army like cannon.
3.Nightmare Moon, instead of being fearful of Thanos's war fleet, she fascinated by the beauty of nuclear explosion. You can say that she fell in love with the very concept explosion itself.
4.Nightmare Moon noticed that the scepter send of some kind of signal to space, so she placed a spell to disrupted it just in case, without telling anyone.

Character/World building filler arc
1.research magic with SHIELD
2.researh magic with stark
3.life on earth. Dealing with medias
4.slice of life romane(if you she has a partner)

Thor: Dark World
1.The Avengers(with Nightmare Moon) joined in with Thor when the portal to nine realms opened.
2.Nightmare Moon Destroy dark elves leader, 9th Doctor, with her strongest magic, "I am Atomic" decimated him and half of the dark elves army in one hit.

3.SHIELD's spellcaster units, trained by Nightmare Moon, joined in.
4.With these kind of threats, Asgard agreed to officially reopened borders between nine realms to strengthen ties between world.

Character/World building filler arc
1.avengers do avenger things
2.just adapt some random villians from comic books. Maybe AIM or Oscorp?
3.introduce more avenger if you want. Spiderman, antman, etc....

The Avengers: Age of Ultron
Copy nearly everything this fanfic Age of Charon
TLDR of that fanfic
1.Mindstone is being controlled remotely by thanos's servant. It asserted influence on the target, the order is to prepare earth for subjugation.
2.Loki was manipulated by mindstone. He want to be king of Asgard, not earth. fully committed to invade earth didn't make sense.
3.Ultron able to barely resisted the control. make plan to prepared earth to resisted against the invasion by united the world.
4.Ultron play two roles, the dangerous threat only know by Avengers and SHIELD, and human persona who is anti western imperialism.
5.Thor return to Asgard by order of his father, because now it's Midgard's politics.
6.Scarlet witch killed people, Ultron took the blame for himself
7.Ultron is more deranged by second as he losing control to his mind, his larping as villain also more deranged.
8.Scarlet witch/Quicksilver spooked and seek refuges with the Avengers, Captain America believed kids are innocent angels and vouched for them. Seeing Ultron as pure evil.
9.Captain America see the world as black and white. America is good, anything against it is evil, while other members of the teams thinks that Ultron's human persona has point, because ultron's talking point is logical.
10.Ultron setup Avengers to be scapgoats, as they ignore international treaty and any nation's soveignty, hunting down ultron.
11.Tony Stark boot up f.r.i.d.a.y. to replace j.a.r.v.i.s. he talk with pepper and accepted that he seen his AIs as his children.
12.j.a.r.v.i.s. come back in vision's body(no mindstone), he retained all of his memory. bonding with f.r.i.d.a.y., tony, and pepper as family. Tonny now believed that there's more to ultron than evil, as Jarvis noticed logical error in ultron's plan. It's like the body was a give to Jarvis.
13.ultron makes deal with thanos's servant to buy more time.
14.Tony and Jarvis tricked ultron to save Tony, to show that there's something good inside him.
15.thanos's servant noticed that he was being tricked, Ultron ran out of time and execute his final plan.
16.In sokovia, ultron's human persona making grand speech, the avengers, lead by captain America, ignore sokovia's request, ignore world's council's order, and landed. trying to arrest ultron's human persona.
17.ultron's human persona killed by winter solider, captain ran after the ghost of his husbando. Everyone capture the footage of the Avengers in crime scene.
18.final confrontation with ultron. he revealed the true reason.
19.he shown the true capability of the mindstone, before killing himself with it to protect earth(ripping heart out of tony lol).
20.aftermath, the truth came out that ultron never kills innocent. he took blame for Scarlet Witch.
21.Tony proud of his son's last act. Captain America's worldview collapse. the Avengers pretty much collapse.
22.The world united(somehow?)
What I want to change:
1.Set it to before Captain America: Winter soldier
2.Ultron is able to resisted mindstone's control not because he was an isekai human, but the spell placed on mindstone. And that Nightmare Moon actively mess with control signal.
3.add a scene for Nightmare Moon to use her beloved spell "I am Atomic"
4.Ultron actually dead.
5.instead of united, the world divided to two side: western power and the rest, lead by an African nation that no one heard of before, called Wakanda.

Character/World building filler arc
1.members of the avengers that still want to fight... do their thing.
2.many people hate the avengers
3.geopolitic. yay!
4.nightmare moon, recieve negative attentions, slowly spiral into depression.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
1.Set after age of ultron, not before like cannon.
2.Captain America is coping to himself, pretend everything is fine with the world.
3.The SHIELD Hydra now have access to magic.
4.Nightmare Moon and the gangs come in near the end. Too late to stop anything. The new magic enchanted helicarriers have friggin magical shield!
5.This left Nightmare Moon no choice but to use "I am all-range Atomic!" to destroy the helicarriers.

6.The blast of her magic destroyed a part of the city, killed some people, Nightmare Moon ran away from earth, become a fugitive in Asgard.
7.the world council, begrudgingly partially concedes the control of SHIELD to United Nations, by coercing from Asgard and other realms' governments.

Character/World building filler arc
1.Life in asgard
2.Nightmare Moon is still depressed but hopeful. New world and, another chance to started anew.
3.patrol realms that are under asgard's protection. Doing hero things.
4.If you want a magic academy arc, here's your chance to let's Nightmare Moon joined as either a teacher or a student.
5.romance with love interest of your choosing if you wish.
6.beach episode
7.training arc, with medieval magical weapons.
8.space fantasy rich merchant caravan got attack by goblins ice giants.
(Asgard is basically a peaceful(lol) warrior island nation, but in space. They only need soy sauce and katana sword to complete that package.)

Guardians of the Galaxy
1.Nightmare Moon wandering around knowwhere with Thor, they are searching for other infinity stone.
2.They met the Guardian of Galaxy in knowhere. killed the collector with "I am heat seeking Atomic!"
3.random space adventure subplot
4.They got called by the Guardian of Galaxy, go to planet Xandar, core imperial of xandar empire, the homeworld of NOVA galactic police force, killed ronan with "I am concentrated Atomic!"
5.Seeing the strength of Nightmare Moon and fearful, xandar empire wanted to contained her, issued galaxy-wide arresting warrant, marked her as a monster.
6.Asgard can do nothing but complied to the stronger empire, cut all ties with her.
7.Yondu accepted peter as his son
8.Nightmare Moon, now lose her home, no more place to return, stole a kree's warship, ronan's ship, as her own. marked as a space pirate.
9.She is absolutely devasted, her only goal in life now is trying to find equss. Maybe, just, maybe, she will found a place she belonged.

Character/World building filler arc
1.spaceship battles!
2.space pirates!
3.space bounty hunter!
4.space mercenary!
5.Nightmare Moon, the captain of space warship, Moonbeam. Why called it Moon'beam'?
6.because she can uses "I am atomic reactor!" to "wave motion cannon. Huzzah!"

7.with the true anti material cannon(like delete atoms from plane of existance) in her posession, she can keep herself safe.
8.emo edgelord depressed Nightmare Moon, listen to linkin park and kills random space NAZIs. Occasionally work together with the Guardian of Galaxy
9.romance subplot?

Equestria arc
1.random event with the Guardian of Galaxy. show strength of Nightmare Moon's fully automated magic enchanted warship.
2.The real reason the Guardian of Galaxy is with her is because they don't want her to be alone with how bad her mental state is, and Rocket want free spare parts for the Milano
3.find planet Equss, stop daybreaker.
4.Nightmare Moon use "I am healing Atomic!" to repair Equestria as much as possible.
5.She now hailed as a hero in her homeworld, but she know her job is not finished yet, not until the defeat of mad titan, Thanos.
6.Resistance leaders, Princess Cadance and Sunset Shimmer, take care of Equestria, while Celestia was sent to space with Nightmare Moon to let things cool down.
7.Captain America: Civil War happened in the background, conflict is between Current world order and the alliance lead by King T'chala of Wakanda, the World council is exposed and subsequently assassinated by the reformed captain America who no longer view everything as pure good and evil, Captain America and his friends went into hiding and marked as terrorists.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
1.Bonding between Nightmare Moon and Celestia, as the Guardians bonding with each others.
2.the Guardian of Galaxy lurking in much more comfortable and bigger Nightmare Moon's ship.
3.meet peter's biological father. The living planet celestial.
4.Nightmare Moon used "I am continental Atomic!" and able to runaway, because her wave motion cannon can only destroy a small continent, it's too weak to take on a planet-sized celestial.
5.They come back with the elements of harmony.
6.Rainbow laser of Absolute destruction reformed peter's dad.
7.the elements of harmony revealed to be starswirl's attempted to replicated infinity stones, peter's dad theorized.
8.Now the Guardian of Galaxy(+yondu+peter's dad) are one big family

Thor: Ragnarok
1.Nightmare Moon got called by Asgard
2.Asgard attacked by undead army lead by thor's secret blood-related big sister, the bootleg-maleficent.
3.Asgard got support from other realms to fought against the bootleg-maleficent. She cannot use her wave motion cannon, not without wiping out asgard out of existance too.
4.Thor come back with his new friends, the Valkyries, and got his sith lighting power things.
5.Nightmare Moon use "I am temporal Atomic!" to stop Asgard from collapse.
6.Now Asgard and the rest of nine realms ignore Xandar empire's order.
7.Doctor Strange happened in the background.

Xandar's invasion arc
1.one after another, Xandar's NOVA ships that was sent to invade nine realms got blow up.
2.After so many failed, the embodiment of NOVA force, the the culmination of all knowledge of xandarian civilization, their master computer, the World minds, send in their main invading force and successfully destroy all the worlds.
3.Doctor Strange turn back time. send the surviving Avengers, including Nightmare Moon, back in time.
4.They work together with their past selves, the nine realms army, and peter's dad, the living planet, to invade the heart of Xandar empire, planet Xandar, to find the master computer that was the center of NOVA Force and shut it down.
5.NOVA is energy fuel that was powered the whole xander civilization distributed directly to planets and spacestations directly from planet xandar, by the world mind, the energy only existed in the plane of reality because the world mind existed, and vice versa(yes, that's cannon marvel lore), the computer was a supercomputer that contained all data that the xandarian civilization ever had access to, including data in the brain of dead xanderian people. the artificial intelligence that called itself world mind was the afterlife of xanderians, as it was made from memories and neural mapping of xanderians, some parts of the AI even powered by real brain tissue.
6.the core of Planet Xandar itself is the master computer. the world mind, told them "For your transgression, We will hunted you down, there's nowhere left to run". The Two Nightmare Moon said "who's the one running?" They used "I am Atomic: The fun has been Double!" to destroyed it, The planet collapse into itself, marked the end of whole xadarian civilization, as the main energy supply that powered everything, NOVA force, suddenly cut off.

6.They returned back to the future, memories merged with current timeline, find out that not only they have succeed, somehow nine realms filled in the power gaps of collapse xandar empire, along with the kree who side with them, because pretty much scare shitless.
7.Planet Equss joined in as the tenth realm.
8.Now all ten realms working together to adapt Nightmare Moon's wave motion cannon for mass production. Prepare themselves for eventual confrontation with the mad titan.
9.Doctor Strange brings the peter's mom back from the past the moment she was killed to says their last goodbye.
10.Mabe also give Tony and Ultron a last goodbye too.

Avengers: Infinity War
1.Now it's actual a fucking war, a universe-spanning war. Centillion of mad titan's supercarriers, each contained quadrillion of warships, send across the universe tasked to destroy half of all lifes in existance.
2.The avengers, the Guardian of Galaxy, the unified army of ten realms, peter's planet-sized celestial daddy, kree empire, the scavenger. Billion of warships, fought against Thanos's endless army.

3.they foud a galaxy that was hidden from deep space scanner, no one cannot warp in, and the galaxy itself is capable of FTL travel, turned out it's Thanos's flagship.
4.The titan turned a whole galaxy into his war machine, his mothership, the power that can kill mildly strong celestials.
5.They fought against thousand of thanos' solar system's sized supercarriers. Long mission spaceships that carried the sun and planets inside it for power source and resource extraction.

6.They found starswirl's blueprint on the element of harmony, reverse engineered it.
7.when the elements were fired together with wave motion cannon, it amplify power! Enough to wipe a solar system out in one shot.

8.they now go on full offensive, to the center of galaxy, to that massive blackhole, where the mothership's command center resided.
7.killed of any characters you want, here.
8.the avengers in this arc are very strong. Ironman can fire wave motion cannon from his hand repulsers, hulk, with banner's mind and access to magic, can destroy the moon with a single handclapped. Hawkeyes got heimdall's eye, he can shot a person on warping spaceship from anywhere in the universe, and have an arrow from the collecter's collection that piece though target instantly it was fired and return to owner.
8.turned out the mothership is thanos! T.H.A.N.O.S. is a self-adaptive life support system made by an ancient organization called D.E.A.T.H. tasked to preserved its master's civilization as long as possible.
9.It failed its task. Its master's civilization wiped itself. It then tasked itself to preserved other civilizations, and somehow learned of the only method that work: keep overall biomass from reaching critical mass. It found infinity stones, and want to use that power to protect all civilizations in universe... from themselves.
10.They have to destroy the massive black hole somehow to fully shutdown T.H.A.N.O.S.
11.synchonized the fleet of wave motion warships with her horn, Nightmare Moon casts her grand spell, the power that can destroy a galaxy! "I am cosmic atomic!"

1.Earth and Equss started process to transition to one-state planet like the rest of realms.
2.Guardian of the Galaxy basically got adopted by Peter's two dads, biological and adoptive, they constantly blame each others and try to made up for their lose childhood time by treated peter as a child.
3.Thor and Loki share throne as the diarch of the Asgard. Odin stepped down.
4.Tony go on space vacation with his AIs family
5.Captain America remained on earth to train next generation of avengers
6.Doctor Strange's secret organization become interplanetary magical threat prevention organization.
7.Nightmare Moon, now one of equestria princess, got the admiration and respect that she want in the first place, not only from the ponies, but from all over the galaxy, as the strongest avenger, the magi of atomic. Fin

End credit
1. Discord, with help of the watcher, went onto multiverse.
2. Nightmare Moon create a new school, the academy of explosives. From magic spells to cutting edge fusion bomb, there are classes for every kind of explosions, because everyone's explosion is unique.
3.Time Variance Authority want to reset the skewed timeline of this AU, but before they can do anything. Bombs goes off, people got killed. Turned out they got invaded by the remnant of SHIELD, lead by Nick Fury himself. "A change in management is in needed, the SHIELD is back, baby!"

you can add a romantic partner to Nightmare Moon, most characters will do the job.

Comments ( 3 )

This was amazing, just to read this outline. Please, please someone make this!

Well, seeing as you're also a writer, I could help you write this story... ponies part only.

I didn't care enough about marvel stuffs to be able to decently emulated their characters properly. Glorified cardboard cutout of personality traits they will become if I were to write about them.

Afraid I'd do much the same, as I failed to keep up with all the movies.

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